Basic manners, keyboard warriors etc

Nice job on the calm and rational debate there Champ. You get the reply you prompt

I'm calm as anything, maybe that is part of the issue, maybe my perception of people's mood is wrong, its sometimes hard to evaluate via text.

For example, your post came across as sarcastic and patronising, but I'm sure you didn't mean it like that.

I guess you totally missed point one of Ric's post. I didn't so I won't call you a desperately irrational outrage machine who can't spot the difference between the questioning of a policy and the enforcement of a policy and instead will point out that we'll enforce the Code of Conduct as moderators whether we agree with it or not, and always have done.

Here you are accusing me of being needlessly aggressive and confrontational with needless aggression and confrontation. I won't point out the irony here.

Out of the numerous times you have explained to posters this isn't a democracy, what was the context, then? Were they ever questioning the code of conduct? Perhaps discussing the ability to have free speech on this board? I'm not about to run a search on this, but when you see the words "this is not a democracy", I'd imagine that the context is probably something to do with questioning how the board is run.

His first point is apt, and I have, to my best ability, tried very hard not to be needlessly aggressive here. Partly because I don't really get overly involved, but partly because its just not in my personality. But Damocles, you used to be one of the most interesting posters on this board, I could read your science threads page to page completely enthralled. Now you've become a snarling, aggressive moderator who is routinely abusive. I've seen you banding the word **** around, the manner in which you jump upon posters is quick and aggressive. As though you act with complete impunity.

This is reductio ad absurdum, but I'm going to give an example. Police officers are there to keep peace, if I see my police officers acting violently, aggressively, or criminally, I lose faith in the force. As a moderator, you are there to make sure the CoC is adhered to, which means you all, to a person, should be held to much higher account than the rest of us. This is not what happens. I think you should take some time out of this, because your posting style has gone from something genuinely interesting, to arguing for arguing's sake with anything with a shadow. I'm willing to bet you don't enjoy this site a great deal anymore, either.

So your argument is with society rather than Bluemoon. You can find your local society moderators address here if you want to let them know

No, read it Damocles, as a scientist your level of analysis is better than that, and your powers of comprehension are better than that. Stop picking holes where there are none.

You're talking about reflecting society, and the views of society to be aired as though we are a mouthpiece for the british public. As you have pointedly said many times, this is not a democracy. This is also not a societal mouth piece. This board doesn't have to represent the british public, it reflects what the site owners and its moderating team want it to reflect. Don't try and perniciously turn this into an argument about semantics, its an embarrassment to your intellect.

Societies views have no right to airing simply because they are societies views. You ban "rags" from here with great fervor, the example I was making was that you can't pick and choose. You can't say because islamophobia is on the rise in society, that it should be reflected here without letting rags go on the wum in the other forums, because that happens in society to. Either we have a completely open forum where anything goes, or restrictions are in place, but consistent restrictions. Thats fair, no?

Your problem here is that you've co-opted "Islamophobia" to be automatically abusive that breaks the CoC. It isn't. If it was then we wouldn't need to discuss it because we'd already warn people under the existing rules.

Our problem is that much of the Islamophobia on here isn't abusive under the rules of abuse. Just to be clear here in case you missed it that is literally the problem that we're talking about.

No, this is not my problem. I didn't bring Islamophobia into it, that was previously mentioned and I ran with it.

Questioning the relegion should be fine, I've no problem with that, as an ardent atheist I'm happy for relegions of all kind to be questioned, they should be.

But the issue I have is that the questioning of relegion doesn't remain as such. There are reams of threads where Islam is treated as a one-size-fits-all antagonist, lumped all together in a completely acceptible target for people to wish death upon. I even saw someone hoping rape upon 3 people in a thread on here once. Granted that comment may have been removed, I'm not about to look. But to suggest only "islamophobic" comments exist on here is nonsense. They very quickly move into racism and xenophobia, which, I assume, is against the CoC? The issue here is that Islamophobia is a subjective issue, and I don't envy you who have to enforce it. My perception is that there is a real culture, right now, where people believe they can say some pretty nasty things, and that that culture has been allowed to fester where people believe they can talk with impunity.

Now I'm not saying its an easy job, I'd hate it. You will never be right because someone will always argue counter. But thats just my perception, and the perception of many, I am sure.

Its a thankless position you and the board owners are in, I will admit that. But I think you need to find a way to change the culture of the off-topic section. Its not a good representation of our supporter base, sometimes, and thats sad.

