Being Treated like schoolkids by UEFA on Wednesday again

Didsbury Dave said:
MCFC BOB said:
Surely you can go one game without beer?

For what it's worth I drive to 90% of games. Of course I can go without a fucking beer. I regularly do.

The point is I resent UEFA removing the right to have a pint from me at games under their juristiction. Especially when I could get one within 50 yards of the entrance of the stadium. I am paying for their product and they should remember that.
Welcome back DD... feels good to have you around again posting... not that there hasnt been enough to read but i've missed your comments!!

And i totally agree about your sentiments in this thread!
Didsbury Dave said:
baldmosher said:
And those who do like doing that will sneak in a hip flask and get pissed anyway.
So why impose this stupid rule which reduces the enjoyment of thousands of decent supporters then? Who have paid their hard-earned money to be entertained?
The act of a law breaker doesn't undermine the law, it reinforces it.

Why ban murder? People who want to kill people will do so whether it's legal or not.

Why ban uninsured drivers? People hit by uninsured drivers usually have insurance, those who don't, well that's their choice.

Why ban smoking? It doesn't discourage people from smoking, it'll just make them bitter and resentful that they can't give everyone else cancer too.

Banning alcohol at football matches sends a message that LIVE football and alcohol don't mix. Whether you agree with that or not is completely irrelevant because you don't run MCFC or UEFA or the police. You are the guests of MCFC and UEFA on Wednesday night and the police will be watching over your safety by preventing drunken louts getting into the ground and ruining it for everyone else. What they say goes.

Nobody's stopping you from sitting at home drinking Heineken and watching the match on TV. UEFA would in fact very much like you to do that. If you're really that bothered about not having a beer at the ground, just do that instead. But you're not, you're just trolling
I rarely have a pint at half time. Not cos I don't want one, I just can't be arsed queuing up and being served by people who have never worked behind a bar before or have the slightest interest in speeding things up. 10 minutes for a shit, expensive beer. No thanks.
baldmosher said:
You are the guests of MCFC and UEFA on Wednesday night

And therein lies the problem. And you've bought it hook line and sinker.

I'm not a "guest".

I'm a supporter, and therefore ultimately I'm a customer.

There would be no MCFC, no EITIHAD stadium and no UEFA without me. Platini, and you, and all the other sheep prepared to take their medicine without questioning should remember that.

Question for you. What is the only significant trouble we've had in COMS in recent years? Ever in fact.
Scully said:
I rarely have a pint at half time. Not cos I don't want one, I just can't be arsed queuing up and being served by people who have never worked behind a bar before or have the slightest interest in speeding things up. 10 minutes for a shit, expensive beer. No thanks.
10 minutes for a shit?

you wouldnt have time for a pint mate to be fair!
Fuck em, I'm going to have a gram of flake and a couple of E's that will show that twat Platini he can keep his pissy lager!!!

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