Barcelona H CL Pre match thread {merged}

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This has to be it:


We can afford to sit Jovetic, Dzeko and Garcia. But not starting any of the above (minus MDM) would be a huge mistake.
If Messi scores an absolute worldy,,,,,

Do you think as a City fan you could stand up and applaud him?

I think I might just because he is probably the best player the world as ever seen and he plays the game in the right manner.
I also think that if more than a few of us did it it may show Messi that as a club and fans we have some class despite the way the media has portrayed us as classless chavs who are worse than Chelsea.

These are the sort of games where the whole world is watching and we can show everyone we are nothing like the rags and there is only one team in Manchester
Richard said:
As a 25 year old, most of my memories of watching City have been shit ones. Defeats at home to the likes of Oxford and Mansfield still leave me in cold sweats.

Coinciding at a time when United were having their most succesful spell ever, School wasn't the best.

What did you get up to last night, Rich? Watched us get twatted by Preston. You? Oh you watched United beat Juventus in the Champions League. ....

But you know what? I wouldn't change it for the world.

Tonight, Manchester City, our Manchester City, play Barcelona. And I just can't get my head around that.

Whatever happens tonight, even if we go two down after ten minutes, let show everyone why our club is so special. Forget the Hamburg atmosphere, lets top it.

Come on you blues!!!

That's brilliant Richard.

You have captured so much of the emotion of this occasion. It goes without saying that when you look around you tonight every Blue will be feeling the same feelings.

It's an old cliche that a person needs to experience the lows in order to truly experience the highs. So it goes with every City supporter.

Enjoy and savour the magic of the moment. Accept whatever happens in good spirit.

This is a night to truly embrace the emergence of the new City.
2 tickets for tonights game: I have 2 tickets to Man City V Barcelona for sale, they are South Stand East Corner. I am based in Henley On Thames (RG91EY). If you would like to buy them and pick them up please contact me. Mark - 07767336916
Re: If Messi scores an absolute worldy,,,,, said:
Do you think as a City fan you could stand up and applaud him?

I think I might just because he is probably the best player the world as ever seen and he plays the game in the right manner.
I also think that if more than a few of us did it it may show Messi that as a club and fans we have some class despite the way the media has portrayed us as classless chavs who are worse than Chelsea.

These are the sort of games where the whole world is watching and we can show everyone we are nothing like the rags and there is only one team in Manchester
Messi - believes in the agenda.
Been a fan for almost 20 years now, never registrered here, but today makes me emotional. We are playing Barcelona, facing Messi(!!!), one of the best every, I just cant believe my luck. Cant wait for this game to start, see us fight for posession, counter them, watch Messi and Iniesta coming at our defense at full speed... Shit this is going to be great!!! I just hope when we play an open game we can stop those two
Game of the season so far imo.
I know everybody is more than excited and probably most of the things have already been said.

However, i feel Kompany would be a key factor if we need to get the better of Barca. Needs to keep the defence organised and i hope he is in the same mood as he was against Chelsea.

A lot of fight is going to be in the midfield for possession probably, so hard to predict how the game would go. Looking forward to the battle
Toure, Silva, Nasri vs Busquets, Xavi, Iniesta

Aguero is such a miss(( and how i hoped Neymar would miss this game. I pray atleast Dinho can make it to our starting XI

We must beat them with atleast a 2 goal difference if we have to make it to the next round, hard to predict how it would be in Camp Nou.

we will win this. we have good players and they have good players. what they don't have is pelligrini, their manager knows fuck all about us whereas pelli knows them inside out. he'll know every players weakness and strength. I trust him on this.
It's funny to think how far we have come.

Was at work the other day and all the rags could talk about is the stadium expansion and our so called empty seats.

Wow...tonight (Whatever happens)This is a day as a 40yr old that I could only have ever dreamed of. To think we were playing 3rd tier football 15yrs ago.

Makes me a little emotional to think the club that we have all invested our time,passion,money in is where it is and only going to get better. I am looking forward to seeing the worlds greatest player at the Etihad tonight and I will applaud him.

Come on City tonight,just do us all proud.
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