Barceloneta Beach Party

For those that are going watch out for the Pickpocketers on La Rambles. I have been there many a time with work and they are rife. Would love to go. The misses has mentioned it also but it is my dream to see City play Barca in the champions league. So that is what I am aiming for
mancitymick said:
For those that are going watch out for the Pickpocketers on La Rambles. I have been there many a time with work and they are rife. Would love to go. The misses has mentioned it also but it is my dream to see City play Barca in the champions league. So that is what I am aiming for
YYou can muged robbed pickpocketed any where .Favourite not to leave your brains at home when abroad
Re: The pickpockets in Barca, particularly Las Ramblas (L.R.)

I know two lads who have been in the last three months. Both are well travelled and neither are wet behind the ears. I warned both about L.R. before they went.

One of them, a 24 year old and his mate, heavily outnumbered had a knife pulled on them and lost a mobile, Euros etc.

The same thing almost happenned to another guy and his girl (you'll know him from Pendlebury News, Don). Fortunately, he knew what was coming and didn't let the prostitutes,pimps & thieves crowd round him. A lucky escape by all accounts.

I was speaking to a lad who watched Celtic with his girl a few years ago. Trust me there was 5/6 handy lads in their group and they almost got utnumbered and trapped down an alleyway off L.R.

It's well documented to be vigilant about watching valuables. Therefore the pickpockets are turning increasingly violent to have people over.

Last thing I want to do is scaremonger, but be really, really careful, especially round Las Ramblas. Some of these people have no morals whatsoever and will see us as rich pickings after dark.
Thanks for the Warning .Same can & Did Happen ,Hamburg .Amsterdam .ect I got robbed in my hotel room in A/Dam when watching England play 5-6 years ago . .Was comotosed at the time (well hotel might have been stretching the imagination to far ) but it was a room .When Watching City in Hamburg 6 years ago i was in Burger King 11 am with my wife & two lads when a group came in & twatted me . cos i had a City Shirt on .Shit happens every where . Dont think any one is going to get mugged on Barcelonetts Beach Though .Any Side Street is dodgy & Las Rambles ain the nicest of places to go at the best of time
scall1 said:

Get in
Where would you rather Be .? Barcolenta Beach here we come

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