Being Treated like schoolkids by UEFA on Wednesday again

Now let me see,...................

Manchester City FOOTBALL Club v Società Sportiva Calcio Napoli FOOTBALL Club and all you can complain about is not being able to get an alcoholic drink before/during/after the match inside the ground!!

I am going to watch two excellent teams play FOOTBALL. Just my humble opinion!! :-)
Eccles Blue said:
Now let me see,...................

Manchester City FOOTBALL Club v Società Sportiva Calcio Napoli FOOTBALL Club and all you can complain about is not being able to get an alcoholic drink before/during/after the match inside the ground!!

I am going to watch two excellent teams play FOOTBALL. Just my humble opinion!! :-) am I.

And UEFA have again removed my right to have an alcoholic drink with my family and friends in the stadium, which would increase my enjoyment. Having a beer at half time is part of gootball culture. Always has been.

Crowd trouble is largely, although I accept not completely, a thing of the past. I suspect there has been crowd trouble at less than 1% of UEFA games over the last 5 years. Crowd trouble in football stadia is practically non-existant. Banning alcohol for the 2 hours which fans are inside a stadium is totally unproven as a method to reduce violence. Indeed, as far as I can see, UEFA have not even explained what their reasoning is for this decision. Some have even said it is the "image of the game"! Yet UEFA are heavily sponsored by Heineken.

It's people like you, just accepting this nannying in an unquestioning way, who are the reason this goes on.
Eccles Blue said:

Now I can officially say I have passed the WUM exam!!!


I'll give you a B+ for that mate.

Chuck a couple of insults in for maximum marks....!

Something like "It's people like you who make me disgusted to be a City fan. All you care about is getting drunk and fighting. You Big Hairy Dog's Cock".

Didsbury Dave said:
Eccles Blue said:

Now I can officially say I have passed the WUM exam!!!


I'll give you a B+ for that mate.

Chuck a couple of insults in for maximum marks....!

Something like "It's people like you who make me disgusted to be a City fan. All you care about is getting drunk and fighting. You Big Hairy Dog's Cock".


Thanks for the advice DD, welcome back. I have been watching for your return. ;-)
Didsbury Dave said:
danburge82 said:
Heineken is one of the major sponsors of the CL. So how the frig can they stop clubs selling alcohol in the stadiums? Legally i'm sure that their sponsorship with Heineken would not allow them to do this. Amstel was a major sponsor before this too.

Also don't they allow clubs in other countries seel alcohol. I'm sure i read on here that Copenhagen were seelling cans at their ground and i'm sure everyone will remember that Hamburg/Shalke (can't remember which one) [female] fan who was celebrating and got a full pint of beer right over her head - it was funny as fuck! Is it just in England they don't allow alcohol sales in the ground?

At Schalke they were selling beer right outside the turnstiles at the sausage vendors. In the ground they were selling alcohol free lager (which many thought was the real stuff!) So it's all UEFA games.

shalke was alcohol free in the city end, but in the home section it was normal strength, only the uk has the alcohol ban for some reason
mekonmcfc said:
shalke was alcohol free in the city end, but in the home section it was normal strength, only the uk has the alcohol ban for some reason

Are you sure? They were breaking the rules if it was.

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