Belgian Fans (merged)

The day the club entirely bins off what's left of the points system due to wanting to accommodate new fans whose only interest in City is due to us being a highly successful club and/or a desire to accommodate even more corporates, is the day real divisions open up among our support.

If that ever happens it would be a complete disaster, not least for said new fans. There will be a lot of hostility swimming about should that ever happen, and while it should be directed at the club, not those who just want to watch City, it'd be an inevitability if the longstanding core support was shat on to such a great extent.

I don't think you quite grasp the fundamentals of this issue, frankly mate.

I guess i don't. I can understand that the point system is under scrutiny for not upholding to it's own rules, but to some degree some sentiments here seem to me reflective of some arrogant entitlement. Is it really so that foreign fans just shouldn't get the chance to see important away matches because that must be reserved for the locals even if the point system could be altered to be more respresentative of current reallity? We Belgians just don't have a chance to compete in points you do realise that right? So we can see the home matches but the away match tickets should be unquestioably be wholesomely owned by the locals?

Critisise the management for a point system that doesn't uphold to it's rules thats ok. But the consequent hostillety and negativism of some towards foreigners for that reason kinda gives that unwelcome sentiment where others come to pm me saying that i shouldn't take it to hart and feel welcome instead. look at this thread and observe how youre own community is devided on this issue and how agressors are being denounced. A certain section section of people here imho should know their enemy in this and stop dishing on the foreginers for feeling backstabbed by the point system.
I guess i don't. I can understand that the point system is under scrutiny for not upholding to it's own rules, but to some degree some sentiments here seem to me reflective of some arrogant entitlement. Is it really so that foreign fans just shouldn't get the chance to see important away matches because that must be reserved for the locals even if the point system could be altered to be more respresentative of current reallity? We Belgians just don't have a chance to compete in points you do realise that right? So we can see the home matches but the away match tickets should be unquestioably be wholesomely owned by the locals?

Critisise the management for a point system that doesn't uphold to it's rules thats ok. But the consequent hostillety and negativism of some towards foreigners for that reason kinda gives that unwelcome sentiment where others come to pm me saying that i shouldn't take it to hart and feel welcome instead. look at this thread and observe how youre own community is devided on this issue and how agressors are being denounced. A certain section section of people here imho should know their enemy in this and stop dishing on the foreginers for feeling backstabbed by the point system.

I fully agree with your second paragraph.

In regards your first, put yourself in the shoes of the loyal fan that can't get a ticket and yet he sees fans who have never watched the team before get a ticket. How would you feel?
This has been going on all season,I highlighted it at Old Trafford,when I had 12 row of seats each containing 25 seats,all full off overseas visitors.
Few if any had any alleigance to City.
It is quite clear that someone at City has authourised an amount of seats to be sold through an agency for every away game.
Who ever it is,must be a very senior figure,within the club
It would not have been done by someone in the ticket office.
At Arsenal there must have been another 3 or 4 hundred overseas supporters/tourists on top of the belgium contingent.
So lets all assume thats appropx 600 tickets add on the corporate jolly 200 and that alone is 25% of our allocation of 3200 gone
This is where all the away tickets are going out of our allocation.
Yes we might have a few points whores,and the supporters clubs might not allocate tickets,how we would all like-fairly
But at least those tickets are going to genuine Blues.
But to all you people,who blame the above, "Wake up "Its the money men at the top of the club,who are shafting us not loyal Blues

Good point Chappie about established Supporters Clubs ensuring tickets go to Blues. We wouldn't be able to sell out full price ticket games in London without them IMHO.

I was able to pass on a few tickets from Blues with the right points to other deserving Blues. I hate the thought of some of our tickets ending up with touts!
In regards your first, put yourself in the shoes of the loyal fan that can't get a ticket and yet he sees fans who have never watched the team before get a ticket. How would you feel?

Simmilarly as i might feel about English tourists getting priority in my home city while never having paid a dime in taxes? I just don't mind to make that sacrifice, would feel smallish if i complaied too much about it. Though admitingly there is a fine line somewhere there, can't just have it all for the English here, neither can have all the away tickets going to foreigners, but 10-20% of tickets is something i personally probably wouldn't mind too much, and those who complain here are vocal but ive seen others express being ok with it too, so it's not like everyone will feel about this the way you do. Anyway you asked me how i'd feel, and thus my answer is that i'd probably be tollerating it, and in some mildly comparable form i guess i know how it feels.
Dont worry regulars, you will all be welcome at sunderland on a tuesday night in february, where there wont be one tourist in sight
Some people don't seem to get it. It's not being small minded or bigoted to want things to be fair to people who have given time and money to the club over a long period of time including when we were shite.