Take from this what you will, I don't mean any aggression or anger too you or anyone, in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter a great deal, and I'm trying to enjoy my holiday.

But I would suggest as a course of action, for the moderating team, anyway, that you try and get back the enjoyment. Do that, and sure as function follows form, the board will become lighter as well.
I'm calm as anything, maybe that is part of the issue, maybe my perception of people's mood is wrong, its sometimes hard to evaluate via text.

For example, your post came across as sarcastic and patronising, but I'm sure you didn't mean it like that.

Here you are accusing me of being needlessly aggressive and confrontational with needless aggression and confrontation. I won't point out the irony here.

Out of the numerous times you have explained to posters this isn't a democracy, what was the context, then? Were they ever questioning the code of conduct? Perhaps discussing the ability to have free speech on this board? I'm not about to run a search on this, but when you see the words "this is not a democracy", I'd imagine that the context is probably something to do with questioning how the board is run.

His first point is apt, and I have, to my best ability, tried very hard not to be needlessly aggressive here. Partly because I don't really get overly involved, but partly because its just not in my personality. But Damocles, you used to be one of the most interesting posters on this board, I could read your science threads page to page completely enthralled. Now you've become a snarling, aggressive moderator who is routinely abusive. I've seen you banding the word **** around, the manner in which you jump upon posters is quick and aggressive. As though you act with complete impunity.

This is reductio ad absurdum, but I'm going to give an example. Police officers are there to keep peace, if I see my police officers acting violently, aggressively, or criminally, I lose faith in the force. As a moderator, you are there to make sure the CoC is adhered to, which means you all, to a person, should be held to much higher account than the rest of us. This is not what happens. I think you should take some time out of this, because your posting style has gone from something genuinely interesting, to arguing for arguing's sake with anything with a shadow. I'm willing to bet you don't enjoy this site a great deal anymore, either.

No, read it Damocles, as a scientist your level of analysis is better than that, and your powers of comprehension are better than that. Stop picking holes where there are none.

You're talking about reflecting society, and the views of society to be aired as though we are a mouthpiece for the british public. As you have pointedly said many times, this is not a democracy. This is also not a societal mouth piece. This board doesn't have to represent the british public, it reflects what the site owners and its moderating team want it to reflect. Don't try and perniciously turn this into an argument about semantics, its an embarrassment to your intellect.

Societies views have no right to airing simply because they are societies views. You ban "rags" from here with great fervor, the example I was making was that you can't pick and choose. You can't say because islamophobia is on the rise in society, that it should be reflected here without letting rags go on the wum in the other forums, because that happens in society to. Either we have a completely open forum where anything goes, or restrictions are in place, but consistent restrictions. Thats fair, no?

No, this is not my problem. I didn't bring Islamophobia into it, that was previously mentioned and I ran with it.

Questioning the relegion should be fine, I've no problem with that, as an ardent atheist I'm happy for relegions of all kind to be questioned, they should be.

But the issue I have is that the questioning of relegion doesn't remain as such. There are reams of threads where Islam is treated as a one-size-fits-all antagonist, lumped all together in a completely acceptible target for people to wish death upon. I even saw someone hoping rape upon 3 people in a thread on here once. Granted that comment may have been removed, I'm not about to look. But to suggest only "islamophobic" comments exist on here is nonsense. They very quickly move into racism and xenophobia, which, I assume, is against the CoC? The issue here is that Islamophobia is a subjective issue, and I don't envy you who have to enforce it. My perception is that there is a real culture, right now, where people believe they can say some pretty nasty things, and that that culture has been allowed to fester where people believe they can talk with impunity.

Now I'm not saying its an easy job, I'd hate it. You will never be right because someone will always argue counter. But thats just my perception, and the perception of many, I am sure.

Its a thankless position you and the board owners are in, I will admit that. But I think you need to find a way to change the culture of the off-topic section. Its not a good representation of our supporter base, sometimes, and thats sad.

Take from this what you will, I don't mean any aggression or anger too you or anyone, in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter a great deal, and I'm trying to enjoy my holiday.

But I would suggest as a course of action, for the moderating team, anyway, that you try and get back the enjoyment. Do that, and sure as function follows form, the board will become lighter as well.

I'm really sorry but I have to say this.

I'm calm as anything, maybe that is part of the issue, maybe my perception of people's mood is wrong, its sometimes hard to evaluate via text.

For example, your post came across as sarcastic and patronising, but I'm sure you didn't mean it like that.

