Basic manners, keyboard warriors etc

I didn't say that, typically you put words into someone else's mouth despite PB knowing himself that it was offensive you claim that anyone taking offence is "faux", why don't you just re-lube and jog on yourself troll.

One more and I'll report you.
Report me for questioning your posts?

So you honestly found it offensive and couldn't see it as a poor ironic joke? Honestly?
I imagine those few pages were the result of knowing his card was getting marked and he chose as so many of his comrades did, to go out in a blaze of inanity rather than holding a scrap of dignity.

The ultra ultra partisan types who point blank refuse to have a decent discussion have been slowly getting weeded out since the election either by reigning it in as some have done or exile as others have chosen. Im sure there will be more to come over the weeks and months

Fucking sickening.
Who the fuck do you think you are?
I agree it's a shame that there seem to be fewer left wing voices on here these days, as a Labour voter myself, but it's certainly not a conscious decision. Most have left of their own volition, for whatever reason. People say that we've allowed certain things to fester, but if people aren't reporting posts/posters who break the rules then they will often get missed. It's less use bemoaning what the forum has become if you're unwilling to be pro-active in addressing any issues.

I very rarely let emotion get in the way of posting. I've done it maybe twice, and both I think were with the same person and its not right of me. But, even as a weary observer, the change in this forum seems huge.

There was a time when absolutely everything could be, it seemed, discussed intelligently. Now these same threads are void of discussion, or reason. You only need to look into threads around the time of the girls going to syria, to see this forum has allowed a state of perpetual anger. Either that, or cat gifs. I understand that calling someone a **** is bad form. But if some of the hatred that seems to go on here warrants it, in all honesty. Some of the posts I've seen where people have lost their rag, honestly, the posters should have been called a ****.

Its just so depressing, I can't bring myself to read most of the political threads these days.

I don't know who all of the moderators are, I don't have a particular axe to grind with any of them, but it seems like personal abuse on this board is the greater of most evils. And when that perception exists, the perception that hatred, xenophobia etc. are allowed to exist on this board will remain. What I mean is, if someone is called a ****, for posting some of the posts I've read and that still exist on here, then it is the lesser of the two wrongs. The fact that these vile posts remain on this forum, makes it seem like an official stance.

now that may be right or wrong, I don't know because I probably don't spend enough time on here to truly comment. But one can see how that view can come about.

I think, personally, it is a big enough issue to discuss the way these topics are moderated. I know they can't catch everything, but I think the (what I perceive to be) xenophobia, ignorance, and sometimes out right racism, should be dealt with swiftest and hardest, and it doesn't always look that way.

Secondly, there have always been two sides to this forum. Those who want to have serious discussions, and those who want to have it as more of a social environment for them to have fun.

Both are fine, but I think often the more serious topics get dragged off topic, it would be good if the two could remain apart, in my opinion.

Of course, as we keep seeing posted this isn't a democracy, and its my tuppence. I enjoy reading the threads here and I won't be discouraged from posting, but as a fair warning, the standards here have plummeted, the debate has plummeted, and I don't think it is a good representation of us as a fan base.
Is this the annual 'the forum isn't what it was a few years back' thread that has been going on since 2009 to my knowledge?
This is completely at odds with my perception of what the forum has become.

I believe myself to be impartial. Out of everyone who has been banned/left, the only person I've ever shared a pm with was rascal. And that happened maybe three times.

What has actually happened is that the majority of left wing posters have gone and with them the discussions and debates that made this particular forum fantastic.

We are left with a bunch of back slapping and hurrarhing from supposed right wingers. It's not a place for debate and discussion any more. It's either shit threads with no substance or its a group of the same faces wanting death on Muslims. Even if one doesn't find it racist, it's vile.

There was a time if a pertinent issue came up, we were able to debate the cause. Now it's pages of bloodlust.

This culture has been allowed to fester here, and quite honestly it's disgusting.

It's not just Muslims. The economics thread further down. There's no discussion, no debate, no interest because one half of the debate is gone. Ealing blue and a few others do their best, but they're fighting against a crowd which seems to have impunity.

I don't post a lot anywhere, but here it feels like a forum that prefers the "hang them"/anti labour over the more left wing, it's done nothing but stifle. I mean, context. I'm a fucking investment banker, I vote tory and I in the main lean towards market economics, and I've been labeled a left wing nut job. It's madness.

I understand abuse shouldn't be tolerated. And rascal was probably over the top. But this is one of the hypocracies. Abuse against a forum member, not allowed. Abuse against people/cultures does seem to be allowed. And it's messed up.

Again, even if not considered racist, elements of this forum have become vile.
I'd disagree with a lot of that. Your point about 'vile' posters is your own opinion of their opinions. What do you want? MODs to ban people who's opinions you believe to be vile? I personally don't see anything on here that's 'vile', that's just over the top. There's plenty of Lefties still on here, just looks at the Labour Leader thread. As for racist views, I think you're looking for things that aren't there. The group of Lefties you're on about who left, were as abusive to other people's views as you say the RWNJs are now, and they done a lot of backslapping as well. It's probably a cycle, and in a couple of years we'll get some more Lefties.

What there is now, and definitely more so than in the past, is 'this place used to be better' threads.

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