Basic manners, keyboard warriors etc

Agree but the day I find myself name calling or being abusive is the day I walk away and take a few days off. rosa Parkes stood up (actually sat down) with dignity, same as Mandela, Gandhi, that's why they won and destroyed their opposition

Actually Mandela blew power stations up. But let's gloss over that.
Is that it ? Two hundred and thirty five posts ?
Back in the day when this board was better than better you could have all trebled that.
Enjoy your slumber keyboard warriors.
Mandela was indeed a terrorist but that is a thread for the dawns early light.
Goodnight all, I shall switch off the lights on the way out.
Ric has enough on his mind without the worry of a large utility bill .
Actually Mandela blew power stations up. But let's gloss over that.
I will admit I was thinking Post Robben Island Mandela but even then I don't think it was quite that straight forward in terms of convictions and evidence in SA at that time. but fair point not quite the same as Gandhi or Parkes in tactics
I think the board is the same as it ever was , it has always seemed to go in waves. It's a bit like a long running sitcom or a bit like Twitter is becoming, the same jokes, posting comedy etc is just being recycled. To new posters on here it might be cutting edge and funny to others it's just like series 7 of your favourite sitcom, the edge, the novelty is wearing off. Not because it's less funny but because you know what the joke is going to be before it's made, you know what's coming next.

I suspect it's same with some of the debates on old topics right v left Tory v labour freedom of speech it's the same arguments on loop.

We need new comedy, new topics, new posters, new material!!!
Mod abuse.

I warned him under that before reading the rest of the thread. You should have warned him for it, it was a dig at the moderation with no point behind it other than to have a dig. The only reason you didn't is because it was directed at you and people are tip toing around again because we have a "controversial" thread.

Bollocks to that, I haven't got time for it.
Could just bin off all the nutters on the far left and the far right? The problem doesn't seem to be whether people are right or left wing, more about people being dicks

This is my preferred option and the direction in which many mods are working towards

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