Benjamin Mendy leaves City | Launches “multi-million-pound” claim against club over unpaid wages (p118)

He definitely goes to a mosque in Wilmslow or Alderley Edge.
It's actually in Cheadle (CMA). He has been a regular there since being found not guilty in the first tranche of cases.

He socialised with a OAP group my dad organises for, where they get together each Wednesday and have lunch. He was hoping to get back into training once these cases were concluded. He hoped to resume his career abroad.

I have never met him at CMA, but from what my dad has told me, he is attempting to turn his life around and be a responsible father.

He was a player who threatened to deliver but never made it, his early potential was stunning. The guy was naive at the very least to think his lifestyle would be compatible to an elite athlete, his judgement was piss poor to put himself in the situation he was in.

Maybe he'll be able to come back into football in some capacity. A cautionary tale for young men with much wealth but little sense.
The CPS have a lot to answer for (whether or not he actually did any of it) for bringing all these cases without any evidence that could be reasonably proven. At a time when prosecution of rape cases are are an all time low (because apparently they are difficult to prove!) they go all in on this case. There are so many questions for them to answer.
The police had received several complaints/warnings from neighbours that girls were arriving in taxis to Mendy’s house at all sorts of hours and did nothing about it.
It was a party house and the whole thing was inevitable given the way it appears the girls were treated.
My question is whether Mendy will be able to sue the CPS for lost wages & the time he spent in prison waiting for trial and whether MCFC have a case for recovering his value? Given the amounts involved it would seem likely
The police didn't do anything because he wasn't breaking the law...
It's actually in Cheadle (CMA). He has been a regular there since being found not guilty in the first tranche of cases.

He socialised with a OAP group my dad organises for, where they get together each Wednesday and have lunch. He was hoping to get back into training once these cases were concluded. He hoped to resume his career abroad.

I have never met him at CMA, but from what my dad has told me, he is attempting to turn his life around and be a responsible father.

He was a player who threatened to deliver but never made it, his early potential was stunning. The guy was naive at the very least to think his lifestyle would be compatible to an elite athlete, his judgement was piss poor to put himself in the situation he was in.

Maybe he'll be able to come back into football in some capacity. A cautionary tale for young men with much wealth but little sense.
in heald green,if you don't mind :), fucking mayhem on a friday
Threads like this remind me that we have some absolute wankers on here.

Happy he's been found not guilty, spent time in prison, including Christmas in a country that isn't his home. Hopefully he can now start to rebuild his life then hopefully have some kind of career playing the game. Didn't work out here for various reasons, but at the end of the day he's a Blue, he wore the shirt and gave us some memorable moments. Good luck Ben.
Sadly, the same has been true of the Huw Edwards thread recently with many posters only too eager to sit in moral judgement of someone; this despite being in almost complete ignorance of the facts.
While Mendy's behaviour has undoubtedly brought his employer's name into disrepute, the man's been cleared of criminal charges in a court of law. For some though, a 'not guilty' verdict will never mean not guilty.
Threads like this remind me that we have some absolute wankers on here.

Happy he's been found not guilty, spent time in prison, including Christmas in a country that isn't his home. Hopefully he can now start to rebuild his life then hopefully have some kind of career playing the game. Didn't work out here for various reasons, but at the end of the day he's a Blue, he wore the shirt and gave us some memorable moments. Good luck Ben.

For a perfect example of that, pop over to the Off topic thread where Huw Edwards is being ritually dissected by those who feel they are on a moral high ground....and he hasn't been charged with anything.

Mendy has seen his career almost end over what has turned out to be false accusations. He has at times lost his liberty and no doubt had to spend a small fortune on a legal defence.

Any post-football pundity thoughts have also gone, he'll always be a tarnished figure despite the Not Guilty verdict. These accusations will follow him for the rest of his life, but he's been found Not Guilty so hopefully he can move on with his life and I hope he gets to reclain his legal fees too.
Rape trials are notoriously hard to prove guilt, mainly as what happened is usually in private, with just the 2 people there.

Obviously in many cases also the man thinks it's consensual while the woman does not actually consent. Making what happened in private very hard to prove.

However, it does now feel like the CPS have just gone for a throw muck at the wall and hope it sticks approach. Theyve found a load of instances where they haven't had enough evidence or proof and hoped it all added up to swing the decision but it doesn't work like that.

Sounds a bit like 115 shit charges in a different setting.
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I feel for men put in this situation he has done everything he is required to do in order to prove his innocence but even the verdict of two juries isn't enough to clear his name this will follow him around for the rest of his life. Why the girls accused him has no bearing on his case for me, they did and a court of law believed that he didn't do what he was accused of.

A similar situation happened to a friend of my sons he was 22 years old and in a volatile relationship when he ended it the ex partner accused him of rape his life was destroyed he became a recluse and suffered depression not long before the court date the partner withdrew the charges saying she was confused and that they had both been drinking and she wasn't sure if it had happened she still received sympathy none was extended to the boy though. People clung onto there's no smoke without fire reasoning and it led to him having to leave the place he had lived his whole life because he couldn't cope anymore.

I think everyone accepts that rape is extremely difficult to prove and some women suffer because of this but in Mendy's case seven women gave evidence and the jury didn't believe one of them over him. I think we need to take more seriously that just because a man is accused it doesn't make him guilty and the effect it can have on men even when found not guilty.
We're all completely free to make our own judgement of what happened, and the truth through whichever means we want.

A jury trial isn't to decide if something happend or not, it's to decide if there's enough evidence of something happening that 12 of you peers believe beyond a reasonable doubt it happened and thus your liberty can be taken away.

It's an incredibly infantile point of of view to believe that a court verdict is going to tell you if a crime happened or not. Plenty of crimes happen with zero evidence and are thus impossible to prove - it doesn't mean the crime didn't happen.

Who is taking the infantile view ? You seem determined to prove the 2 juries were wrong in that they found him not guilty when in fact, in your eyes, he clearly is.
Your statement that plenty of crimes happen with zero evidence is wrong. There is always evidence a crime has been committed otherwise it isn't a crime. Just because the police don't find the evidence doesn't mean the crime didn't happen.

In this case I believe the police looked too hard, they were determined to find evidence even if it wasnt actual evidence, they would simply make it fit. Similarly the CPS needed to show the government that they took rape seriously. The headlines about low conviction rates for rape made them ignore all the warning signs that were flying in front of them. They simply had to prosecute this case, their reputation depended on it.
They were wrong. You examine all the evidence before going to court based on many years of experience, not on a political whim.
The police had received several complaints/warnings from neighbours that girls were arriving in taxis to Mendy’s house at all sorts of hours and did nothing about it.
It was a party house and the whole thing was inevitable given the way it appears the girls were treated.
My question is whether Mendy will be able to sue the CPS for lost wages & the time he spent in prison waiting for trial and whether MCFC have a case for recovering his value? Given the amounts involved it would seem likely
was he suspended with or without pay ? If it was with pay I assume he was paid his basic wage but missed out on the substantial bonuses that would have been paid given our success.

from what I have read he might have grounds to sue the police and CPS for malicious prosecution but it’s a pretty arduous task to prove it.

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