BBC SPOTY | Team of the Year: CITY | Coach of the Year: GUARDIOLA | World Sport Star: HAALAND

Pretty much echoes my previous post. We love a glorious loser. As others have said, somebody like Walker or Stones absolutely deserves to be in this list as they are actually winners. Instead we get a rag goalkeeper who does this:

@SkyBlueFlux that's what reminded me about the article. I'd forgotten I read it last week and when I saw your previous post about losers I remembered.
John Stones should win every award going........... yes I would say that wouldn't I as his biggest (& oldest) fan!!!! *lol*
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It’ll be interesting to see what happens in the next generation. Triple barrelled names? Then quadruple? Amalgamation of surnames? It seems a slightly short sighted fad to me.
I've been saying that for a few years now @Alan Harper's Tash thank goodness my family have stayed with tradition and all my grandchildren and great-grandchildren are just single surnames. :-)
It’ll be interesting to see what happens in the next generation. Triple barrelled names? Then quadruple? Amalgamation of surnames? It seems a slightly short sighted fad to me.

Well that’s what already happens in many European countries - double barrelling is just the Anglo way of doing it. If you double-barrel a double-barrelled name you can just demote one of the names to a middle name. That’s why in some countries people have massive names. My wife technically has four surnames. She has mine, her dads, her mothers and her grandmothers. They just gradually drop the ones they feel most removed from so it doesn’t get ridiculous (though sometimes people don’t and end up with 30 names which I agree is a bit silly).

In reality people should just call themselves whatever they want and whatever they think reflects the history they want to pass onto their kids. That’s ultimately why we did it.
Let's be honest, it's an award ceremony for people who don't actually watch sport. The sort of people who deck their houses out in England flags every World Cup but never watch a game any other time.
In reality people should just call themselves whatever they want and whatever they think reflects the history they want to pass onto their kids. That’s ultimately why we did it.
That's why when my granddaughter and grandson had children (I know it was grandson's partner not him who had said child!) I did a print out of their family history in the form of a booklet with a family tree. The booklet gave all significant dates for their ancestors and also their place of birth and death.
They know all the relevant surnames and it is there for when they are older and start asking questions. For the eldest great-grandchild it came in handy when the school were doing families as a topic. :-)
That's why when my granddaughter and grandson had children (I know it was grandson's partner not him who had said child!) I did a print out of their family history in the form of a booklet with a family tree. The booklet gave all significant dates for their ancestors and also their place of birth and death.
They know all the relevant surnames and it is there for when they are older and start asking questions. For the eldest great-grandchild it came in handy when the school were doing families as a topic. :-)

A very thoughtful gift EB :) I think demonstrates that family history is very important to us all.

I just thought that if my kids grew up in Britain with a very British name (which mine is) then they’d lose an important connection. My wife’s family came from extreme poverty in Angola and Congo and faced incredible hardships to get to Europe and build a better life where they’ve achieved amazing things. It would almost feel rude to erase that 50% of the family by removing their naming traditions and calling the kid “Andrew Smith” or words to that effect.

Of course, there are many ways to preserve and honour family ties, as you’ve demonstrated, and this is one small way of us doing that.

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