Bayern Munich v MCFC Post match Discussion thread

Several mistakes made by the manager last night

1. Playing only 2 DM against a very good and very experienced Bayern in their own backyard. He should've gone with 3 so we weren't over run in midfield.

2. Going with Silva AND Nasri. This is fine against Swansea/Wigan etc but against a team of Bayern's strength and experience it isnt going to work. It leaves us very short on cover and leaves us very narrow. It's not going to happen that you can play tat-tat-tat passes 'through' teams at this level.

3. Playing Kolo. He's not match sharp and at this level you HAVE to be otherwise you get exposed. A very naive gamble indeed. Plus Lescott has played well this season so why just drop him like that? Not only is it unecessary, imagine the psychological effect that has on a player.

4. Dejong for Dzeko. Yes, Dzeko wasnt playing well, but we needed a goal and a DM like Dejong is NOT going to score or set that up.

5. Bringing on yet another DM in Milner.

6. Bringing Kolarov on. This is ludicrous under ANY conditions at this level because he simply ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH for this level.

The Tevez situation hasn't helped and must be sorted asap. How a man can go from hero to hated so quickly is very sad but he's shown such disrespect for the club, the manager, the players and all of us. Id let him rot in the reserves and not lt him play at any level for our club again. Hopefully he'll buy himself out or somone will come in for him in Jan.

6 points needed from Villareal (achievable) in order to stand any chance of progression.
This was a bizarre discussion, as at least half of you guys hopelessly fell in love with little Italian macaroni charmer, who seduced me too. Who wouldn't fell on his charm and sex-appeal, let alone to his strong persona and charisma. Hence the complete blindness for obvious reason for miserable performance of "1 billion pound team" since Wigan onwards (first goal vs. Everton was a fluke, considering entire attacking effort that lead to that goal, which save the day).

Mancini choking this team (with or without Tevez) with his tactic, style and some strange deviation of Italian football philosophy, and City already resemble to famous AC Milan in 1996-1998 - most expensive disaster in history of the game.

City has everything, all the players are among best on their positions, midfielders are the best as well as strikers - simply, its a dream team !

Yet he said he lacks couple more top players !? Really, for what ? For more midfield clogging and headless running around with ball, bumping into each other (like Silva-Aguero-Nassri vs. Everton) while every one of them want to dribble into the box through the middle. Hence five crosses from play vs. Bayern, three of which were made after Edin was out. Well, who thinks Mancini's job is only to select players for the team and send them on the pitch ? They follow his instructions and those are terrible, as you can watch magicians like Silva and Nassri loose themselves in an infinitive dribbles through the middle. And as if they are not enough they got Aguero as "support" dribbler.

Ultimate team player of this City squad is simply just screwed, and I don't mean just this time, he is screwed for time being in team playing this kind of football. Its a shame if Edin should suffer for something he can't change nor influenced.
It was painful to see him being made an idiot and jack-ass in front of 80k (stunned) German supporters and millions of TV viewers - why - because Bob had no clue what was happening and what to do next, so he replaced striker and only effective player in the team with defender ! Yet most of you stand by Mancini and blame Edin. As 123abcd noticed well:
funny thing is that everyone seems to have rated Dzeko over Aguero for the game but everyone is saying that Dzeko was shite; yet to see someone single out Kun for a miserable performance.
is that bizarre or what.
But he was pissed and angry - so, bosanka noticed well:
džeko way overblown incident: what, he wasn't happy at being subbed? so? did he woman about it? did he punch mancini? what? he wanted to score. maybe he thought he could. maybe he was unhappy with the play in general. maybe he shares my views on point 3. (tactics) he tends to be unhappy when his team loses. there's a vid from germany on youtube where he's swearing on the way to the showers because he's pissed his team is losing. don't you want players to be pissed when they're losing? aren't you pissed when they're losing?
Well, besides the fact that his manager made him look like worst player on the pitch, he made him look like an idiot and jack-ass too. What Edin did was normal human reaction in line with rules and his right - considering his manager humiliated him in front of millions without a good reason or idea what he was doing (DeJong was in to keep the score at 2:0 and then Tevez to level or win the game - something like that !?!).

There are several more good posts by people whose reasoning isn't blurred with unquestionable devotion to Bob.

There is nothing to be said about Tevez - as soon as he leave the better for the club !

