Bellamy on his future (and the fall out) {merged}

Re: Bellamy on his future

BillyShears said:
Chick Counterfly said:
On balance tho, my sympathy lies with the club, I hope they screw him for every penny, he's had more than enough time to calm down and realise that he could have shown a bit of loyalty to the people signing his paycheck.

That's a terrible view IMO. Bellamy has been a standout performer since he arrived at City. Whatever his problems with Mancini, Mancini is as responsible for them as Craig is - because simply put - it's the manager's job to get along and work with the players. We slated Hughes to high heaven and back for shipping out players he didn't get along with, and it was universally agreed that this was a weakness on his part.

cmon billy. I won't lump Bellamy in with all the other fringe players, this post is all about him. He has extensive previous at this.

You can't pin it all on Mancini. Listen to what Bellamy has said. His problems are with the heirachy. It's not much of a stretch to see that his problems with Mancini stem from his feelings over the treatment of Hughes.

and the statement 'it's the manager's job to get along and work with the players'

is no more true than

'it's the player's job to get along and work with the manager'

fwiw, I wasn't one of those who slated Hughes for shipping out Elano. Elano's interviews were farcical. Hughes did look foolish when he belatedly recalled him and he became instantly the best player, did as much as anyone to salvage that season. But no-one should have to tolerate wilful disloyalty. Hughes' crime in my eyes was not replacing him.

As for the financial side of things. City can't have it both ways. It's got nothing to do with wages and everything to do with transfer fees. As I said in my earlier post, City are effectively trying to ship players out who don't want to leave, without transfer listing them.

well, wages, fees, same thing, who picks up the tab. I agree, the club is acting ruthlessly. There's no trust on either side, which is a sad state of affairs, but it's pretty obvious the club or the manager aren't the only ones to blame for that. the players have been less than entirely loyal to the heirachy, the agents are still being agents.

The owners must sit there and think, I've sunk 400m into this club. if I want to change the manager, it's my perogative. A reaction at the time is understandable, but you all had time to think it over, to decide where your loyalty lies. Time to realise, fail to back him, and you're failing to back me and what I'm trying to do. Time to reflect on whether or not you could have simply respected the heirachy. Failing that, you could have chosen to respect the fact that I paid you Xm last year.

likewise, the manager must think, okay, you might want to stay, but how can I be sure you're going to keep your mouth shut on the training ground? how can I be sure you won't show me up in public again? you train hard, but whilst you have still not forgiven the club, how can I be sure your head is in the right place? Perhaps we could patch it up but I surely need a solid sign. Spending the summer talking about other clubs is not what I was looking for.

As for the wider situation, It's ruthless, borderline nasty, but in a way, it's poetic. Mancini suffered with the uncertainty, the rumours, the sniping. Now the boot is on the other foot. I do I feel sorry for anyone caught up in the crossfire, but I'm not sure how many innocent bystanders we have, perhaps players just can't afford to moan or tattle in a way that gets back to the manager any more.

But yep, it's not pretty, not ideal. It doesn't happen this often at other clubs. The obvious reason is that we're trying to grow 3 years every season, so there's 3 years worth of players in and out every summer, 3 years worth of moaning and bitching. But for me the situation goes back to Robinho being signed over Hughes' head. Further than that, maybe managers at this club don't get respect, because the players always outlast them. Please, god, let this summer be the end of it. (I'm not that hopeful)
Re: Bellamy on his future

Shaelumstash said:
Spindash said:

I don't speak Portugese so I don't know what his exact quote actually was here, but the word "ability" could quite easily mean that Mancini made a mistake. Lot's of words don't have a literal translation from one langauge to another. I'm sure "important" has a slightly different meaning in Italian as the context in which Mancini uses it is often different to how an Englishman would use it.

What did he mean when he said "I think Mancini's a c*nt"? Does that mean something else in Portuguese?
Re: Bellamy on his future

Shaelumstash said:
Blue Phil said:
I don't read the Sun ta, and my eyes are very much open.
Constantly showing descent to Hughes on and off the pitch (with Elano and Jo).
Fleeing to Brazil without the club's permission (suspiciously around the same time that the Kaka deal fell through).
Half arsed performances this season, Tottenham and Everton performances were the worse i've ever seen from a player on £160,000 a week. 10 games in the league and no goals because he was dis-interested.
Actually did slag off Hughes tactic's etc.
Even know when we have finally managed to get rid of the little shit he still moans to the press about how he doesn't want to come back to City and how much he loves Brazil.

