Benjamin Mendy leaves City | Launches “multi-million-pound” claim against club over unpaid wages (p118)

There's absolutely no winners in this case.
The truth lies somewhere where personal world view and morality of the accused and accusers meets reality.
One man's "bit of fun" is another woman's nightmare.
Mendy may have a perverted view of women, or a dominant personality, or a privileged mentality. Alternatively, he could have been targeted by females wanting to extort money from him.
His brags about the number of women he has slept with tells you that he, most probably, treats them as commodities for his own pleasure. With little empathy for their thoughts, welfare or feelings.
But that doesn't make him a rapist, just a thoroughly unpleasant person.
I belive the truth lies jumbled somewhere in the landscape I have painted above.
His behaviour has damaged his career to an extent that there is little chance of him playing at a high level again.
As bittersweet as that may be for the women who couldn't prove the accusations, it is a punishment that will cut him deeply.
Mendy’s partying was excessive and he was anything but a model professional footballer. He’s not a good guy.
A persons partying doesn't make them 'not a good guy'. Many people party that way especially at that age with wealth. So what about, for example, Sir Mick Jagger or Mick Hucknell (rag twat) who have had partied the Mendy way, aren't they not good guys then.
As an elite professional footballer he certainly let the side down.
You were claiming that a guilty verdict has to be unanimous. That simply is not true. Posting unrelated quotes doesn’t do you any favours.

Right but, as stated twice previously, I'm not a lawyer and was open to being corrected on the details. So thank you for that.

Regardless, the "unrelated" quote I posted in response is from the link you sent me and shows that the gist of what I was saying was true.

To be found guilty, the jury has to be certain of your guilt.

To be found not guilty, the jury doesn't have to be certain of your innocence.
Mendy was acquitted unanimously of at least some of the charges.
I think it was unanimous on all charges in the end wasn't it, at the first trial they couldn't reach a verdict on these latest ones, but this time they have.

This jury only deliberated for 3 hours 15 minutes, which is quite short for a trial like this.
Were does Mendy stand in terms of the rest of his career or even if Manchester City did the right thing in terminating his contract, 100% does not stay in England and he must feel City let him down and failed him,

Mendy will be looking for compensation from the club and the people involved and the CPS,

Good Luck Mendy,
Go and prove you still want to play football
Not quite sure why he would feel the club let him down or owe him compensation. He didn't stick to his bail conditions.
There's absolutely no winners in this case.
The truth lies somewhere where personal world view and morality of the accused and accusers meets reality.
One man's "bit of fun" is another woman's nightmare.
Mendy may have a perverted view of women, or a dominant personality, or a privileged mentality. Alternatively, he could have been targeted by females wanting to extort money from him.
His brags about the number of women he has slept with tells you that he, most probably, treats them as commodities for his own pleasure. With little empathy for their thoughts, welfare or feelings.
But that doesn't make him a rapist, just a thoroughly unpleasant person.
I belive the truth lies jumbled somewhere in the landscape I have painted above.
His behaviour has damaged his career to an extent that there is little chance of him playing at a high level again.
As bittersweet as that may be for the women who couldn't prove the accusations, it is a punishment that will cut him deeply.
I think that is a pretty good assessment of the situation.

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