Basic People Management Skills

redmizzle said:
Failsworth_Blue said:

Sir Alex has poor man management skills then.
I'd say yes he has poor man mangement skills.

The haridryer? Kicking a boot across the room? Smashing tea cups?

He's created a siege mentality over the years at the swamp and a climate of fear. When I was at school, that was called bullying. If that's good man-management, then I'm doing my job wrong.

Someone alluded to Blanchard's Situational Leadership earlier in the thread and they were spot on. You adapt your management style based on where the individual is on their career progression.

There is no 'one size fits all' style of management.

Again, I appreciate some may be concerned by the perception that is being created in the media by players coming out and talking openly to the press about their concerns.

However, whilst I don't know for sure what is going on at the club as I am not ITK, I'd be pretty confident those players are being somewhat disingenuous by airing their grievances this way.

Those players are between a rock and a hard place. They move and they move down the football chain, on less money with less chance of honours and watch as we go and fulfill our potential. Or they sit tight and play the bit part they are inveitably going to play, collect fabulous wages and medals along the way for their trouble, simmering all the while in the belief they should be playing every minute of every game.

That said, those players will unlikely be a problem come January.
strongbowholic said:
redmizzle said:
Sir Alex has poor man management skills then.
I'd say yes he has poor man mangement skills.

The haridryer? Kicking a boot across the room? Smashing tea cups?

He's created a siege mentality over the years at the swamp and a climate of fear. When I was at school, that was called bullying. If that's good man-management, then I'm doing my job wrong.

Someone alluded to Blanchard's Situational Leadership earlier in the thread and they were spot on. You adapt your management style based on where the individual is on their career progression.

There is no 'one size fits all' style of management.

Again, I appreciate some may be concerned by the perception that is being created in the media by players coming out and talking openly to the press about their concerns.

However, whilst I don't know for sure what is going on at the club as I am not ITK, I'd be pretty confident those players are being somewhat disingenuous by airing their grievances this way.

Those players are between a rock and a hard place. They move and they move down the football chain, on less money with less chance of honours and watch as we go and fulfill our potential. Or they sit tight and play the bit part they are inveitably going to play, collect fabulous wages and medals along the way for their trouble, simmering all the while in the belief they should be playing every minute of every game.

That said, those players will unlikely be a problem come January.

Although Ferguson is a bully at heart, he has adapted over the years. He would never had been able to handle Ronaldo in his earlier years in management.

It pains me to say it, and I'm not sure exactly how he does it, but he is a brillaint man manager and the results speak for themselves. He gets his team to run through brick walls for him and that squad of players he had last season had no right to finish where it did. He was the difference.

He's no master technician, he's just a very good man manager and motivator.

Jesus, that did not feel good.
m27 said:
strongbowholic said:
I'd say yes he has poor man mangement skills.

The haridryer? Kicking a boot across the room? Smashing tea cups?

He's created a siege mentality over the years at the swamp and a climate of fear. When I was at school, that was called bullying. If that's good man-management, then I'm doing my job wrong.

Someone alluded to Blanchard's Situational Leadership earlier in the thread and they were spot on. You adapt your management style based on where the individual is on their career progression.

There is no 'one size fits all' style of management.

Again, I appreciate some may be concerned by the perception that is being created in the media by players coming out and talking openly to the press about their concerns.

However, whilst I don't know for sure what is going on at the club as I am not ITK, I'd be pretty confident those players are being somewhat disingenuous by airing their grievances this way.

Those players are between a rock and a hard place. They move and they move down the football chain, on less money with less chance of honours and watch as we go and fulfill our potential. Or they sit tight and play the bit part they are inveitably going to play, collect fabulous wages and medals along the way for their trouble, simmering all the while in the belief they should be playing every minute of every game.

That said, those players will unlikely be a problem come January.

Although Ferguson is a bully at heart, he has adapted over the years. He would never had been able to handle Ronaldo in his earlier years in management.

It pains me to say it, and I'm not sure exactly how he does it, but he is a brillaint man manager and the results speak for themselves. He gets his team to run through brick walls for him and that squad of players he had last season had no right to finish where it did. He was the difference.

He's no master technician, he's just a very good man manager and motivator.

Jesus, that did not feel good.
He also ships out sharpish anyone who doesn't want to do things the Ferguson way.
Anyone who can win a Champions League with a defence consisting of David May, Henning Berg and Ronny Johnson has to go down as a brilliant man manager in my book.
Damocles said:
Anyone who can win a Champions League with a defence consisting of David May, Henning Berg and Ronny Johnson has to go down as a brilliant man manager in my book.

and a lucky twat, they were totally outplayed and are fucking vermin.
de niro said:
Damocles said:
Anyone who can win a Champions League with a defence consisting of David May, Henning Berg and Ronny Johnson has to go down as a brilliant man manager in my book.

and a lucky twat, they were totally outplayed and are fucking vermin.

Agree, but you don't win a treble by fluking it.
peacefrog said:
m27 said:
Although Ferguson is a bully at heart, he has adapted over the years. He would never had been able to handle Ronaldo in his earlier years in management.

It pains me to say it, and I'm not sure exactly how he does it, but he is a brillaint man manager and the results speak for themselves. He gets his team to run through brick walls for him and that squad of players he had last season had no right to finish where it did. He was the difference.

He's no master technician, he's just a very good man manager and motivator.

Jesus, that did not feel good.
He also ships out sharpish anyone who doesn't want to do things the Ferguson way.


If he has a clear vision of how he wants things done I don't have a problem with that.

This is why I can't get upset about the situation at present. I'll be honest, I have little time for footballers on the whole and their precious little ways. Yes, they have to be man managed to a degree, but the manager has an impossible job of keeping everyone happy.

I'll make a deal with everyone on here doubting Mancini's methods, when either one of Gareth Barry, James Milner, Pablo Zabaleta or Vincent Kompany come out in the Press and complain about Mancini then I'll start to listen.

If it's someone out of the team or with a history of similar behaviour I'll remain unconcerned.
Damocles said:
de niro said:
and a lucky twat, they were totally outplayed and are fucking vermin.

Agree, but you don't win a treble by fluking it.

they get a goal of some twats knee when the game should have been over, then bergkamp misses a pen in cup semi final, as i say, lucky fucking vermin.
strongbowholic said:
redmizzle said:
Sir Alex has poor man management skills then.
I'd say yes he has poor man mangement skills.

The haridryer? Kicking a boot across the room? Smashing tea cups?

He's created a siege mentality over the years at the swamp and a climate of fear. When I was at school, that was called bullying. If that's good man-management, then I'm doing my job wrong.

Someone alluded to Blanchard's Situational Leadership earlier in the thread and they were spot on. You adapt your management style based on where the individual is on their career progression.

There is no 'one size fits all' style of management.

Again, I appreciate some may be concerned by the perception that is being created in the media by players coming out and talking openly to the press about their concerns.

However, whilst I don't know for sure what is going on at the club as I am not ITK, I'd be pretty confident those players are being somewhat disingenuous by airing their grievances this way.

Those players are between a rock and a hard place. They move and they move down the football chain, on less money with less chance of honours and watch as we go and fulfill our potential. Or they sit tight and play the bit part they are inveitably going to play, collect fabulous wages and medals along the way for their trouble, simmering all the while in the belief they should be playing every minute of every game.

That said, those players will unlikely be a problem come January.

Ken Blanchard?
Nope, don't remember him winning any titles.

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