People lick Robinho's arse because he is a "Galactico" (god know's how he earned the title, Madrid snapped our hands of when we offered £30million). Oh and he is dog balls away from home, not exactly a title winning player. I would love to have the Robinho from the Brazil side however, sadly i doubt we ever will.

Bellamy hasn't even slagged Mancini off, all he has said is that he want's to play for City, has turned down Wolfsburg to play for City, He has tried his best always in a City shirt and has just had his best season, but he still thinks (judging from pre-season) that he won't make the squad.

Bellamy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Robinho

So Bellamy hasn't shown descent to Mancini with this interview?! He's said he's not spoken to him for 6 months. Even if this is true, Bellamy is out of order on 2 levels:
1- He shouldn't be breaking ranks with the dressing room and airing this through the media.
2 - He should have actively sought out Mancini to discuss this before airing this in public!
This thread is about Bellamy, so i'm not going to turn it in to one about Robinho. I understand some of the greivances people have about Robinho, but it stinks of hypocrisy that these same people completely overlook what Bellamy has done
He explained that he has tried to talk about his situation with the club and doesn't get any awnsers!
And that's convenient, are you sure you don't want to talk about Robinho now because of that huge stonking list i have provided about why he is shit?
Re: Bellamy on his future

Blue Phil said:
Shaelumstash said:
He's dead f ucking right mate! Lol??? Show me a quote of Robinho's slagging off the manager and the club in such a blatent manner as this? Stop reading The Sun and open your eyes
I don't read the Sun ta, and my eyes are very much open.
Constantly showing descent to Hughes on and off the pitch (with Elano and Jo).
Fleeing to Brazil without the club's permission (suspiciously around the same time that the Kaka deal fell through).
Half arsed performances this season, Tottenham and Everton performances were the worse i've ever seen from a player on £160,000 a week. 10 games in the league and no goals because he was dis-interested.
Actually did slag off Hughes tactic's etc.
Even know when we have finally managed to get rid of the little shit he still moans to the press about how he doesn't want to come back to City and how much he loves Brazil.

People lick Robinho's arse because he is a "Galactico" (god know's how he earned the title, Madrid snapped our hands of when we offered £30million). Oh and he is dog balls away from home, not exactly a title winning player. I would love to have the Robinho from the Brazil side however, sadly i doubt we ever will.

Bellamy hasn't even slagged Mancini off, all he has said is that he want's to play for City, has turned down Wolfsburg to play for City, He has tried his best always in a City shirt and has just had his best season, but he still thinks (judging from pre-season) that he won't make the squad.

Bellamy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Robinho

I think peoples hyprocricy about Bellamy is mindblowing.

Does anybody really think Bellamy will be loyal to Mancini?

If I was the maneger I would ship out all the players that I didnt trust, first poor result and Bellamy will turn on Mancini, you cannot afford to have illoyal players in your squad.

Its a shame that Bellamy always wants to selfdestruct he is a very talented player.
Re: Bellamy on his future

Shaelumstash said:
Blue Phil said:
I don't read the Sun ta, and my eyes are very much open.
Constantly showing descent to Hughes on and off the pitch (with Elano and Jo).
Fleeing to Brazil without the club's permission (suspiciously around the same time that the Kaka deal fell through).
Half arsed performances this season, Tottenham and Everton performances were the worse i've ever seen from a player on £160,000 a week. 10 games in the league and no goals because he was dis-interested.
Actually did slag off Hughes tactic's etc.
Even know when we have finally managed to get rid of the little shit he still moans to the press about how he doesn't want to come back to City and how much he loves Brazil.

People lick Robinho's arse because he is a "Galactico" (god know's how he earned the title, Madrid snapped our hands of when we offered £30million). Oh and he is dog balls away from home, not exactly a title winning player. I would love to have the Robinho from the Brazil side however, sadly i doubt we ever will.

Bellamy hasn't even slagged Mancini off, all he has said is that he want's to play for City, has turned down Wolfsburg to play for City, He has tried his best always in a City shirt and has just had his best season, but he still thinks (judging from pre-season) that he won't make the squad.

