The BBC is far from perfect, but it's the best we've got and when it's gone...
One of the greatest assets of the BBC is its local and regional content, but there is so much great content across the board with the multiple TV channels, Radio stations and online content. Once we start f*cking around with the way it's funded it can only go one way, and that's downhill.
I believe the unique way it is funded needs to be protected. The fact is that the BBC is our public service broadcaster, and during times of crisis or national disaster the BBC is obligated to provide a service to the public. It doesn't matter if we never have to call upon those services, but they still have to be able to provide them when called upon.
I believe for this reason everyone who has in use equipment capable of receiving live broadcast TV should pay a licence fee unless they are exempt due to financial hardship (yes even pensioners). I think there should be a financial threshold at which the full licence fee should apply, and anyone blow that threshold should be given a free licence. A free licence should be limited to live broadcast TV only, so no access to BBC iPlayer/Sounds or any other streamed or online content. Having said that, people below threshold who receive a free licence should be given the option to access these services via a reduced licence fee (perhaps 50-60%)
The only other alternative is to fund it through general taxation which is the same way our roads are funded, and you only have to look at the state of some of our roads to realise what a sh*t show it will be for the BBC if we go down that route.