Banning smoking in beer gardens

Think everybody is getting a bit ahead of themselves. The only thing, that I’ve seen at least, that they’ve actually said so far, is they’re going to be looking into smoking in outdoor environments.

It’s a fair assumption that beer gardens will be one of the things they’re looking at. But a bit pointless getting outraged until they specify exactly what legislation they’re looking to bring in.
If there’s a smoking area, which is downwind then that’s fine, but beer gardens are not smoking areas. They are outside spaces where I can enjoy a pint in the glorious British summer, and should be able to do that without getting more than the odd intake of second hand smoke.
What is your view on vapes? I can't stand being covered in a Strawberry Choclate cloud and yet they are not covered.
If we ban smoking because it's dangerous, let's ban hiking and any form of water sports (even that kind) as they put volunteers at risk.
Why not have a motorway speed limit of 50mph. I could go on its a step to far. I love the pub, they will close.
Surely people will just leave the pub premises to smoke? Most of my locals here don’t have gardens and that’s what they do now.

I have followed smoking friends in to gardens before but not particularly noticed the smell during or after.

I’d strongly encourage smokers to pack the habit in. It’s awful.
I think this is taking things a step too far, I smoke (and have done for over 50 years and having paid all the ludicrous tax hikes and rather than being a bloody burden on the NHS I think I've contributed more than enough!) and am aware it's not healthy but where is the freedom of choice? I still maintain that pubs should be able to allow smoking inside the pub never mind the beer gardens. No-one is umaware of the health risks so if a pub chooses to allow smoking and people don't like it then go elsewhere to a pub that doesn't allow it?
Driving is dangerous (for innocent pedestrians as well as drivers), when are we going to ban cars and buses?
It infuriates me that one hand we have shop lifting being given the green light thanks to the police ignoring it and people convicted of knife crime etc getting an automatic 50% off etc etc etc plus billions of pounds to pay benefits to people who've never contributed taxes we have the time and money to try and stop people having a smoke in the open air!!
Is it really a free choice when it's an addictive substance? I'm an ex smoker btw sorry if I seem preachy
I think this is taking things a step too far, I smoke (and have done for over 50 years and having paid all the ludicrous tax hikes and rather than being a bloody burden on the NHS I think I've contributed more than enough!) and am aware it's not healthy but where is the freedom of choice? I still maintain that pubs should be able to allow smoking inside the pub never mind the beer gardens. No-one is umaware of the health risks so if a pub chooses to allow smoking and people don't like it then go elsewhere to a pub that doesn't allow it?
Driving is dangerous (for innocent pedestrians as well as drivers), when are we going to ban cars and buses?
It infuriates me that one hand we have shop lifting being given the green light thanks to the police ignoring it and people convicted of knife crime etc getting an automatic 50% off etc etc etc plus billions of pounds to pay benefits to people who've never contributed taxes we have the time and money to try and stop people having a smoke in the open air!!
They’re all very different issues though.

A driver who drives safely, sticking to the laws of he road and never causes harm to anyone else in his car is doing nothing wrong. But if he causes harm to others through his driving will likely be charged with a crime.
Someone with a knife that self harms only harms themselves, but if he started harming others with the knife he’d likely be charged for a crime.

But your smoking inside pubs may have caused a non-smoking barman’s death from lung cancer that he got from passively inhaling your cigarettes for years for all you know, and that doesn’t see you charged with a crime.

The way they got you to stop harming others was by banning smoking inside pubs. For that alone it was absolutely right for the smoking ban to be introduced.

Even as an ex-smoker, and even at the time I smoked, if someone said there was going to be a worldwide ban on cigarettes, I’d have supported it.
If cigs hadn’t been invented yet and someone suggested introducing them for the first time in history tomorrow, they’re that bad for us they’d never be allowed to introduce them.

Cigs are worse for us than many banned drugs are. Cannabis, mushrooms, lsd and many other drugs are actually beneficial to us in many ways. There is nothing at all beneficial to us in a cigarette.

As for the ban in the open air - smokers are burdening the NHS. Dealing with ailments from smoking costs the NHS £2.6bn a year, and there are around 80,000 smoking related deaths (Manchester being the highest in the country) a year. Imagine how much better than NHS would be if cigs didn’t exist.
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There is another way the government could be looking at this. Allow people to do what they like with their bodies, whether that be smoking, drug taking, drinking excessively or eating crap.
However, if you become ill because of your lifestyle choices, you have to pay for your own medical care rather than assume the NHS will look after you.
Vapes are literally the smoking gun at the moment. Hate the thought of my lad vaping (if he is)

I can't see how filling your lungs daily and repeatedly with steam, let alone with added 'flavourings' and feck knows what else, can be anything but bad for you long term?

I hope for the sake of those doing so, especially so many young teens and kids that like tobacco, that down the line its found to have very serious health issues.
Always remember, tobacco was advertised as good for you and endorsed by actual doctors in the 40's/50's. :-(
I think this is taking things a step too far, I smoke (and have done for over 50 years and having paid all the ludicrous tax hikes and rather than being a bloody burden on the NHS I think I've contributed more than enough!) and am aware it's not healthy but where is the freedom of choice? I still maintain that pubs should be able to allow smoking inside the pub never mind the beer gardens. No-one is umaware of the health risks so if a pub chooses to allow smoking and people don't like it then go elsewhere to a pub that doesn't allow it?
Driving is dangerous (for innocent pedestrians as well as drivers), when are we going to ban cars and buses?
It infuriates me that one hand we have shop lifting being given the green light thanks to the police ignoring it and people convicted of knife crime etc getting an automatic 50% off etc etc etc plus billions of pounds to pay benefits to people who've never contributed taxes we have the time and money to try and stop people having a smoke in the open air!!

I was nodding until you said inside then you lost me:-)

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