Barcelona Vs City CL 2nd leg Post Match Thread

Irwell said:
Too many people on here seem to think that was a really good performance, but it wasn't. Barcelona were playing within themselves for most of the game, scored both goals at precisely the times they needed to in order to keep things under control and could easily have run away with it. To cap things off, we have multiple players missing our next European games.

It was tactical naivety from the management team and I think it will end up costing the team dearly. As much as I don't want it to happen, I think it will cost us our confidence, it will cost us the league and ultimately I wouldn't be shocked if it cost Pellegrini his job.

Dont be so stupid. How narrow minded, the management if they had any common sense and arent living in the clouds will have realised the tie was realistically over after the first leg. So will the players.

Theyre also professionals, put in a damned good, yet unlucky, performance and will move on.
Let's hope Aguero ain't too bad and take some of that fighting spirit into the final games. Did us proud boys! Ref did us no favours. Barca fans shitter at home than they were away!
I never thought we'd get anything from that, but right now I'm gutted. We played well tonight, and the way the game went was just do frustrating.

The quality of refereeing in this competition really should be looked at.
Can we please not have the "we was robbed" stuff? We were not robbed at all. Both teams got their fair share of shit decisions from a shit ref but Barca took their chances and we didn't. End of story.
Re: Barcelona Vs City CL 2nd leg Post Match Thre

Well done Zabba. Hope you told him what I wanted to tell him. UCL is crap, only useful for the money.
Just as suspected, and it leaves an even bitterer taste in the mouth with regards to the Wigan game. We put all our efforts into chasing a game that was lost weeks ago, and the end result is we're out of two competitions in the space of a few days and our players will be absolutely fucked for the game against Hull.
We got our priorities completely fucking wrong, and it could very well fuck up our domestic season.

With regards the game, I though the ref was fucking atrocious, for both teams. Sending Zabba off was a joke. When was the last time you saw a player given a second yellow for dissent ? Made even worse because if the blind **** had seen it was a stone wall pen, it wouldn't have happened.
Ref was awful but it was not the reason we lost.

You cannot waste gilt edged chances against them and that's exactly what Nasri and Zabaleta did.

It was a game effort but at 3-0 down with 30 to go we really should be conserving energy.

We have to beat a hull but 60 hrs after that energy sapping performance it isn't going to be easy.
Ali Benarbia said:
sh249 said:
Cheated out of it, excellent performance. Proud of the lads.

Kompany outstanding, Silva excellent. And Dzeko was again very good when he came on. Looks like we might need him over the coming few weeks ...
Not cheated out of it at all. Best team won, clear as day.

Not sure anyone really bit while you were wumming on the match thread, not sure anyone will now either

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