Here you are accusing me of being needlessly aggressive and confrontational with needless aggression and confrontation. I won't point out the irony here.

Out of the numerous times you have explained to posters this isn't a democracy, what was the context, then? Were they ever questioning the code of conduct? Perhaps discussing the ability to have free speech on this board? I'm not about to run a search on this, but when you see the words "this is not a democracy", I'd imagine that the context is probably something to do with questioning how the board is run.

His first point is apt, and I have, to my best ability, tried very hard not to be needlessly aggressive here. Partly because I don't really get overly involved, but partly because its just not in my personality. But Damocles, you used to be one of the most interesting posters on this board, I could read your science threads page to page completely enthralled. Now you've become a snarling, aggressive moderator who is routinely abusive. I've seen you banding the word **** around, the manner in which you jump upon posters is quick and aggressive. As though you act with complete impunity.

This is reductio ad absurdum, but I'm going to give an example. Police officers are there to keep peace, if I see my police officers acting violently, aggressively, or criminally, I lose faith in the force. As a moderator, you are there to make sure the CoC is adhered to, which means you all, to a person, should be held to much higher account than the rest of us. This is not what happens. I think you should take some time out of this, because your posting style has gone from something genuinely interesting, to arguing for arguing's sake with anything with a shadow. I'm willing to bet you don't enjoy this site a great deal anymore, either.

No, read it Damocles, as a scientist your level of analysis is better than that, and your powers of comprehension are better than that. Stop picking holes where there are none.

You're talking about reflecting society, and the views of society to be aired as though we are a mouthpiece for the british public. As you have pointedly said many times, this is not a democracy. This is also not a societal mouth piece. This board doesn't have to represent the british public, it reflects what the site owners and its moderating team want it to reflect. Don't try and perniciously turn this into an argument about semantics, its an embarrassment to your intellect.

Societies views have no right to airing simply because they are societies views. You ban "rags" from here with great fervor, the example I was making was that you can't pick and choose. You can't say because islamophobia is on the rise in society, that it should be reflected here without letting rags go on the wum in the other forums, because that happens in society to. Either we have a completely open forum where anything goes, or restrictions are in place, but consistent restrictions. Thats fair, no?

No, this is not my problem. I didn't bring Islamophobia into it, that was previously mentioned and I ran with it.

Questioning the relegion should be fine, I've no problem with that, as an ardent atheist I'm happy for relegions of all kind to be questioned, they should be.

But the issue I have is that the questioning of relegion doesn't remain as such. There are reams of threads where Islam is treated as a one-size-fits-all antagonist, lumped all together in a completely acceptible target for people to wish death upon. I even saw someone hoping rape upon 3 people in a thread on here once. Granted that comment may have been removed, I'm not about to look. But to suggest only "islamophobic" comments exist on here is nonsense. They very quickly move into racism and xenophobia, which, I assume, is against the CoC? The issue here is that Islamophobia is a subjective issue, and I don't envy you who have to enforce it. My perception is that there is a real culture, right now, where people believe they can say some pretty nasty things, and that that culture has been allowed to fester where people believe they can talk with impunity.

Now I'm not saying its an easy job, I'd hate it. You will never be right because someone will always argue counter. But thats just my perception, and the perception of many, I am sure.

Its a thankless position you and the board owners are in, I will admit that. But I think you need to find a way to change the culture of the off-topic section. Its not a good representation of our supporter base, sometimes, and thats sad.

Take from this what you will, I don't mean any aggression or anger too you or anyone, in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter a great deal, and I'm trying to enjoy my holiday.

But I would suggest as a course of action, for the moderating team, anyway, that you try and get back the enjoyment. Do that, and sure as function follows form, the board will become lighter as well.

That's a lot of effort for the reply you'll end up with.
That's a lot of effort for the reply you'll end up with.

But it needed saying. I'm finding it hard to disagree with anything RoaminBlue has said there. There IS an officious and aggressive manner amongst some mods, and it DOES put users off sometimes.

(NOTE: Please don't warn/ban me etc for talking about mods. It is completely in line with the current thread direction and is being widely debated amongst various posters)
How do you mean, sorry?

He means that I read about three sentences, saw that this was just a personal attack on me rather than actually making a point then immediately filed it under the "don't give a shit" section and skipped it.
I'm calm as anything, maybe that is part of the issue, maybe my perception of people's mood is wrong, its sometimes hard to evaluate via text.

For example, your post came across as sarcastic and patronising, but I'm sure you didn't mean it like that.

