Benjamin Mendy leaves City | Launches “multi-million-pound” claim against club over unpaid wages (p118)

You knew listening to the evidence on day one this was a crock of shit.

Mendy "locked" his victims in his bedroom.

No, Mendy was living in a rented mansion that the owner had security locks fitted at the insistence of his insurers.

This type of property it's the norm, and the police should have known that from the start.
Has he been proven to have no done it or is it a case of them being unable to prove that he did do it?

That's a genuine question, by the way.
It's the same thing surely? That's the only thing the court cares about.

Scotland does have a 'not proven' verdict but it's always felt a bit antiquated TBH.
Good luck to him in the future. He breached his bail conditions and i'd imagine the rules that were in place by the club/premier league regarding isolating.

He can move on with his life, hopefully secure employment at a competitive level and get back to playing football.
I feel for men put in this situation he has done everything he is required to do in order to prove his innocence but even the verdict of two juries isn't enough to clear his name this will follow him around for the rest of his life. Why the girls accused him has no bearing on his case for me, they did and a court of law believed that he didn't do what he was accused of.

A similar situation happened to a friend of my sons he was 22 years old and in a volatile relationship when he ended it the ex partner accused him of rape his life was destroyed he became a recluse and suffered depression not long before the court date the partner withdrew the charges saying she was confused and that they had both been drinking and she wasn't sure if it had happened she still received sympathy none was extended to the boy though. People clung onto there's no smoke without fire reasoning and it led to him having to leave the place he had lived his whole life because he couldn't cope anymore.

I think everyone accepts that rape is extremely difficult to prove and some women suffer because of this but in Mendy's case seven women gave evidence and the jury didn't believe one of them over him. I think we need to take more seriously that just because a man is accused it doesn't make him guilty and the effect it can have on men even when found not guilty.
Breaching his bail conditions wasn't the smartest move though.
There is always evidence a crime has been committed otherwise it isn't a crime. Just because the police don't find the evidence doesn't mean the crime didn't happen.

Good luck to him in the future. He breached his bail conditions and i'd imagine the rules that were in place by the club/premier league regarding isolating.

He can move on with his life, hopefully secure employment at a competitive level and get back to playing football.

On that first point, did the police ever give him a fpn for breaking the covid regs as he admitted that a few times didn’t he? Just wondering rather than passing judgment about it, seems to be random when they do and don’t issue them!
Not quite sure why he would feel the club let him down or owe him compensation. He didn't stick to his bail conditions.

Mendy is a free man that's all that matters now, he will feel pain for how the club just turned its back on him,
for City to rip up his contract looks like an easy way out, we should have backed him until proved otherwise

Mendy walks away a free man but his name is Mud, an innocent man will want justice

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