Basic People Management Skills

bluemoonmatt said:
BillyShears said:
I can see that being the case, although I'd be disappointed of Roberto did that. I think we need to leave Joe where he is irrespective of what mistakes he makes. He needs to feel that he owns that position.

With regard to Shay's wages/transfer fee - we bought him for 5.9 million, and he's certainly not on Adebayor wages by any stretch of the imagination. Personally I don't believe that his transfer fee or wages are or will be an issue if we choose to sell him. Well, having said that, I don't know what City value him at....but if it's around that figure I can't see it being a massively prohibitive...
No he's not but he will be getting an excellent wedge for a GK, certainly well above average. I'm making it up now but at his age if he is on say £75K at city can you see a situation where Fulham for example will pay him that or on the flipside he would be prepared to go down to £40k. To be honest I can't even see an Arsenal of this world paying him the full amount we do. If he leaves it must be his choice so we aren't seen as a soft touch by either subsidising his wages at a new club or paying him off a la Stevie Ireland. Just my view.

I think you're making too much of this 'pay off' idea. As I said earlier in the thread, if you sign a player on a 4 year contract with big wages, then after 12 months effectively tell him that he's no longer needed, it stands to reason that if the player needs to move to get a game, as is the case with Given, that they will want the remainder of their contract paid up before they may not sit well with supporters, but even clubs accept that this needs to be done if you want the player gone. It's not new to City, and has been going on for years at all clubs, big and small...
BillyShears said:
bluemoonmatt said:
I think the reason Shay didn't go was because no one came in with enough money and/or he didn't want to take a pay cut. If you're hoping or probably praying would be more appropriate in you're case, that Shay will rise like a phoenix from Joe's flames then I fear you're in for a wasting you're time. The fact is Joe is No.1 and because he is younger only catastrophe will prevent this being the case for a very long time. Shay would be better off seeking employment elsewhere in the next window, provided its on our terms and we can find a decent understudy that will be happy to be benched without spreading all this unnecessary bad feeling around the club.

Just to play devil's advocate for one moment....should God forbid Joe drop another clanger against Chelsea which costs us points, do you think Mancini's thinking on Shay (and Joe) will alter even slightly?

the net. the answer

wikipedia said:
Toldo briefly regained first-choice status in February 2006......a slip in form by César......

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Mancio said:
BillyShears said:
Just to play devil's advocate for one moment....should God forbid Joe drop another clanger against Chelsea which costs us points, do you think Mancini's thinking on Shay (and Joe) will alter even slightly?

the net. the answer

wikipedia said:
Toldo briefly regained first-choice status in February 2006......a slip in form by César......

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

I think Cesar was much older than Joe is now though...maybe Mancini would see it differently due to that...
BillyShears said:
bluemoonmatt said:
No he's not but he will be getting an excellent wedge for a GK, certainly well above average. I'm making it up now but at his age if he is on say £75K at city can you see a situation where Fulham for example will pay him that or on the flipside he would be prepared to go down to £40k. To be honest I can't even see an Arsenal of this world paying him the full amount we do. If he leaves it must be his choice so we aren't seen as a soft touch by either subsidising his wages at a new club or paying him off a la Stevie Ireland. Just my view.

I think you're making too much of this 'pay off' idea. As I said earlier in the thread, if you sign a player on a 4 year contract with big wages, then after 12 months effectively tell him that he's no longer needed, it stands to reason that if the player needs to move to get a game, as is the case with Given, that they will want the remainder of their contract paid up before they may not sit well with supporters, but even clubs accept that this needs to be done if you want the player gone. It's not new to City, and has been going on for years at all clubs, big and small...

I'm sure it's a little more strategic than just the cash. We know Shay is good so we don't want him playing for anyone that might get in our way. Then you have the problem that he can leave but he can't go to any club that he wants to go to.
BillyShears said:
Mancio said:
the net. the answer

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

I think Cesar was much older than Joe is now though...maybe Mancini would see it differently due to that...

in summer 2005 julio cesar was 25 , with 0 european football and life experience.

how old hart is ?
Mancio said:
BillyShears said:
I think Cesar was much older than Joe is now though...maybe Mancini would see it differently due to that...

in summer 2005 julio cesar was 25 , with 0 european football and life experience.

how old hart is ?

Well Joe's I think 23 he's not that much younger, but he does have a lot of premiership experience already for someone so young...anyway, it's a moot point because Joe's too good a keeper and too clever a young man to repeat the kind of mistake he made the other week anytime soon!
BillyShears said:
bluemoonmatt said:
No he's not but he will be getting an excellent wedge for a GK, certainly well above average. I'm making it up now but at his age if he is on say £75K at city can you see a situation where Fulham for example will pay him that or on the flipside he would be prepared to go down to £40k. To be honest I can't even see an Arsenal of this world paying him the full amount we do. If he leaves it must be his choice so we aren't seen as a soft touch by either subsidising his wages at a new club or paying him off a la Stevie Ireland. Just my view.

I think you're making too much of this 'pay off' idea. As I said earlier in the thread, if you sign a player on a 4 year contract with big wages, then after 12 months effectively tell him that he's no longer needed, it stands to reason that if the player needs to move to get a game, as is the case with Given, that they will want the remainder of their contract paid up before they may not sit well with supporters, but even clubs accept that this needs to be done if you want the player gone. It's not new to City, and has been going on for years at all clubs, big and small...
I think this is where we fundamentally disagree. no one held him at gunpoint to sign the contract, he is effectively an employee of this club until such time we say otherwise or said contract expires. Of course if we transfer listed him then that is fair enough we should, and indeed would have to pay him off. as it stands we are not telling him he's effectively no longer needed because it suits us to have a competent and experienced player as back up to the No.1
Mancini is doing a great job.

He knows Given will have to go in January. He's 34 and can't see out the rest of his career on the bench.

If any other players start kicking off then they are no use to the club plain and simple.
Regarding Given and he doesnt comand his area as good as Joe or he doesnt come for crosses. Last season how many goals did we concede from a cross were Given came out and never got the ball? How many goals has Given conceded that was his fault in one way or the other? Yes you will get goals from corners but that could be from a number of reasons markers loosing the players. I cant remember Given making a huge mistake were it cost us points since he has come here.

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