Basic manners, keyboard warriors etc

Apologies to any poster I have insulted or wound up over the years.
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It's a shame rascal has gone he seemed to be well informed on human rights but after reading those pages I can see why he had to go for a break.

I imagine those few pages were the result of knowing his card was getting marked and he chose as so many of his comrades did, to go out in a blaze of inanity rather than holding a scrap of dignity.

The ultra ultra partisan types who point blank refuse to have a decent discussion have been slowly getting weeded out since the election either by reigning it in as some have done or exile as others have chosen. Im sure there will be more to come over the weeks and months
First time I've ever ventured into that thread. Rascal is one of the biggest trolls on here (has been for a long time) he is allowed to be on here, I don't know.

Rascal has contributed more this forum in a single post than you've managed in 4.5k.
I imagine those few pages were the result of knowing his card was getting marked and he chose as so many of his comrades did, to go out in a blaze of inanity rather than holding a scrap of dignity.

The ultra ultra partisan types who point blank refuse to have a decent discussion have been slowly getting weeded out since the election either by reigning it in as some have done or exile as others have chosen. Im sure there will be more to come over the weeks and months
'Go out in a blaze of inanity.'
Cruel, but clever.
I imagine those few pages were the result of knowing his card was getting marked and he chose as so many of his comrades did, to go out in a blaze of inanity rather than holding a scrap of dignity.

The ultra ultra partisan types who point blank refuse to have a decent discussion have been slowly getting weeded out since the election either by reigning it in as some have done or exile as others have chosen. Im sure there will be more to come over the weeks and months
Why was his card marked? And why have you removed my post?
Funny what you said about free speech on the Amazon book thread and then delete my post.
Awaits further bans to the other partisan posters.

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