BBC's Panorama set to ruin Englands world cup 2018 bid.

Dubai Blue said:
me myself and i said:
we must have the most counter active media in the world. yes it will have a big effect on the final say me thinks
So the media should just turn a blind eye to the blatant, rampant corruption that was always going to condemn our bid anyway?

"If they have it in for Jack Warner their sport suffers and for me that is a disaster."
This is a high-ranking FIFA official talking like a mafia don FFS. It's an outrageous quote from one of the most bent men ever to have been involved in football. "Expose my wrongdoings and I will seriously fuck you up" is what he's saying. Well fuck you Jack, and the rest of your dodgy bent bastard mates.

Is exposing this and hopefully cleaning up the game once and for all worth losing the World Cup? Absofuckinglutely. Especially seen as we had no chance right from the outset because of a bunch of pampered corrupt spivs from completely irrelevant footballing nations.

As much as I'd like to see England get the World Cup, I couldn't agree more with this post. It's an almost nailed-on certainty that corruption is rife within FIFA from the top down and if the Panorama programme can prove it then I'm all for it. How anyone can blame the BBC or the makers of Panorama for any adverse publicity regarding the English bid is beyond me.

I don't believe for one minute that Jack Warner hasn't made up his mind who he's throwing his weight behind - you only have to hear some of the stuff he's said regarding England in the past and it's obvious he can't stand us, and as such there is no way he was ever going to vote for us anyway. Probably because our FA don't offer him backhanders.

Our media come in for much-deserved criticism at times but if this, coupled with the Sunday Times investigation, exposes the disgusting corruption within FIFA once and for all and in turn completely fucks up Blatter, Warner, and FIFA as a footballing organisation then I'd sooner that than us pussy-footing around and being nicey-nicey in order to try and secure votes for Thursday.
Isn't there a concerted effort by the BBC and the press to have it in Spain or Portugal? After all, an all expenses paid holiday on the backs of the licence payers or shareholders to sunny climes - much better than trailing round the same old Premier grounds.
blumoonrises said:
It airs Monday night just a few days before the decision is made, no doubt it will affect our chances.. which is clearly the aim, why would they want to do that..?
..Top Fifa executive Jack Warner says the BBC's Panorama programme has a "death wish" for England's 2018 World Cup bid.

Warner holds the key to five of the crucial 22 votes needed when bosses meet on Thursday.

But he hinted that England's bid - now thought to be third in the running behind Spain/Portugal and Russia - had been doomed to failure by Monday's Panorama show, which is set to outline corruption at Fifa.

He said: Panorama is on a death wish for the FA. They are vultures.

"If they have it in for Jack Warner their sport suffers and for me that is a disaster.

"I've been talking to my colleagues at Fifa and wonder what Panorama can gain by trying to discredit Fifa, who have to decide whether to vote for the FA's bid?"

Discredit FIFA ??they did that to themselves by seeding teams in the very last minute re the world cup qualifying playoffs.. corrupt fucks.
bluevengence said:
WNRH said:
The damage has already been done with the papers.

Surely it`s Citys fault
classic ha ?<br /><br />-- Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:03 am --<br /><br />the thing is the fa should put their own house in order, the click that is going on there with some of the decisions they make for the the big four cartel is rediculous, don,t get me wrong i would love to see the world cup here but their is a lot of immoral manipulation going on within the fa premiership, as soon as i heard about the hacks getting invloved with undercover world cup backhanders i knew we were probably out of contention, i mean does anyone on this site trust the world cup commitee to be fair, the whole lot stinks, for myself i do not trust the fa to be fair either?
The timing interests me. Showing it now surely puts the final nail in the coffin for our bid, but showing it next week after the vote might make it look like sour grapes.

Maybe it's a double bluff ploy, and will get FIFA to actually vote for our bid to prove the doubters wrong?

My middle name is naive :o)
If we don't get this one then our next chance is 2026. The competition will be nearly one hundred years old by then.
In that time Italy, Germany, France, Mexico have had it twice. Mexico had it twice in within sixteen years ! Germany twice in thirty two years and it was their fault that it wasn't played for twelve years !

Sixty years will have passed since our last one and in all honesty if they didn't then say that one is ours without bid,we should refuse to bid for any future tournaments. Because I think that in the not too distant future FIFA will come to us to bail them out. Purely because other nations will not be able to fund one.
There have been documentaries before by investigative journalists exposing the corruption at the heart of FIFA. This is nothing new. Who gives a flying fuck about hosting the World Cup anyway. It's a load of corporate bollocks. It's the little pissy patriots in the Royal Telegraph Tory press who are crapping themselves making hypocritical comments about Panorama.

Fuck the bid, fuck FIFA.
dell74 said:
Because I think that in the not too distant future FIFA will come to us to bail them out. Purely because other nations will not be able to fund one.
This could happen as early as 2018 itself if Spain/Portugal get it. As Samuel asks in today's Mail, how are these two completely skint countires planning to fund the gargantuan amount of development that is needed for them to host a World Cup?

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... d-Cup.html</a>
England should just resign from FIFA and refuse to play in any FIFA tournaments (the World cup)
I mean we have no fucking chance of actually winning the competition and we all know that the bidding process is corrupt.
The FA will miss out on a few shirt sales and a bit of sponsorship. So what, it's coining it in from the Premier League.
blumoonrises said:
It airs Monday night just a few days before the decision is made, no doubt it will affect our chances.. which is clearly the aim, why would they want to do that..?
..Top Fifa executive Jack Warner says the BBC's Panorama programme has a "death wish" for England's 2018 World Cup bid.

Warner holds the key to five of the crucial 22 votes needed when bosses meet on Thursday.

But he hinted that England's bid - now thought to be third in the running behind Spain/Portugal and Russia - had been doomed to failure by Monday's Panorama show, which is set to outline corruption at Fifa.

He said: Panorama is on a death wish for the FA. They are vultures.

"If they have it in for Jack Warner their sport suffers and for me that is a disaster.

"I've been talking to my colleagues at Fifa and wonder what Panorama can gain by trying to discredit Fifa, who have to decide whether to vote for the FA's bid?"

Why would the BBC aim to scupper the bid, when more than likely us hosting the finals would be as beneficial to them as others?

I find it frustrating that the media are being told they should keep the lid on evidence about corruption as it may do damage to the bid - such activity should be made publicand passed on to the relevant authorities to deal with.

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