Basic manners, keyboard warriors etc

I can't believe some posters on here are acting like Rascal is the victim he behaved like an utter pratt. After being asked to post proof of his allegations,not just against me but against anyone he offered nothing. If you want to shine a light for him fair enough but it just shows how unbalanced some of you are. I doubt I will be on here long after receiving a warning for calling someone a drunk who was battering on about my being in the KK or being a Nazi and a racist because I will probably call someone a drunk again.
I wouldn't have posted about this but I saw that there are a few of the lighter headed members on here posting that I am this daz poster which I am not are you lot adults of children ffs? Some of you really really do need to get out more and you look childish and petty.

You would have more credibility if you answered arguments with a counter argument or with anything other than calling anyone who disagrees with you a child.

For anyone else on here the second, derogatory comments are used by anyone it shows the other poster is getting to you and you are emotional either due to insecurity in your argument or uncontrollable passion about your argument.

As for trolls I feel very sorry for most of them with nothing better to do. Though there are trolls and trolls some do it for comedy some because they can't bully in real life and need to feel a bit more secure about themselves. A bit like people who support a successful football team to feel good about themselves
This is completely at odds with my perception of what the forum has become.

I believe myself to be impartial. Out of everyone who has been banned/left, the only person I've ever shared a pm with was rascal. And that happened maybe three times.

What has actually happened is that the majority of left wing posters have gone and with them the discussions and debates that made this particular forum fantastic.

We are left with a bunch of back slapping and hurrarhing from supposed right wingers. It's not a place for debate and discussion any more. It's either shit threads with no substance or its a group of the same faces wanting death on Muslims. Even if one doesn't find it racist, it's vile.

There was a time if a pertinent issue came up, we were able to debate the cause. Now it's pages of bloodlust.

This culture has been allowed to fester here, and quite honestly it's disgusting.

It's not just Muslims. The economics thread further down. There's no discussion, no debate, no interest because one half of the debate is gone. Ealing blue and a few others do their best, but they're fighting against a crowd which seems to have impunity.

I don't post a lot anywhere, but here it feels like a forum that prefers the "hang them"/anti labour over the more left wing, it's done nothing but stifle. I mean, context. I'm a fucking investment banker, I vote tory and I in the main lean towards market economics, and I've been labeled a left wing nut job. It's madness.

I understand abuse shouldn't be tolerated. And rascal was probably over the top. But this is one of the hypocracies. Abuse against a forum member, not allowed. Abuse against people/cultures does seem to be allowed. And it's messed up.

Again, even if not considered racist, elements of this forum have become vile.

I must admit I would rename this forum the Tea Party Manchester as it seems to me standing up against racism, homophobia misogyny gets far more criticism than re prejudice it rallies against.

That said if you can't argue a case without abuse, belittlement , name calling , calling the other posters names then clearly you don't have true belief and conviction in re quality and veracity of your Argument.

After all Rosa Parkes didn't need Abuse to make her point. The sad thing is many of the best posters rarely post anymore on many of the threads because of the lack of quality and the tendency to trolling and abuse
I was involved in that nonsense last night and it was completely out of character for me. Never taken part in anything like that before.

I vowed when I signed up to this forum I'd never row,threaten or swear at another poster. I'd chuckle to myself when it was others doing it and think it was a little pathetic.

Well. last night I was that person and I 'll apologise for my language and general behaviour in that particular thread.

Not sure what got into me but it was unacceptable. And an apology to the MOD that was on at that ungodly hour who most likely had to deal with.

Have a good day Blues.

Trading places.. Did you meet up for a drink?
It was like..

He loved Donald Trump if I recall:)
After all Rosa Parkes didn't need Abuse to make her point. The sad thing is many of the best posters rarely post anymore on many of the threads because of the lack of quality and the tendency to trolling and abuse

Conversely though, you could argue that Rosa Parks didn't baulk from her stance because she found her opponents abusive. If people are trolling or being abusive they should be pulled up on it, or at least reported. If you stop posting because of them then their voice becomes the prevalent one, and they win.
Ha, yes that's always an option!

I agree though, and I guess this is the point the OP was making before the thread got sidetracked. Some people are being increasingly aggressive and rude to those with different views, particularly in Off Topic, and there's no need for it.

People should be able to put their points across without being dicks about it.
That's exactly the point I am making, I hate the anger and abuse for the sake of it most of the time. When it relates to very emotional subjects, ie someone talking about their own race or religion, your own experiences etc I understand it but you can tell when it is from the heart about 10% of the time, when it is comedy or with friends about a third of the time and when it is just to troll or bully - the rest of the time.

It's not about a convent board it is about empathy common sense and faith in your own argument.

I suspect when people sign themselves off its because they are a little disappointed that they bit and turned the thread away from their own argument.
Conversely though, you could argue that Rosa Parks didn't baulk from her stance because she found her opponents abusive. If people are trolling or being abusive they should be pulled up on it, or at least reported. If you stop posting because of them then their voice becomes the prevalent one, and they win.

You could also argue that Rosa Parkes would probably be on the shed end if she was internet football forum inclined.
Conversely though, you could argue that Rosa Parks didn't baulk from her stance because she found her opponents abusive. If people are trolling or being abusive they should be pulled up on it, or at least reported. If you stop posting because of them then their voice becomes the prevalent one, and they win.

Agree but the day I find myself name calling or being abusive is the day I walk away and take a few days off. rosa Parkes stood up (actually sat down) with dignity, same as Mandela, Gandhi, that's why they won and destroyed their opposition
Agree but the day I find myself name calling or being abusive is the day I walk away and take a few days off. rosa Parkes stood up (actually sat down) with dignity, same as Mandela, Gandhi, that's why they won and destroyed their opposition

And hopefully the same will apply here. Not that the two situations are comparable, of course!
Keyboard warrior always remember time ago giving that name to a rag on the MUEN who said he was a black belt in karate hahaha blast from the past..

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