Banning smoking in beer gardens

Only 12% of UK adults smoke, 88% are non-smokers.

Allowing smoking in pubs would be a great way to close pubs as it would just drive the majority of pub-goers (the non-smokers) away.

Pubs are struggling to survive as it is, pissing off 88% of their customers won't help. Most pubs would probably close within 3 months if they allowed smoking inside the pub.

88% of their customers aren't complaining or pissed off with it though, who counted hands?

There should be a place in pubs or outside them that is a smoking area, if a non smoker ventures there then that's on them isn't it?
Only 12% of UK adults smoke, 88% are non-smokers.

Allowing smoking in pubs would be a great way to close pubs as it would just drive the majority of pub-goers (the non-smokers) away.

Pubs are struggling to survive as it is, pissing off 88% of their customers won't help. Most pubs would probably close within 3 months if they allowed smoking inside the pub.

I struggle to believe those percentages.
88% of their customers aren't complaining or pissed off with it though, who counted hands?

There should be a place in pubs or outside them that is a smoking area, if a non smoker ventures there then that's on them isn't it?
Or, just let the pubs decide?
No-smoking anywhere pubs v smoke in the garden pubs and people can vote with their feet.
12.9% to be fair, so that's more like 13%.

Percentages aren't the point though, how many smokers/vapers go to the pub compared to non smokers and vapers.

Say there were 2 pub gardens, that still wouldn't be enough for the anti smoking Mary Whitehouses.
If a pub for smokers opened you know you'd get people who would complain about people smoking in it :)
already gavw my opion in the politics forum but brielfy as a non smoker I think beer gardens having a smoking area shoud stay in some form, and banning it from premisses of certain worlplaces will increase skiving as smokers need spend longer getting back from a fag break.

Targeting stopping the next generation taking up the habit is of more important focus.

Personaly is if I was banning anything from pubs it would be kids under 14, especially kids in prams/pushchairs.
As a publican, I agree that we should not be smoking around children. I also think smoking around people who are eating is not great. I am hoping the smoking ban will not be enforced in beer gardens where there is no food served and where children are not allowed in the pub.
Let’s make wet led pubs adult spaces only.

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