Bellamy In Bust Up With Mancini - (Merged)

Re: Bellamy vs Mancini - which side are YOU on?

What a pathetic topic. Why does there have to be sides taken for any little thing happening within the club? I support the team, Im sure there are hundreds of incidents on training pitches every week that dont make the papers, dont believe the hype.
Re: Bellamy In Bust Up With Mancini - according to The Scum

scorer said:
m35 blue68 said:
what a loads of bollocks! Bellamy over Mancini every time.

You are clearly not a manager of people.

funnily enough I am Sorer, but WTF has that got to do with the thread?
Re: Bellamy In Bust Up With Mancini - according to The Scum

Didsbury Dave said:
Pigeonho said:
Its the Sun, thats all that needs to be said. I love that 'and at the top of his voice shouted "get out and don't come back for 3 months"'. HAHAHAHA!!!! As if that got fuckin said! The papers know Sunday is a very, VERY important game and will be doing their upmost to disrupt us, especially those fucking Custis brothers and bird-face Winter. Buy a paper tomorrow and Sunday and there will be more bullshit printed about us. All City can do is laugh at it in its face and go and do the thieves cum 3PM Sunday.

Don't come back for 3 months. HAHAH!!!

Whilst i don't buy the 3 month thing, I think it's naive to just dismiss the rest of the story Pidge.

I don't like it as I said earlier. I don't like the fact that morale is so bad. It's affecting performances on the pitch.

If you're a manager you have to get the players buying into you and your methods. How you do that is up to you but it's way too simplistic to start saying "they're all wankers and Bobby is boss"

Part of his job is to get the camp as happy and bouyant as he can.

It's more worrying signs for me.

True enough, Dave, but some players are not as pliable when it comes to gettting them to put their egos to one side.

In addition, most of them, like the punters, quickly formed the impression Mancini is a short-term appointment.

It's quite easy, the club come out, just as they did with Hughes, when he forced them to publicly state he would be the manager for the 'long term', the season prior to his eventual sacking.

That way, players who given an inch, and subsequently take a mile, either stop coasting or go.

Jesus, their feet wouldn't touch the ground under a Mourinho. So many of these so-called top echelon players would quickly dicover they are nothing of the sort.
Re: Bellamy In Bust Up With Mancini - according to The Scum

m35 blue68 said:
scorer said:
You are clearly not a manager of people.

funnily enough I am Sorer, but WTF has that got to do with the thread?

Clearly a very poor one then if are gonna let your staff dictate how things are done.
Re: Bellamy In Bust Up With Mancini - according to The Scum

Surely the 3 months issue would of just been a flippant comment (if at all true)

Bobby: "I want you to train today Craig"
Bellers: "No Bobby as Mark knew I have to look after my knee and don't feel ready"
Bobby: "Oh well why don't you just come back in 3 months then ....."

We have all been there when the pressure is on and you are a bit fucked off plus you are coming up a guy who was one of Hughes’ boys, I'm not reading too much into this although there is obviously some unrest!
Re: Bellamy In Bust Up With Mancini - according to The Scum

mike channon´s windmill said:
Benarbia said:
Today is the day our season implodes

Episode 23 of "Cups for cock ups" in full production - Tevez and maybe this before such a game - you really couldn´t fookin make it up!

Oh AND we could lose 6 points today !

Have a nice day y´all!
Re: Bellamy vs Mancini - which side are YOU on?

pee dubyas crayons. S**t stirrer.
Anyone who agrees with Bellamy must be barking.
Any Welsh on here who can understand this behaviour?
Re: Bellamy vs Mancini - which side are YOU on?

pee dubyas crayons. S**t stirrer.
Anyone who agrees with Bellamy must be barking.
Any Welsh on here who can understand this behaviour?
Re: Bellamy vs Mancini - which side are YOU on?

dave bacuzzi said:
pee dubyas crayons. S**t stirrer.
Anyone who agrees with Bellamy must be barking.
Any Welsh on here who can understand this behaviour?

Im Welsh we arent all the same just like you English, French, German etc!!!

Its Bellamy thats what he does moan and thats why hes such a good player and always gives his all!!!

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