Basic People Management Skills

Didsbury Dave said:
Just when I was getting all warm and fluffy about how the team is coming together, I read this:

On Thursday Given was left out of a match in the Europa League although he had thought he would start: “I thought I’d have played but I don’t know what the manager’s thinking because he hasn’t told me,” he said.

I despair, I really do. That is basic and simple people management.

Talk to the fucking players, let them know where they fit in and keep them motivated. If they're not first choice, let them know that if they work they will get a chance.

It's not difficult. If you're too aloof to do it, get one of your staff to do it. There must be someone on our staff who's job it is to liase with the players.

I worry deeply about this message which we've heard time after time now.

Well as he never said FUCK ALL to him how would he presume he would play in the game
Didsbury Dave said:
Just when I was getting all warm and fluffy about how the team is coming together, I read this:

On Thursday Given was left out of a match in the Europa League although he had thought he would start: “I thought I’d have played but I don’t know what the manager’s thinking because he hasn’t told me,” he said.

I despair, I really do. That is basic and simple people management.

Talk to the fucking players, let them know where they fit in and keep them motivated. If they're not first choice, let them know that if they work they will get a chance.

It's not difficult. If you're too aloof to do it, get one of your staff to do it. There must be someone on our staff who's job it is to liaise with the players.

I worry deeply about this message which we've heard time after time now.

great post and bang on the money, for all his success our bob is shit with people.that's fine and dandy but he's actually done fuck all here since the day he walked through the doors.he will be tolerated but only if he's being successful.
BillyShears said:
flb said:
The manager doesnt have to justify himself to any player-as has been posted earlier we are seeing a team with real team spirit with players now really blossoming under the new regime-Barry,Kompany,Toure,Tevez,De Jong,Hart,Johnson (both)are doing extremely well and have improved as players thank you very much under Mancini's stewardship.
SWP and a few others have publically backed the club and manager.

There are different ways of motivating players other than wiping there arses and telling them to have cheerios instead of coco pops for breakfast.Hes getting a real team together at present who are gaining points whilst not playing at there best-the sign of a great side in the making.

If Seamus dont like it he can fuck of back to Newcastle United-much more his level anyway.

More players are improving under Mancini than not

Football is a casualty business-the strongest teams win tropyhs end of.

I think you're missing the point of the thread. Nobody is questioning why Shay was dropped - everyone seems to agree that Mancini made the right choice in making Joe number 1. What is being questioned, is why yet another player is publicly bitching about a lack of communication from the manager. It's true to say, that so far it's only been players who Mancini clearly doesn't rate - or don't in his eyes have a long term future at the club...but surely to shit there's a way to deal with this stuff without it going public? I mean fuck, I'm sure if you gave Khaldoon & Cook a straight choice between asking Mancini to address any disgruntled players in a timely manner, or leaving them to fester until they go to the press, they'd choose the former.

It seems a bit myopic to on the one hand say "well, if the player was professional, he'd go and talk to the manager" - but on the other hand absolve the manager of all responsibility when it comes to talking to players about their future and their role within the squad...

Can I just reiterate once more that this is a very small part of an otherwise excellent job that Mancini is doing for the most part. I think I share DD's niggling annoyance that after a summer which was meant to weed out the bad apples, and leave us with a squad pulling in the same direction, players are again briefing the press about their gripes with the manager...

“I have a lot of respect for Shay,” the Italian said. “I told him before the transfer market finished that he could choose, that I hoped he would stay but that if he wanted to leave, then he could.
“He decided to stay here and now he must stay until January. I understand his situation but I need him to stay here with his head 100 per cent on the work.
“I understand if a player does not play, it is difficult. If he wants to leave I respect his decision because he is a fantastic man and a fantastic goalkeeper.”

Shay knew the score. Shay couldn't find a club so agreed to stay. Shay want's to play but isn't good enough. Mancini has been honest and dignified throughout. As always.
de niro said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Just when I was getting all warm and fluffy about how the team is coming together, I read this:

On Thursday Given was left out of a match in the Europa League although he had thought he would start: “I thought I’d have played but I don’t know what the manager’s thinking because he hasn’t told me,” he said.

I despair, I really do. That is basic and simple people management.

Talk to the fucking players, let them know where they fit in and keep them motivated. If they're not first choice, let them know that if they work they will get a chance.

It's not difficult. If you're too aloof to do it, get one of your staff to do it. There must be someone on our staff who's job it is to liaise with the players.

I worry deeply about this message which we've heard time after time now.

great post and bang on the money, for all his success our bob is shit with people.that's fine and dandy but he's actually done fuck all here since the day he walked through the doors.he will be tolerated but only if he's being successful.

To be honest the more of the interview i see, the more of a small time tit Given is becoming.
As been stated a 1000 times on here, he was fine and dandy in the summer telling everyone how important the squad was, he was given the chance to leave and now he is reduced to petty swipes about Mancini's English.

Ask Given to speak the language of football and throw his medals on the table, then do the same with Mancini. I know who i listen to.