To conclude, I can only hope that Mancini's boss isn't a victim of Italian charm as well - this team is a dream team, no doubt about that, with enough world class players at every position to win PL and CL in this and/or in season ahead (one at the time)!
santasa said:
This was a bizarre discussion, as at least half of you guys hopelessly fell in love with little Italian macaroni charmer, who seduced me too. Who wouldn't fell on his charm and sex-appeal, let alone to his strong persona and charisma. Hence the complete blindness for obvious reason for miserable performance of "1 billion pound team" since Wigan onwards (first goal vs. Everton was a fluke, considering entire attacking effort that lead to that goal, which save the day).

Mancini choking this team (with or without Tevez) with his tactic, style and some strange deviation of Italian football philosophy, and City already resemble to famous AC Milan in 1996-1998 - most expensive disaster in history of the game.

City has everything, all the players are among best on their positions, midfielders are the best as well as strikers - simply, its a dream team !

Yet he said he lacks couple more top players !? Really, for what ? For more midfield clogging and headless running around with ball, bumping into each other (like Silva-Aguero-Nassri vs. Everton) while every one of them want to dribble into the box through the middle. Hence five crosses from play vs. Bayern, three of which were made after Edin was out. Well, who thinks Mancini's job is only to select players for the team and send them on the pitch ? They follow his instructions and those are terrible, as you can watch magicians like Silva and Nassri loose themselves in an infinitive dribbles through the middle. And as if they are not enough they got Aguero as "support" dribbler.

Ultimate team player of this City squad is simply just screwed, and I don't mean just this time, he is screwed for time being in team playing this kind of football. Its a shame if Edin should suffer for something he can't change nor influenced.
It was painful to see him being made an idiot and jack-ass in front of 80k (stunned) German supporters and millions of TV viewers - why - because Bob had no clue what was happening and what to do next, so he replaced striker and only effective player in the team with defender ! Yet most of you stand by Mancini and blame Edin. As 123abcd noticed well:
funny thing is that everyone seems to have rated Dzeko over Aguero for the game but everyone is saying that Dzeko was shite; yet to see someone single out Kun for a miserable performance.
is that bizarre or what.
But he was pissed and angry - so, bosanka noticed well:
džeko way overblown incident: what, he wasn't happy at being subbed? so? did he woman about it? did he punch mancini? what? he wanted to score. maybe he thought he could. maybe he was unhappy with the play in general. maybe he shares my views on point 3. (tactics) he tends to be unhappy when his team loses. there's a vid from germany on youtube where he's swearing on the way to the showers because he's pissed his team is losing. don't you want players to be pissed when they're losing? aren't you pissed when they're losing?
Well, besides the fact that his manager made him look like worst player on the pitch, he made him look like an idiot and jack-ass too. What Edin did was normal human reaction in line with rules and his right - considering his manager humiliated him in front of millions without a good reason or idea what he was doing (DeJong was in to keep the score at 2:0 and then Tevez to level or win the game - something like that !?!).

There are several more good posts by people whose reasoning isn't blurred with unquestionable devotion to Bob.

There is nothing to be said about Tevez - as soon as he leave the better for the club !

To conclude, I can only hope that Mancini's boss isn't a victim of Italian charm as well - this team is a dream team, no doubt about that, with enough world class players at every position to win PL and CL in this and/or in season ahead (one at the time)!

wow ....tut tut..flukey goals in football

wonders will never fucking cease
Jumanji said:
Ragnarok said:
Mancini was absolutely seething with anger after seeign Dzekos reaction to being subbed, the scenes showed Kidd restraining him from going over and having a word.
Yep, Dzeko is at 4:09


So, it can't be more clear then this !!! Sure, they wont say Mancin made a ridiculous mistake, not directly anyway, but no doubt what whole Europe buzzing about all night and day long when it comes to Edin-Bob issue.

We have one prostitute - Tevez, and that's clear; and then we have manager pimp an excellent striker and ultimate team player into prostitute !

And most of the fans are still dazzled with Mancini - sorry, this is his mess and I think he should be second to go (after Tevez). How long will he stay depend of team performance in this group stage of CL. We'll seee.<br /><br />-- Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:12 am --<br /><br />
Balti said:
santasa said:
(...) Hence the complete blindness for obvious reason for miserable performance of "1 billion pound team" since Wigan onwards (first goal vs. Everton was a fluke, considering entire attacking effort that lead to that goal, which save the day)(...)

wow ....tut tut..flukey goals in football

wonders will never fucking cease

Ah, like you don't understand what means this "fluke" in post above ?
santasa said:
Jumanji said:
Ragnarok said:
Mancini was absolutely seething with anger after seeign Dzekos reaction to being subbed, the scenes showed Kidd restraining him from going over and having a word.
Yep, Dzeko is at 4:09


So, it can't be more clear then this !!! Sure, they wont say Mancin made a ridiculous mistake, not directly anyway, but no doubt what whole Europe buzzing about all night and day long when it comes to Edin-Bob issue.

