Barcelona H CL Pre match thread {merged}

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well tonight is the night, never in my wildest dreams did i even think of us facing the mighty barca in the CL many moons ago. but times have changed, we have changed and now become like barca in a way as we feared by most teams.

hoping for a total specticular game tonight and show the world that from now on its the mighty city you all should fear.

seriously though, hoping for a stonker of a game, score wise, 3-2 for us
TV3 is a catalan station, they have it right 99% of the time. Controversy in Catalunya as well, they usually ask them not to release the lineup. I'm afraid we are playing like this, more defensive than I wished for
It's fantastic to see us play Barcelona tonight, especially for the ones who came through the dark years like myself. I will never forget them and they have formed me in to the City-fan I am nowadays, always reckognizing where we come from and being respectfull towards other teams and especially their fans.

Yes we play Barcelona. But we have seen many big teams visiting our stadium lately (Bayern. Real, Ajax, Dortmund). We have had 3 years of (unsuccesfull) CL-experience, we have grown as a club and we play the best football this season ever witnessed at our club. We should not fear anyone, especially at home. Barcelona might be favourites, we are more than capable of giving them on hell of a game and eventually knock them out. I fear their attacking strenght and their players falling over like autumn leaves, influencing the referee. They however will fear our attacking strenght and physical power, knowing what we can do to teams who fail to play to the limit. It'll be a cracking game.
welsh_andy said:
well tonight is the night, never in my wildest dreams did i even think of us facing the mighty barca in the CL many moons ago. but times have changed, we have changed and now become like barca in a way as we feared by most teams.

hoping for a total specticular game tonight and show the world that from now on its the mighty city you all should fear.

seriously though, hoping for a stonker of a game, score wise, 3-2 for us

Within a year we have witnessed the 3 players voted the best in the world within a year Ribery, tranny and Messi.

Whatever the score we have arrived.
Hello to everyone from Moscow fan)

I've been delighted to watch and support Pellegrini's Real Madrid, so stupid they never gave him another season, the style of play was beautifull, than Malaga when they destroy hated Zenith and almost got into semi finals, now City ... To be honest I knew he will succeed but I didn't thought he will manage to do it in the first season straight from the start, it's truly amazing ...

I think the only team that can match City on full strength is Bayern, it will be amazing final ... By the way did you realize that Lisbon is really close to Malaga so it will be pretty familiar to Manuel, want to think of this as a good sign))

As for Barca, there's no longer Guardiola's passion in these team and we can only lose if we lose to ourselves here, on full strength City should crash this Barca team which is only capable of trashing Rayo Velicanos, but teams with strong character defeat them, who really give them a fight, like Atletico Madrid (away), Atletic Bilbao (away), Osasuna (away), Ajax (away), Valencia (home) Celtic ( away, almost if not that red card on diver Neymar) ...

Let's just prepare for trully satisfying win today, let's play like our best game so far vs Arsenal, and we'll trash them even if it'll be 6:3 !!!

I would go with such team:

- HART -







By the way guys you are so lucky, in Moscow all CL games start at 23:45, no way to sleep afterwards, and more hours to wait for it ....

COME BLOODY ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Relax everybody, we've beaten them before, we can do it again!
uwe rosler 28 said:
MrsJackson said:

Hope this is wrong need navas and clichy in this team

-- Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:41 am --

MrsJackson said:

Hope this is wrong need navas and clichy in this team
Agree about Clichy, who is playing excellently at the moment, but if Nasri is fit enough he should be playing over Navas as he's a far better player.
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