Bellamy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Robinho

So Bellamy hasn't shown descent to Mancini with this interview?! He's said he's not spoken to him for 6 months. Even if this is true, Bellamy is out of order on 2 levels:
1- He shouldn't be breaking ranks with the dressing room and airing this through the media.
2 - He should have actively sought out Mancini to discuss this before airing this in public!

This thread is about Bellamy, so i'm not going to turn it in to one about Robinho. I understand some of the greivances people have about Robinho, but it stinks of hypocrisy that these same people completely overlook what Bellamy has done

Bellamy's done nothing wrong. He's clearly asked when was the last time he'd spoken to Mancini. He says February, and then immediately qualifies it by saying that he's like that with lots of the players, and that both Hughes and O'Neil were also like this.

The thing is with Craig, he's always going to be honest and speak his mind, but in this instance I don't think he sounded like he was particularly complaining. If you watch the interview, he clearly states he'd love to stay and fight for his place, but him and his agent have indications that he won't be in the 25 man squad.
Re: Bellamy on his future

If you have any doubt has to why Bellamy might not be in the 25 you then today's gobbing is an example as to why Its not his commitment on the field or his ability. IMHO he wants a move to Spurs and this is part of the propaganda to get his way I wouldn't be a bit surprised if a certain cockney wide boy was behind this
Re: Bellamy on his future

Chick Counterfly said:
BillyShears said:
That's a terrible view IMO. Bellamy has been a standout performer since he arrived at City. Whatever his problems with Mancini, Mancini is as responsible for them as Craig is - because simply put - it's the manager's job to get along and work with the players. We slated Hughes to high heaven and back for shipping out players he didn't get along with, and it was universally agreed that this was a weakness on his part.

cmon billy. I won't lump Bellamy in with all the other fringe players, this post is all about him. He has extensive previous at this.

You can't pin it all on Mancini. Listen to what Bellamy has said. His problems are with the heirachy. It's not much of a stretch to see that his problems with Mancini stem from his feelings over the treatment of Hughes.

and the statement 'it's the manager's job to get along and work with the players'

is no more true than

'it's the player's job to get along and work with the manager'

fwiw, I wasn't one of those who slated Hughes for shipping out Elano. Elano's interviews were farcical. Hughes did look foolish when he belatedly recalled him and he became instantly the best player, did as much as anyone to salvage that season. But no-one should have to tolerate wilful disloyalty. Hughes' crime in my eyes was not replacing him.

As for the financial side of things. City can't have it both ways. It's got nothing to do with wages and everything to do with transfer fees. As I said in my earlier post, City are effectively trying to ship players out who don't want to leave, without transfer listing them.

well, wages, fees, same thing, who picks up the tab. I agree, the club is acting ruthlessly. There's no trust on either side, which is a sad state of affairs, but it's pretty obvious the club or the manager aren't the only ones to blame for that. the players have been less than entirely loyal to the heirachy, the agents are still being agents.

The owners must sit there and think, I've sunk 400m into this club. if I want to change the manager, it's my perogative. A reaction at the time is understandable, but you all had time to think it over, to decide where your loyalty lies. Time to realise, fail to back him, and you're failing to back me and what I'm trying to do. Time to reflect on whether or not you could have simply respected the heirachy. Failing that, you could have chosen to respect the fact that I paid you Xm last year.

likewise, the manager must think, okay, you might want to stay, but how can I be sure you're going to keep your mouth shut on the training ground? how can I be sure you won't show me up in public again? you train hard, but whilst you have still not forgiven the club, how can I be sure your head is in the right place? Perhaps we could patch it up but I surely need a solid sign. Spending the summer talking about other clubs is not what I was looking for.

As for the wider situation, It's ruthless, borderline nasty, but in a way, it's poetic. Mancini suffered with the uncertainty, the rumours, the sniping. Now the boot is on the other foot. I do I feel sorry for anyone caught up in the crossfire, but I'm not sure how many innocent bystanders we have, perhaps players just can't afford to moan or tattle in a way that gets back to the manager any more.

But yep, it's not pretty, not ideal. It doesn't happen this often at other clubs. The obvious reason is that we're trying to grow 3 years every season, so there's 3 years worth of players in and out every summer, 3 years worth of moaning and bitching. But for me the situation goes back to Robinho being signed over Hughes' head. Further than that, maybe managers at this club don't get respect, because the players always outlast them. Please, god, let this summer be the end of it. (I'm not that hopeful)

I take your points. I didn't mean to sound like I was particularly having a go at Mancini over the Bellamy thing. It is what it is...