We have one prostitute - Tevez, and that's clear; and then we have manager pimp an excellent striker and ultimate team player into prostitute !

And most of the fans are still dazzled with Mancini - sorry, this is his mess and I think he should be second to go (after Tevez). How long will he stay depend of team performance in this group stage of CL. We'll seee.

-- Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:12 am --

Balti said:
santasa said:
(...) Hence the complete blindness for obvious reason for miserable performance of "1 billion pound team" since Wigan onwards (first goal vs. Everton was a fluke, considering entire attacking effort that lead to that goal, which save the day)(...)

wow ....tut tut..flukey goals in football

wonders will never fucking cease

Ah, like you don't understand what means this "fluke" in post above ?
Put down the games console and step away from Fifa 12.

Macaroni charmer, eh? Interesting aside. Gathering you are more Bosnian patriot than City fan. Shouldn't you be at war or summat?
strongbowholic said:
santasa said:
Jumanji said:
Yep, Dzeko is at 4:09


So, it can't be more clear then this !!! Sure, they wont say Mancin made a ridiculous mistake, not directly anyway, but no doubt what whole Europe buzzing about all night and day long when it comes to Edin-Bob issue.

We have one prostitute - Tevez, and that's clear; and then we have manager pimp an excellent striker and ultimate team player into prostitute !

And most of the fans are still dazzled with Mancini - sorry, this is his mess and I think he should be second to go (after Tevez). How long will he stay depend of team performance in this group stage of CL. We'll seee.

-- Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:12 am --

Balti said:
wow ....tut tut..flukey goals in football

wonders will never fucking cease

Ah, like you don't understand what means this "fluke" in post above ?
Put down the games console and step away from Fifa 12.

Macaroni charmer, eh? Interesting aside. Gathering you are more Bosnian patriot than City fan. Shouldn't you be at war or summat?

Considering what Bosnians went through this is an unbelievable low blow. Genocide is funny now?

I was confident Dzeko would be the real deal for City but it looks like it might not work out.

Sell the lad in any case. More than anything I'm just disappointed that City as a whole isn't performing. The fact that we've spent so much money makes it sting even worse. The time may come when the Sheik decides to cut his losses. Scary thought!
Why all this unmitigated praise of Joe Hart? The lad did well overall, made a couple of good saves, and I acknowledge that a goalkeeper's mistakes are always magnified. But...instead of shouting at his defenders, Joe Hart should follow a simple rule of good goalkeeping that every schoolboy knows: if you can't hold the ball, put it out behind for a corner; whatever you do, don't spill it for an opposing striker to pounce on.

Would Shay Given have done that? Hardly...

And mark my words: that zonal marking will do for City the same as it did for Liverpool when that prize Spanish idiot Benitiz was in charge.

I'm also amazed that Mancini didn't use a winger to get behind the Bayern defence. Adam Johnson is seriously underused in that side, and is scintillating and threatening everytime he comes on as a a sub, unfortunately usually for only about ten minutes.

I also think Richard Dunne is way better than any central defender we have right now.

What have we come to? Where are we going?
Never read such bollocks in all my life, bobby's suddenly crap....? Blah blah bullshit. We were playing one of the all time great teams, we lost, we could have won. 2 penalty shouts and a sitter from edin missed.
Looking at the positives of the game I'm pretty sure jo hart confirmed himself as the best keeper in the world, and ndj is back and looking good.
Too many people on here are expecting us to go out and win every single game, we won't, but I still believe will be there at the end. Keep the faith blues.
Sell Dzeko.

As a Bayern fan that just makes me ROFLMAO.

Do you realize how badly a lot of Bayern fans wanted him wearing red before you guys signed him? I agree with the above posters, Mancini is not suited for tournament style football and tactically hes not as astute or gifted in the attacking way that your team is moving towards. You guys have bought creative, technical players and want to follow in the footsteps of Barca and Madrid. A coach like Mancini who has little experience with total football is not the solution, at least not a short-term solution either way. Maybe he learns along with the team and by next season you guys get that down. Woudn't it be just better to get a coach who specializes in attacking and or possession football like Rijkard or god forbid LVG.

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