They should not be disadvantaged for someone who fancies a day out watching a team cos they like a few of our players. I would not dream of going to Germany or wherever and turning up in a half and half scarf to a crucial Away game at the expense of long term season ticket holders just because I liked one of their players or fancied a day out.
Fans and tourists from all over the world are welcome at home games (although I don't think it does much for the atmosphere myself) if a match goes on general sale but at away games tickets are obviously in shorter supply and so long standing fans need to have priority.
Perhaps some europeans posting here that arent really getting it is because football support is viewed a little different in other countries and people are not as passionate, attached or committed to their club but for those brought up as a city fan it is a bit more than just a hobby!
Surely if you want to 'be a city fan' you would rather come to Manchester than London.
A south African guy on holiday was stood next to me after paying 180 pound for his ticket. He said he got his ticket from arsenal themselves after not managing to get one in their end (don't see how thar could happen but maybe he got mixed up) but pointed at his city hat and said he was a city fan. I asked out of interest if he had been to Manchester and he said he was trying to get a ticket to see them play away at Chelsea...
I guess i don't. I can understand that the point system is under scrutiny for not upholding to it's own rules, but to some degree some sentiments here seem to me reflective of some arrogant entitlement.
Now this sort of thing pisses me off. You clearly have no clue what we're talking about. We've earned that entitlement through attending games, home and away, for a few years and at a time when watching City was a dire experience, we had no money, when players like De Bruyne & Kompany were just a dream, as was playing in the Champions League. People like me worked their way up the points ladder by going to games that never sold out. Now demand outstrips supply and those fans who went to support the club on the road before 2008 have been discarded by the club.

I recognise that there's a new reality in football (and particularly at City) these days. If they give a few tickets to tour operators then so be it. But don't expect us to like them giving 200 tickets for a prestigious away fixture to people who've never attended a game before, on top of all the other tickets they give to priority groups (such as the ones paying £99+VAT to have a meal beforehand and the people who pay extra at the Etihad for a padded seat) and shrug our shoulders.
Unbelievable! What about the empty seats in most of The games? Especialy CL? City is a global brand now, tourits are spending Money to go to the stadium. Lots of it. Tshirts, scarfs, souveniers, tickets, etc Money that goes to the club. Without the foreign fans, we would still had Adebayor instead of Aguero. Can t believe what I am reading: City fans mocking City fans just because they are not British. Its unfair.

what a load of shit ! No one is saying foreign fans can't come and watch city anywhere. how is it fair though that a bunch of tourists who dont support us are able to get tickets for one of the biggest away games of the year ?? without foreign fans we would still have adebayor hahaha wtf. without our long standing fan base the club wouldn't exist and we wouldn't eb the same club.

lets do what you say though lets replace everyone with tourists because they spend more money. Lets do what chelsea, united liverpool do and have all the locals sit in the pub unable to watch the game. 200 odd tickets for an away is not right !
I guess i don't. I can understand that the point system is under scrutiny for not upholding to it's own rules, but to some degree some sentiments here seem to me reflective of some arrogant entitlement. Is it really so that foreign fans just shouldn't get the chance to see important away matches because that must be reserved for the locals even if the point system could be altered to be more respresentative of current reallity? We Belgians just don't have a chance to compete in points you do realise that right? So we can see the home matches but the away match tickets should be unquestioably be wholesomely owned by the locals?

Critisise the management for a point system that doesn't uphold to it's rules thats ok. But the consequent hostillety and negativism of some towards foreigners for that reason kinda gives that unwelcome sentiment where others come to pm me saying that i shouldn't take it to hart and feel welcome instead. look at this thread and observe how youre own community is devided on this issue and how agressors are being denounced. A certain section section of people here imho should know their enemy in this and stop dishing on the foreginers for feeling backstabbed by the point system.

Long standing supporters who attend the most games are entitled to priority for the biggest games, it's not arrogant entitlement - it's precisely the fundamental method of rewarding the most loyal supporters and ensuring they get priority for the biggest games which is the points system.

It's recognising that there is a pecking order for tickets for such in demand games, and someone from abroad who has only recently taken a liking to City because they're highly successful, and wants to attend their first game at the biggest fixture of the season no less, should not get a ticket for said game ahead of a long standing supporter.

If you dismiss that then frankly you warrant some hostility, as it is you who sounds entitled while showing little consideration for the supporters of this club you've only just taken a liking to. And that's not at all a way to endear yourself to said people.

People are happy to welcome new fans to games, but there is a pecking order for tickets for the biggest games, and so there should be.

Do you believe that you should be granted a ticket to an oversubscribed cup final ahead of a longstanding supporter just because City are a 'global club' as I think you put it earlier, and you'd like one?

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