Here you are accusing me of being needlessly aggressive and confrontational with needless aggression and confrontation. I won't point out the irony here.

Out of the numerous times you have explained to posters this isn't a democracy, what was the context, then? Were they ever questioning the code of conduct? Perhaps discussing the ability to have free speech on this board? I'm not about to run a search on this, but when you see the words "this is not a democracy", I'd imagine that the context is probably something to do with questioning how the board is run.

His first point is apt, and I have, to my best ability, tried very hard not to be needlessly aggressive here. Partly because I don't really get overly involved, but partly because its just not in my personality. But Damocles, you used to be one of the most interesting posters on this board, I could read your science threads page to page completely enthralled. Now you've become a snarling, aggressive moderator who is routinely abusive. I've seen you banding the word **** around, the manner in which you jump upon posters is quick and aggressive. As though you act with complete impunity.

This is reductio ad absurdum, but I'm going to give an example. Police officers are there to keep peace, if I see my police officers acting violently, aggressively, or criminally, I lose faith in the force. As a moderator, you are there to make sure the CoC is adhered to, which means you all, to a person, should be held to much higher account than the rest of us. This is not what happens. I think you should take some time out of this, because your posting style has gone from something genuinely interesting, to arguing for arguing's sake with anything with a shadow. I'm willing to bet you don't enjoy this site a great deal anymore, either.

No, read it Damocles, as a scientist your level of analysis is better than that, and your powers of comprehension are better than that. Stop picking holes where there are none.

You're talking about reflecting society, and the views of society to be aired as though we are a mouthpiece for the british public. As you have pointedly said many times, this is not a democracy. This is also not a societal mouth piece. This board doesn't have to represent the british public, it reflects what the site owners and its moderating team want it to reflect. Don't try and perniciously turn this into an argument about semantics, its an embarrassment to your intellect.

Societies views have no right to airing simply because they are societies views. You ban "rags" from here with great fervor, the example I was making was that you can't pick and choose. You can't say because islamophobia is on the rise in society, that it should be reflected here without letting rags go on the wum in the other forums, because that happens in society to. Either we have a completely open forum where anything goes, or restrictions are in place, but consistent restrictions. Thats fair, no?

No, this is not my problem. I didn't bring Islamophobia into it, that was previously mentioned and I ran with it.

Questioning the relegion should be fine, I've no problem with that, as an ardent atheist I'm happy for relegions of all kind to be questioned, they should be.

But the issue I have is that the questioning of relegion doesn't remain as such. There are reams of threads where Islam is treated as a one-size-fits-all antagonist, lumped all together in a completely acceptible target for people to wish death upon. I even saw someone hoping rape upon 3 people in a thread on here once. Granted that comment may have been removed, I'm not about to look. But to suggest only "islamophobic" comments exist on here is nonsense. They very quickly move into racism and xenophobia, which, I assume, is against the CoC? The issue here is that Islamophobia is a subjective issue, and I don't envy you who have to enforce it. My perception is that there is a real culture, right now, where people believe they can say some pretty nasty things, and that that culture has been allowed to fester where people believe they can talk with impunity.

Now I'm not saying its an easy job, I'd hate it. You will never be right because someone will always argue counter. But thats just my perception, and the perception of many, I am sure.

Its a thankless position you and the board owners are in, I will admit that. But I think you need to find a way to change the culture of the off-topic section. Its not a good representation of our supporter base, sometimes, and thats sad.

Take from this what you will, I don't mean any aggression or anger too you or anyone, in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter a great deal, and I'm trying to enjoy my holiday.

But I would suggest as a course of action, for the moderating team, anyway, that you try and get back the enjoyment. Do that, and sure as function follows form, the board will become lighter as well.

I can't find that clapping gif. If I could I'd have put it here.

Great post Blue.
But it needed saying. I'm finding it hard to disagree with anything RoaminBlue has said there. There IS an officious and aggressive manner amongst some mods, and it DOES put users off sometimes.

(NOTE: Please don't warn/ban me etc for talking about mods. It is completely in line with the current thread direction and is being widely debated amongst various posters)

This poster is currently in argument with the mods, specifically me, about a warning that he received for breaching the Code of Conduct.

He's pissed off that I've warned him for a post so take his views within that context.
Read it mate, he really ISN'T having a personal dig. It's a fantastic post.

Put your objective hat on and give it a go.

I have no doubt you'd love it. This is another fine reason for me to ignore it.

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