Banning smoking in beer gardens

It was 2005, these exact same discussions were being had, almost word for word (minus the vaping sideshow).

Those that resist any kind of change were bleating on about freedom of speech, the right to destroy your own health, nanny states, whataboutery, obesity, alcohol, and how an upcoming smoking ban would destroy the pubs and hospitality as an industry.

Having seen similar bans successful applied to offices, hospitals, flights, trains, etc. With the same discussions each decade.

Pubs thrived, health improved, staff are happier, and there has been a reduction in the percentage of the population smoking. Just like they did with every other ban.

It is 2024. Are people STILL that fucking antiquated? It is smoking ffs, there is no good to it. There never was.

I am all for it. If it is a step closer incrementally getting rid of smoking altogether, fucking amazing. If not, it will make outdoor spaces far more pleasant, safe and desirable in the meantim. Might give some smokers the encouragement they need to quit altogether, might give others something to complain about, eventually they will settle into smoking less by default. The troglodytes will bemoan and pound their chests from the side, but whatever, society has always had those layers of selfishness and always will. If it comes in, it will be great, and in a decade we can add it to the list of smoking bans that people were wrong about.
I do mate although (Hold onto your hat) I am now contactless mainly because I might fancy some chips at the Etihad.

I heard they’re banning chips as it could influence kids into becoming obese

The nanny state is replacing them for carrot sticks next season and if you want chips you have to get them from an unbranded special counter and eat them in the south stand toilets with all the other chip addicts, breathing your filthy chip breath all over the children
I heard they’re banning chips as it could influence kids into becoming obese

The nanny state is replacing them for carrot sticks next season and if you want chips you have to get them from an unbranded special counter and eat them in the south stand toilets with all the other chip addicts, breathing your filthy chip breath all over the children

I support that ban, nobody likes fat kids.
People are only just starting to get annoyed with terms like this even though they have been around absolutely ages, demeaning their description is a silencing tactic.

Think we all knew what the term meant, thanks. It was the knee-jerk application that got the reaction. It's not like they proposed bubblewrapping pillow corners. You would be surprised at how many people would welcome this.
It was 2005, these exact same discussions were being had, almost word for word (minus the vaping sideshow).

Those that resist any kind of change were bleating on about freedom of speech, the right to destroy your own health, nanny states, whataboutery, obesity, alcohol, and how an upcoming smoking ban would destroy the pubs and hospitality as an industry.

Having seen similar bans successful applied to offices, hospitals, flights, trains, etc. With the same discussions each decade.

Pubs thrived, health improved, staff are happier, and there has been a reduction in the percentage of the population smoking. Just like they did with every other ban.

It is 2024. Are people STILL that fucking antiquated? It is smoking ffs, there is no good to it. There never was.

I am all for it. If it is a step closer incrementally getting rid of smoking altogether, fucking amazing. If not, it will make outdoor spaces far more pleasant, safe and desirable in the meantim. Might give some smokers the encouragement they need to quit altogether, might give others something to complain about, eventually they will settle into smoking less by default. The troglodytes will bemoan and pound their chests from the side, but whatever, society has always had those layers of selfishness and always will. If it comes in, it will be great, and in a decade we can add it to the list of smoking bans that people were wrong about.
Pubs thrived?? Lol. I guess you just don't go in many pubs. The UK lost thousands of pubs after the smoking ban was introduced.
Think we all knew what the term meant, thanks. It was the knee-jerk application that got the reaction. It's not like they proposed bubblewrapping pillow corners. You would be surprised at how many people would welcome this.

To be fair there is a whole lot of difference between knowing what it means and accepting it's a real thing.

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