The money side I do take issue with you over. The way I see it, City signed a bunch of players under Hughes for big money on big wages, and also tied up some of our more promising academy products on similar contracts. Those players were sold all sold a vision, and assured they were part of that vision. 18 months later a bunch of them have been told they're no longer good enough, and they won't be given a squad number. That's effectively transfer listing a player like Bellamy. But City still want to dollar for them.
Re: Bellamy on his future

kramer said:
If you have any doubt has to why Bellamy might not be in the 25 you then today's gobbing is an example as to why Its not his commitment on the field or his ability. IMHO he wants a move to Spurs and this is part of the propaganda to get his way I wouldn't be a bit surprised if a certain cockney wide boy was behind this

I agree. Thanks for the good times, but get rid.
Re: Bellamy on his future

Blue Phil said:
Shaelumstash said:
So Bellamy hasn't shown descent to Mancini with this interview?! He's said he's not spoken to him for 6 months. Even if this is true, Bellamy is out of order on 2 levels:
1- He shouldn't be breaking ranks with the dressing room and airing this through the media.
2 - He should have actively sought out Mancini to discuss this before airing this in public!
This thread is about Bellamy, so i'm not going to turn it in to one about Robinho. I understand some of the greivances people have about Robinho, but it stinks of hypocrisy that these same people completely overlook what Bellamy has done
He explained that he has tried to talk about his situation with the club and doesn't get any awnsers!
And that's convenient, are you sure you don't want to talk about Robinho now because of that huge stonking list i have provided about why he is shit?

I didn't want to go through your "stonking list" so we didn't get off topic, but I will gladly do it now if you like.

"Constantly showing descent to Hughes on and off the pitch" I certainly don't remember examples of this "constantly happening". He was at the club under Hughes for 18 months, so if he constantly showed him disrespect both on and off the pitch, I assume you can provide me with 15-20 examples of this at least. I'll happily go through them one by one if you want.

He fled to Brazil for his birthday, which he said was pre-arranged with the club before he signed. I'm not saying he should have this right, but it was given to him nonetheless.

His performances last season were poor. He broke his ankle in pre season and we rushed him back. He was never once fully fit, as you well know, and didn't reach the lofty standards he set the season before, when he was our best player by far.

I'm not one bit surprised his performance against Everton is the worst you've ever seen. He was brought on to replace a big strong target man (forgive me, can't remember if it was RSC, Ade or Benjani) anyway, he was brought on as a straight swap, unfit, away at Goodison and expected to be a target man!! I like Mancini, but that is the worst manegerial decision I have seen since Alan Ball swapped Tony Coton for Ikie Immel. Mancini even later admitted he made a mistake!

I've never read anything where he "slagged off Hughes tactic" but if he did I wouldn't blame him, because Hughes tactic were an absolute shambles.

You say he "moans to the press about not wanting to come back to City" I've seen lots of quotes where he's said he is happy to come back and fight for his place. I've also seen him say people thought he was mad to sign, but now they don't because City are going to be one of the biggest teams in Europe. There are 2 sides to every coin.

So, back to the point at hand. The issue I raised is why does Robinho get villified for talking bad about the club, yet when Bellamy does it there's no problem?! The Track Back Brigade strikes again!
Re: Bellamy on his future

Whatever anyone thinks of Bellamy as a player, and most City fans quite rightly rate him highly after his spell here, he's a fiesty character who doesn't last too long at one club. He usually leaves under a cloud, wins the fans over with his performances, falls out with some team-mates, has a whinge in the media and leaves under a cloud...

But, IMO we should be thankful for seeing the best of him and accept that his time at City is probably over. Yes he works hard in training and on the pitch but he's clashed with Mancini since he arrived and that's obviously not been sorted out by either side.

We're going to have enough "trouble" keeping everyone happy without Bellers constantly being a negative/disruptive influence. Also we have to remember that his legs restrict when he can play and Mancini wants players to be ready when HE wants them, not when the player is. It's not like the team is going to built around him is it?

Also when it comes to a toss up between MCFC and Craig Bellamy there's only one winner in my eyes, no matter how good he's been for us.

Onwards and Upwards!

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