Bellamy's been banned from the club

NewbBlue said:
didactic said:

Nuff said, that was the most disrespectful act I have ever seen a professional athelete do. Should have been fined 6 months wages after that. My brother was crying after that game and this knob goes and does that?

Defending him is crazy. I dont care if he scored 100 goals and to be fair Bellamy is NOT THAT GREAT. He has a decent couple of seasons but he is far from World Class.

Refuse to sell him and dont play him.
Spot on. I was watching a stream that showed him do that, and it was shocking. The other players were dejected and Bellamy runs off and congratulates him?

Fuck that.

Bellamy fuck off you little crack head Welsh sniper. Get out of our club and take your fucking moaning to Cardiff.
Aussie! said:
Bellamy was our best player last season and worked the hardest with tevez.
Those who are calling him names are out of order.

No we ain't mate. The way he is carrying on in the past week is a massive slap in the face to the club and MOST of all the supporters who were behind him last season. Just because he worked hard doesnt excuse him from subprofessional behaviour.
Aussie! said:
Bellamy was our best player last season and worked the hardest with tevez.
Those who are calling him names are out of order.

agreed, the name calling is OTT, not quite right. makes us look fickle and lacking in class.

he's walked himself out of the club and quite possibly tried to screw us on the way, but that has to be balanced against what he did on the pitch. we can't just erase that from history.
Jimma said:
pedigreeblue said:

sad memories..but 46 seconds is what your interested in


Don`t know why I`ve never seen this before,although I do remember hearing about it.
That just about sums that twat up !!!!!!!!
At that moment in time,how could ANY City player be so "happy ??"
Did you see SWP face,the complete opposite,as I assume the others were also.
I`ve defended Bellers all the time,but having seen that I feel disgusted.
Bellers just fuck off and never enter our stadium EVER again !!
Someone summed it up,ref he probably thought that was the end of Bobby Manc.
Isn`t revenge sweet ?????????????
Actually a good manager would look at his players reactions after that game, Mancini was actually going round our players, maybe thats the day he decided about Bellers...
pedigreeblue said:
Actually a good manager would look at his players reactions after that game, Mancini was actually going round our players, maybe thats the day he decided about Bellers...

Perhaps also the incident in the tunnel after the Everton game,was true after all ??
Remember when Bellamy apparently remarked to Gollum that he should have stuck one on Bobby Manc,or words to that effect.
Nothing was proven,but after seeing that clip with Harry The Tic,I wouldn`t bet against it being Bellamy.
Horrible little shit.
It`s immaterial whether he proved it on the pitch,it`s by NOT showing either his Manager or the Club any respect that fucks me off with the twat.
I`ve said it before but I`ve always stuck up for Bellers.How wrong could I have been ??
I understand why he might be upset or whatever

but theres ways to deal with that stuff.

he has dug his own grave.
Robbo. said:
I'm gutted it ended up like this with Bellamy. He showed his class last year with us and thought he would go down a city legend.

Thanks for the memories Craig


seconded<br /><br />-- Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:49 pm --<br /><br />
mccity said:
Disappointed this whole saga has transpired as it has, but I don't think it's fair how some posters have been so venomous towards him.

He played really well for us until Hughes left, in fact I would say at that stage he was our best player (Tevez hadn't quite got going yet). Even afterwards, he played fairly well, yet it's obvious he hasn't got past the Hughes sacking.

He's acted unprofessionally since then do a mixed range of degrees, as maybe would be expected with him, a player known with going a bit too far at times. The Redknapp incident wasn't a great moment, with recent interviews showing he's still got issues.

I'd actually be happy if he stayed, he's a quality player. But the club Mancini sees him as a negative influence (rightly so) and that's only going to result in one thing, his removal from the club.

I think he's a genuinely nice guy, but he's just way too outspoken (he admitted this himself), he has the tendency to be unprofessional and just isn't settled anymore. He probably wants to go, so we're letting him.

If he has been banned, it's probably just precautionary.

But he's not scum, and he's not poison. He's not vile and he isn't a virus. That's too much and unfair. He's served us well, I wish him well, but we must move on, I'm sure he soon will.
good post that.

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