Benjamin Mendy leaves City | Launches “multi-million-pound” claim against club over unpaid wages (p118)

So, what will happen to all those who accused him and destroyed his life? Doesn't he have human rights?
This is why the verdict means “not proven”. If it meant “proved innocent” and by default meant accusers were lying, it would mean virtually no cases being brought to court by fear of losing, especially where a wealthy person could afford the best defence counsel.
He was named,imprisoned,lost his job and had his life trawled over by millions for almost three years after 2 trials.

He was also found not guilty by two independent juries.

The least that should happen is that his accusers should be named.

If not, the accused should be granted complete anonymity and the hearing held in private.

That's not how the justice system works. Ultimately none of us know enough about the case to be playing judge and jury. It would also make rape even harder to prosecute in the future.

The court hasn't said that the alleged victims are lying, they aren't being sort for prosecution as far as I'm aware, what they accused Mendy of they may still believe that.

Mendy is just in the unfortunate position in this circumstance of being a public figure thus the mud is going to stick more.

Anonymity for the accused probably should be the way this is handled but that's incredibly hard to hide when a public figure is involved.
I've not followed any of this. Is this a case of genuinely innocent or did he have very good lawyers and there was a few payouts?
It certainly was no payouts, since all the cases all went to trial and they tried their best to convict him.

This case is a strange one. While I, like many others, from the start assumed its probably something in it when there was so many charges from several people, what has been revealed during the case tells a bit of a different story. One accuser was literally proved to be lying since the "act" had been filmed and showed consensual sex. At least one had googled "how much is Benjamin Mendy worth" just before she decided to press charges. One of the "victims" stayed in his house several hours after the "crime", had sex with 3 additional people before sending a text to a friend as she was leaving "hahaha I had sex with Jack Grealish". One of the "victims" had sent a text to her friends the day after she claimed to have been r**** twice during a party in Mendys house saying it was the " best night of her life". Some of the accusers were also friends. Some of them had met Mendy and/or had consensual sex with him before and/or after the alleged crime. Police had to convince several of the accusers to press charges since it would "help the other girls win the case".

Does all this mean he is without a doubt innocent? Of course not, it just means that none of the claims from the accusers can be proven. But it does mean he is not proven to be guilty. And in most countries in the world, people (or others that can be accused of something) are considered to be innocent until proven guilty. If he really is guilty or not, I guess only Mendy and his accusers know the real story. All we know is that none of the claims could be proven.

Whatever the case is, I hope other players take note. If you have a lifestyle like Mendy, being a celebrity, out partying and sleeping with several different women you don't know every week, even if 99% of them are all perfectly good people, all it takes is 1% (or less) out of these people that see your fame and wealth as a ticket to a big pay day and your career could be over. If you are a rich and famous footballer you need to be a lot more careful than an average Joe.
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So who will pay his loss of earnings, missed commercial opportunities, reputational damages if the CPS don’t ?
No one.
First of all you have to accept that Covid delayed his trial, second, that is the law, you are accused tough shit. I believe that rape victims should be granted anonymity BUT so should the accused.
Third and this is the main answer to your question, if someone is accused of a crime the trial should be almost immediate. Why we have 12 month, 2 year delays when an innocent person is held out to dry.... its wrong.
The accusing women have been lying and that is proven? Or it just could not be proven that he is guilty?

To give you a number. In Germany in only 8.4 cases of rapes that are claimed by police the man gets convicted... So 89 women are lying? You just can speak somebody guilty if there is no doubt at all.

I don't know about your stats but I'm talking about this specific case. The defendant is a famous and wealthy person in this case and he is found not guilty after a long and publicized trial.
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That's not how the justice system works. Ultimately none of us know enough about the case to be playing judge and jury. It would also make rape even harder to prosecute in the future.

The court hasn't said that the alleged victims are lying, they aren't being sort for prosecution as far as I'm aware, they may still genuinely feel like they have been raped, we don't know.

Mendy is just in the unfortunate position of being a public figure thus the mud is going to stick more.
Rooney named Vardy.

Please try not to split hairs but what in reality is the difference ?
Rooney named Vardy.

Please try not to split hairs but what in reality is the difference ?

Rooney named Vardy after conducting her own private turned public investigation.

That only went to court because Vardy accused Rooney of libel. Both names were public way before any court hearing.

As I said the accused probably should stay anonymous until the verdict in an ideal world but that's hard to do with a public figure involved.
A player in Scotland was found not guilty in a criminal court, then a civil case was brought against him and he was found guilty. So did he do it? Never went to prison. Had to pay out a fortune. Almost all rapists get away with it. That's a fact.

That’s not really fair… burden of proof is lower in a civil court than a criminal court so regardless of the outcome in the civil court he is not guilty of a criminal offence. Most Rape cases fail because the process to bring the case to the CPS is too complex and the police have been poor at pulling cases together, slap dash processes etc.

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