Being Treated like schoolkids by UEFA on Wednesday again

Not being able to have a pint at the match is fucking bollocks. We've never had any trouble at this ground and alcohol has been available by the wheelbarrow load for nearly 10 years now. People who say that it's only a couple of hours without a pint, and that the law is the law and it must be followed are completely missing the point. Possibly on purpose.
notts blue said:
Scully said:
I rarely have a pint at half time. Not cos I don't want one, I just can't be arsed queuing up and being served by people who have never worked behind a bar before or have the slightest interest in speeding things up. 10 minutes for a shit, expensive beer. No thanks.
10 minutes for a shit?

you wouldnt have time for a pint mate to be fair!

I know, but I do have a smoke at the same time. :)
Ricster said:
Can nobody see the irony in the topic title to the way this thread has turned out?

"Being Treated like schoolkids" being the major words.

Maybe I should send off some poorly spelt , awfully argued letter which looks like its been written by a schoolboy to uefa .

I'll purport to speak for all city fans then stick it on here to milk the congratulations. ;-)
Drinkers should count themselves lucky.

Alcohol is still the nations favourite, and only, passtime.

It's easy enough to get loaded before the game. It's also easy enough to smuggle in some spirits if you want to top yourself up during the game.

Smoking isn't allowed either but that doesn't stop a lot of people.

Rules are made to be broken.
Never understood this rule. Surely it's easy enough to get pissed outside the stadium especially at Goodison or Anfield there's loads of pubs. The irony is they allow hot drinks at football matches which are far more dangerous than lukewarm beer. There's no logical reason why fans shouldn't be allowed to drink beer at their seat.
What is really annoying (sorry if someone else has stated this, not read all pages) is that in hospitality you can buy alcohol.

So does uefa have the view that because we sit in the cheap seats we are unable to conduct ourselves in an adult manor if we have a pint. Yet the sandwich eaters can drink as much as they like?

I love my pre match pint in a plastic cup! Damn you uefa!
standupefc said:
Never understood this rule. Surely it's easy enough to get pissed outside the stadium especially at Goodison or Anfield there's loads of pubs. The irony is they allow hot drinks at football matches which are far more dangerous than lukewarm beer. There's no logical reason why fans shouldn't be allowed to drink beer at their seat.
the beer that iv had in the ground is hotter then any tea or coffee :)
I was expecting fanfare and flashing lights for "The Return of Dave", but no, like a thief in the night, you appear!

To be fair, I was out most of the day and have only just seen this not too long ago.

Welcome back, DD, and let's have a thread on your thoughts of the tenure of one Roberto Mancini in your month's hiatus from Bluemoon.

Didsbury Dave said:
Ricster said:
Can nobody see the irony in the topic title to the way this thread has turned out?

"Being Treated like schoolkids" being the major words.

Maybe I should send off some poorly spelt , awfully argued letter which looks like its been written by a schoolboy to uefa .

I'll purport to speak for all city fans then stick it on here to milk the congratulations. ;-)

No, just stick to slagging our club and now ex CEO and brown tongue it with Ollie Holt some more. Your as bad as that **** that broke his leg, possibly worse.

You make me physcally sick.

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