Bellamy In Bust Up With Mancini - (Merged)

Re: Bellamy In Bust Up With Mancini - according to The Scum

Chorleyblue said:
- Bellamy falls out with Mancini
- Tevez not available
- Viera gets himself banned
- Petrov out with an Injury for up to a month

We have a massive game against Liverpool and only City can F..k things up

According to Mancini the whole Bellamy fallout story is a lie.
Re: Bellamy In Bust Up With Mancini - according to The Scum

avoidconfusion said:
Chorleyblue said:
- Bellamy falls out with Mancini
- Tevez not available
- Viera gets himself banned
- Petrov out with an Injury for up to a month

We have a massive game against Liverpool and only City can F..k things up

According to Mancini the whole Bellamy fallout story is a lie.

Where did you get that from mate?
Re: Bellamy In Bust Up With Mancini - according to The Scum

Damocles said:
Kinky by name said:
With all due respect Kinky (and I actually mean that phrase), you seem to defend the press at every turn. I understand why you do this, and of course you have the right to do so, but it gets a little tiresome when I am trying to convince myself that one of our best players, who we have just built our whole ad campaign around, has just had a major bustup with our management despite admitting that it was 'shit or bust' for him at City, hasn't just committed the stupidest move that you can make, and gone ranting at his boss thereby destroying our season.
Cards on the table now, in your opinion, is the story that was printed correct or incorrect?
If the system works as you say, why do papers get sued for libel? If this happens, and they deserve it (as you mention, there are times when they write a cheque despite being right), then the system cannot be flawless. If the system isn't flawless, then it casts doubts on every story in the paper, especially ones that require the strongest types of evidence.

Sorry for the delay, Damocles. Late night.
First of all (and I've said it bfore) I won't defend the press every time. Many journos make my flesh crawl and some of them do have axes to grind or a bit of an agenda but they are usually easy to spot. I tend only to react with gusto on here when civil servants and the like tell me in great detail how the print media works.

Right, my honest opinion. This story contains such particular and ridiculous statements that you literally wouldn't make it up, would you? If someone had instructed Custis or any other reporter make up a story about City or even if they had taken it upon themselves to cause a bit of mischief, the "get out and stay out for three months" line is just too ridiculous even for a fantasist. If you are going to make something up (and you are at liberty to say anything you want) you would make it more credible than that, wouldn't you? It's just too easy to be sued over such a ridiculous and gratuitous line which adds little credence to the story. You would only include such a peculiar line if somebody had said it to you.
Someone may well be making this story up Damocles, I agree... but it ain't Custis and I ain't defending him because I dislike him with a passion. This has clearly been dripped to Custis. It could be CB (or his agents/mates) to have a go at RM... it could be someone CB has fallen out with (all you really need is an affidavit off someone who is prepared to swear that the statement made is true) or any number of other interested parties. It could be a rag-supporting secretary.

This will cause trouble at the club and the management team and lawyers will be looking to attack this immediately if it is bollocks but be ready to see through any bluster and sabre-rattling. So they will probably phone the Sun and tell them to correct/retract the story. The Sun will say go away, we have our quotes from... whoever it is they spoke to. Upon hearing this City will either sue the bollocks off them (as they should and could easily do if it is untrue) or crawl away licking their wounds and wondering why the tight ship ain't as leak-proof as it should be.

So, though it pains me to say it, I think there may be something to this story either that or Custis has been led up the canoe and left without a paddle. I strongly doubt that he made this particular story up.
Re: Bellamy In Bust Up With Mancini - according to The Scum

Storm in a teacup.

Told you so (maybe not in this thread, but the last time this story broke).

I wonder if those who had already started slating Mancini/Bellamy will man up and apologise?
Re: Bellamy vs Mancini - which side are YOU on?

got to be the manager,you just cant have players dictating everything you will end up with chaos
Re: Bellamy vs Mancini - which side are YOU on?

Well it could be bullshit but assuming its true (and assumption is the mother of all fuck ups) the manager obviously or we have chaos and we cant have that can we.....
Re: Bellamy vs Mancini - which side are YOU on?

There are many players for 14 million ...but only 1 owner with 500 billion.
Re: Bellamy vs Mancini - which side are YOU on?

what will be worrying for me if this is true(big if) is if bellamy is not injured and he's not picking him because of this incident, Now that would worried me about mancini you play your best players no matter what in my opinion
Re: Bellamy vs Mancini - which side are YOU on?

Immaculate Pasta said:
Bellamy a 30 nearly 31 year old who has form at his previous NINE clubs for this kind of shit with dodgy knees who hasn't had a decent game in weeks or Mancini who is a manager managing this club with an actual history of winning honours at the highest level?

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, yeah real tough one that.

You've hit the nail on the head here.

Bellamy doesn't stay anywhere long , he never has ....... he hasn't looked happy since Hughes departed ..... and might well be saddling his horse up soon for pastures new!

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