In fairness, he seems to be a poor communicator with the likes of Robinho, Bellamy, Given and Adebayor.

Two down, two to go.
KenTheLandlord said:
de niro said:
great post and bang on the money, for all his success our bob is shit with people.that's fine and dandy but he's actually done fuck all here since the day he walked through the doors.he will be tolerated but only if he's being successful.

To be honest the more of the interview i see, the more of a small time tit Given is becoming.
As been stated a 1000 times on here, he was fine and dandy in the summer telling everyone how important the squad was, he was given the chance to leave and now he is reduced to petty swipes about Mancini's English.

Ask Given to speak the language of football and throw his medals on the table, then do the same with Mancini. I know who i listen to.

In fairness, he seems to be a poor communicator with the likes of Robinho, Bellamy, Given and Adebayor.

Two down, two to go.

lol, all the players you mentioned should be in our side, maybe shay is marginely behind joe, the rest are better than the players we put out at wigan and for that matter blackburn. bob is picking his mates, not the best 11, a very dangerous game if you ask me.

can this guy actually "manage" a team of men far more important and earning far more than himself?
Gelsons Dad said:
“I have a lot of respect for Shay,” the Italian said. “I told him before the transfer market finished that he could choose, that I hoped he would stay but that if he wanted to leave, then he could.
“He decided to stay here and now he must stay until January. I understand his situation but I need him to stay here with his head 100 per cent on the work.
“I understand if a player does not play, it is difficult. If he wants to leave I respect his decision because he is a fantastic man and a fantastic goalkeeper.”

Shay knew the score. Shay couldn't find a club so agreed to stay. Shay want's to play but isn't good enough. Mancini has been honest and dignified throughout. As always.

To be quite honest, if you take those quotes at face value, and add into the mix the completely untrue current rumour that he couldn't find a club, then of course it may well come off as sour grapes. I believe with almost 100% certainty that there were clubs who were prepared to match City's asking price, and Shay's wages. He chose to stay, presumably because he was led to believe he'd play in the cup competitions, and that he genuinely had a shot at dislodging Joe.

Love the last two sentences of your post by the way - some touchingly emotive prose which I'm sure warmed a fair few hearts on this board...;- )
BillyShears said:
Gelsons Dad said:
“I have a lot of respect for Shay,” the Italian said. “I told him before the transfer market finished that he could choose, that I hoped he would stay but that if he wanted to leave, then he could.
“He decided to stay here and now he must stay until January. I understand his situation but I need him to stay here with his head 100 per cent on the work.
“I understand if a player does not play, it is difficult. If he wants to leave I respect his decision because he is a fantastic man and a fantastic goalkeeper.”

Shay knew the score. Shay couldn't find a club so agreed to stay. Shay want's to play but isn't good enough. Mancini has been honest and dignified throughout. As always.

To be quite honest, if you take those quotes at face value, and add into the mix the completely untrue current rumour that he couldn't find a club, then of course it may well come off as sour grapes. I believe with almost 100% certainty that there were clubs who were prepared to match City's asking price, and Shay's wages. He chose to stay, presumably because he was led to believe he'd play in the cup competitions, and that he genuinely had a shot at dislodging Joe.

Love the last two sentences of your post by the way - some touchingly emotive prose which I'm sure warmed a fair few hearts on this board...;- )

I do my best to keep spirits up ;-)
BillyShears said:
Gelsons Dad said:
“I have a lot of respect for Shay,” the Italian said. “I told him before the transfer market finished that he could choose, that I hoped he would stay but that if he wanted to leave, then he could.
“He decided to stay here and now he must stay until January. I understand his situation but I need him to stay here with his head 100 per cent on the work.
“I understand if a player does not play, it is difficult. If he wants to leave I respect his decision because he is a fantastic man and a fantastic goalkeeper.”

Shay knew the score. Shay couldn't find a club so agreed to stay. Shay want's to play but isn't good enough. Mancini has been honest and dignified throughout. As always.

Just out of interest... but are you sure about your contacts?

Do they always give you the right track on what's happening?

To be fair, they've let you down in the past quite a few times, haven't they?

To be quite honest, if you take those quotes at face value, and add into the mix the completely untrue current rumour that he couldn't find a club, then of course it may well come off as sour grapes. I believe with almost 100% certainty that there were clubs who were prepared to match City's asking price, and Shay's wages. He chose to stay, presumably because he was led to believe he'd play in the cup competitions, and that he genuinely had a shot at dislodging Joe.

Love the last two sentences of your post by the way - some touchingly emotive prose which I'm sure warmed a fair few hearts on this board...;- )

Just out of interest... but are you sure about your contacts?

Do they always give you the right track on what's happening?

To be fair, they've let you down in the past quite a few times, haven't they?
Didsbury Dave said:
dw7 said:
hhhmmmmmm 2 players that aint getting a look in have a pop at the manager

fuck them they be gone in jan

Never mind "fuck them". What if Hart gets injured this week?

I'm sick of hearing about player unrest at City. Sick of it.

I thought we'd supposedly weeded out the bad apples?

There's one common denonimator here.


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