Bellamy's been banned from the club

Sorry to see him go but when its a case of player v manager then the manager wins every time for me and City are right to back Mancini 100%.

Even if this article is a load of rubbish its clear that City need to get rid of the players that either don't want to be there or are going to throw their toys out whenever they aren't picked.

Its a long season and we're aiming to advance to the final stages in every competition we're in, if players can't or won't buy into the squad mentality then off they go. Mancini's building his team, his way. I have my reservations about his tactics at times but these are his signings now and he'll get them to play his way which we'll see in full after a few weeks when the players hopefully have gelled.

Bellamy will be a loss but at his age and with his troublesome knees he was never a long term solution, so whilst its a shame its ended like this it was going to happen some time. Thanks for giving your all every time you pulled on the shirt Craig, best of luck in the future (except against City)
Keith Moon said:
Out of the blue and into the black
You pay for this, but they give you that
And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black.
hey hey !
blue dallas said:
Keith Moon said:
Out of the blue and into the black
You pay for this, but they give you that
And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black.
hey hey !

Top footballer - top musician!!!
cleavers said:
Its in a newspaper, Elvis was found on the moon in another.

Just the same shit stirring media.

Open your eyes. The player did a television interview this week slagging Mancini off. Do you honestly think this story is without substance?

What Bellamy seems unable to grasp is that there are lads like me, who fought his corner when we wanted to sign him and sung his name all last season, that now see him for what he really is.

I feel cheated that he is the character I argued that he wasn't. Great player, odd person.
m27 said:
cleavers said:
Its in a newspaper, Elvis was found on the moon in another.

Just the same shit stirring media.

Open your eyes. The player did a television interview this week slagging Mancini off. Do you honestly think this story is without substance?

What Bellamy seems unable to grasp is that there are lads like me, who fought his corner when we wanted to sign him and sung his name all last season, that now see him for what he really is.

I feel cheated that he is the character I argued that he wasn't. Great player, odd person.


He's spat our goodwill back in our faces with his latest outburst and proven all the doubters to be completely justified and correct.

A shame but I won't lose any sleep over it to be honest.
m27 said:
Open your eyes. The player did a television interview this week slagging Mancini off. Do you honestly think this story is without substance?

What Bellamy seems unable to grasp is that there are lads like me, who fought his corner when we wanted to sign him and sung his name all last season, that now see him for what he really is.

I feel cheated that he is the character I argued that he wasn't. Great player, odd person.


I know about the interview, and I know how newspapers write their own history, just because one says "Bellamy banned" it doesn't mean its true.

Maybe you should open your eyes to the media ??

If the story IS true, then good, does he need a lift to Cardiff ?
cannot believe he's thrown away a position he had 6 months that we'd all dream of having.

what a prat, what an ungrateful, selfish little prat.

I guess Mancini has seen what Bellamy is actually like and might give Robbie a chance, but god knows now, maybe that's why we have Balo.

What a mess, can't wait for 1 september.
Our club has provided several mediocre, though arguably tallented individuals: Bellamy, Bridge, Petrov, Given, Barry, Zabletta, Gelson Fernandes, Wright Phillips, Lescott, Richards etc, etc, with the opportunity to cash in on our ascent towards the top.
All have been more than adequately remunerated as a result of being given the opportunities to improve themselves and fill their pockets in the meantime, and were happy at the time to feel like big fish.
Since many have either failed to fulfill their promise or have been unable to accept they are not actually close to world class in their ability, it is hard for some to accept that they will ultimately be superceded by better players.
Some have like Barry, Richards, Zabletta and Bridge, have realised which side their bread is buttered on, and kept their noses clean.
Others like Bellamy, Given, Petrov and Dunne (having been shown the door) resorted to backbiting and insults which are far from professional, and made comments one would expect from truly world class players, suggesting that certainly in their minds, they are bigger than the 'Revolution' and our great Club.
Why in hells name they seem to think City cant buy better players or live without their tallents is a oddity, as quite clearly they are somewhat dillusional.
I feel they should get a grip and either buckle down to some hard training to put themselves back in thr frame or just fuck off, sick of all the whinging that goes on when they are left out or told they are no longer required.

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