Bellamy's been banned from the club

GStar said:
m27 said:
Errrrrrr, he did it moments after the final whistle when there was a camera with a big red light on in front of Redknapp.

I know you were being 'ironic' but everything you wrote has substance.

I'm sorry i just don't see any footballer doing what people are accusing him doing for the motives they are accusing him of having.

Theres no way Bellamy looked round, saw the camera going over to Redknapp and thought, aha!

What did he have to gain? If he wanted to butter up Redknapp there was plenty of time to do that in private.

He was hardly dancing round the totum pole with him, a smile, a handshake and move on.

whatever motive we attribute to his actions is mere speculation on our part. however, the video confirms that memory serves us well and he DID get chummy with the cameras on him....

you say there's no way Bellamy looked round, saw the camera, but what idiot would NOT expect cameras everywhere on and around the pitch, players and managers after such a big match? are you saying he's thick as pigshit, or just didn't give a damn? those are the only two reasons i can think of for being unaware that there'd be cameras around. ffs even if dirty 'arry were my best friend i'd conduct myself more carefully in public.

seeing as this is how he conducts himself in public then please fuck him off ASAP. should have been gone sooner but i think the club stuck to the 'we're not selling until we buy' approach. i'll admit i was dead set against signing him and only got behind him because of the shirt he was wearing... but if ANY player did that i'd say fuck him off.
GStar said:
Awfull, awfull management if true (and thats a big IF).

This board really is a crock of shit at times... fickle bunch we have.

All we've seen so far is Bellamy saying he wants to stay and fight for his place but it he's been told he won't be in the 25.

Cue BM, who defended him to the hilt last season, all coming out of the woodwork saying he's always been disruptive and our club is great for treating our player this way.

As bad as the pundits and red tops we all slag... total fuckwittery.
very true indeed
JMA wrote a very good post last night suggesting that all the blood letting should have stopped a year ago and we can't keep repeating the same mistakes year in year out, otherwise we'll remain in this circle of underachievement we've been in since swales' heyday

of course some of the children come on here gobbing off about bellamy because they can only rationalise the loss of a player by abusing him
they have their new toys to play with so its time to throw away the old ones with complete disdain

a couple of players being forced out have made it clear they wish to stay and fight for their places and cannot be accused of shirking hard training by anyone on here

maybe they're not good enough, maybe they're a cancer, maybe grudges can't be settled, who knows?
but what i do know is that i can't walk into a job and get rid of those i don't like or don't do things exactly as i say. I have to motivate and inspire them to do things in the right way and to get them to perform to my expected level
it's about time our managers did that too

now back to the slagging off chaps!
squirtyflower said:
GStar said:
Awfull, awfull management if true (and thats a big IF).

This board really is a crock of shit at times... fickle bunch we have.

All we've seen so far is Bellamy saying he wants to stay and fight for his place but it he's been told he won't be in the 25.

Cue BM, who defended him to the hilt last season, all coming out of the woodwork saying he's always been disruptive and our club is great for treating our player this way.

As bad as the pundits and red tops we all slag... total fuckwittery.
very true indeed
JMA wrote a very good post last night suggesting that all the blood letting should have stopped a year ago and we can't keep repeating the same mistakes year in year out, otherwise we'll remain in this circle of underachievement we've been in since swales' heyday

of course some of the children come on here gobbing off about bellamy because they can only rationalise the loss of a player by abusing him
they have their new toys to play with so its time to throw away the old ones with complete disdain

a couple of players being forced out have made it clear they wish to stay and fight for their places and cannot be accused of shirking hard training by anyone on here

maybe they're not good enough, maybe they're a cancer, maybe grudges can't be settled, who knows?
but what i do know is that i can't walk into a job and get rid of those i don't like or don't do things exactly as i say. I have to motivate and inspire them to do things in the right way and to get them to perform to my expected level
it's about time our managers did that too

now back to the slagging off chaps!

i agree with this.

however, it doesnt make it any eaiser seeing one of your favourites saying/doing the things he has, especially with the video of him and 'arry.

sometimes i wonder whether him saying he wants to fight for his spot was just a front? or just to seem like he didnt want to leave (i.e. payout)

its not out of the question.
Jimma said:
squirtyflower said:
very true indeed
JMA wrote a very good post last night suggesting that all the blood letting should have stopped a year ago and we can't keep repeating the same mistakes year in year out, otherwise we'll remain in this circle of underachievement we've been in since swales' heyday

of course some of the children come on here gobbing off about bellamy because they can only rationalise the loss of a player by abusing him
they have their new toys to play with so its time to throw away the old ones with complete disdain

a couple of players being forced out have made it clear they wish to stay and fight for their places and cannot be accused of shirking hard training by anyone on here

maybe they're not good enough, maybe they're a cancer, maybe grudges can't be settled, who knows?
but what i do know is that i can't walk into a job and get rid of those i don't like or don't do things exactly as i say. I have to motivate and inspire them to do things in the right way and to get them to perform to my expected level
it's about time our managers did that too

now back to the slagging off chaps!

i agree with this.

however, it doesnt make it any eaiser seeing one of your favourites saying/doing the things he has, especially with the video of him and 'arry.

sometimes i wonder whether him saying he wants to fight for his spot was just a front? or just to seem like he didnt want to leave (i.e. payout)

its not out of the question.
i agree, anything is possible
but i still don't think he deserves the bile given to him on here
if they were so upset about his reactions in may why didn't the witch hunt go throughout the summer
the pitchforks have come out following his tv interview, which i thought was no where near as bad as some are making out, i wonder if they have actually watched it or just jumping on the bandwagon
some are no worse than the rag-tops they accuse
JimmyGrimbleMCFC said:
I dont know about everyone here, but i respect bellamy more than most people in football. He is a real person, he always says what is on his mind, he never spares people feelings, he thinks there are a set of morals to live by, and he is a right good role model.

Bellamy, i fooking love ya!

Exactly. He plays the game how most of us would with passion and expecting nothing less than 100% from his team mates. The slagging off on here is awful I suppose those that have would prefer Robinho prancing around doing a couple of step overs with a smug look on his face knowing he's earning a nice little wage for doing fuck all. Have a word with yourselves.
What most of us is forgetting is we don't know exactly what is true or not. The more I read about bellamy and his stories, and the reaction from the club, the more I get the feeling his is a troublemaker. I doubt City and Mancini would react this way if Bellamy haven't been out of order. But who tha hell knows, we don't for sure.
BlueSinclair said:
What most of us is forgetting is we don't know exactly what is true or not. The more I read about bellamy and his stories, and the reaction from the club, the more I get the feeling his is a troublemaker. I doubt City and Mancini would react this way if Bellamy haven't been out of order. But who tha hell knows, we don't for sure.
exactly this, which is why its unnecessary for the abuse from some

if he goes he goes
if he stays he stays

the club lives on

but less of the abuse
Surely people don't think his interview was just a case of him saying he wanted to stay?

For all his faults, he's not stupid, he would have known exactly the consequences of what he had to say.

If he genuinely wanted to stay he would have gone about things very differently.

And from the harshness of the penalty, my bet is that the interview was just the tip of the iceberg.

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