Bercow stepping down

what Brexiters fail to acknowledge is if he had transgressed House Rules or heaven forbid the law things would have been different. As he didn't there was nothing they could do - hence the hate - he is seen as a traitor..............on their terms...i.e. didn't agree with them.

I know it’s easy to see it as a remainer trying to manipulate his position to remain but really he did his job as speaker to ensure that the correct parliamentary procedure was followed.

People can say that he’s a twat and a bully, and they maybe right, but I would expect a leave supporting MP, who was Speaker, to do the same as Bercow, in relation to upholding parliamentary rules and sovereignty.
Never trust a short guy, Napoleon complex and all that.
It must be like having your own ventriloquist dummy...

I like him

I did for the large majority. He was perfect for the role of speaker and created real political theatre but he chose a side in the brexit debate and that was always going to make him enemies and rightly so imo as he should have stayed impartial, which he clearly did not.

Remainers putting him forward for a peerage tells you all you need to know.

Bullying in politics? I wont excuse it if the bullying consists of sexism etc but if its a case of politicians not liking being told off which he often did then I'm afraid they should get over themselves as its nasty business is politics and Westminster isn't kindergarten.
I did for the large majority. He was perfect for the role of speaker and created real political theatre but he chose a side in the brexit debate and that was always going to make him enemies and rightly so imo as he should have stayed impartial, which he clearly did not.

Remainers putting him forward for a peerage tells you all you need to know.

Bullying in politics? I wont excuse it if the bullying consists of sexism etc but if its a case of politicians not liking being told off which he often did then I'm afraid they should get over themselves as its nasty business is politics and Westminster isn't kindergarten.

Yeah I get how he won’t be liked by the leavers and have some sympathy. Although I think he was right on a number of things he did to protect democracy in my eyes.

re the bullying I’m not informed enough to comment but he doesn’t strike me as the type. He doesn’t remind me of a Trump or Roger Ailes type of megalomaniac bully.
Yeah I get how he won’t be liked by the leavers and have some sympathy. Although I think he was right on a number of things he did to protect democracy in my eyes.

re the bullying I’m not informed enough to comment but he doesn’t strike me as the type. He doesn’t remind me of a Trump or Roger Ailes type of megalomaniac bully.

His language and tone which was great to watch was cruel and brutal in its put down to many at times so can see why some got pissed off with him but its not bullying for me, its being put in your place by someone who politically was a real operator.

The claims smack of sour grapes if it is that behind the claims but if its more then lets see the evidence.
Bercow is already in the dustbin of history as nothing he did has had any effect on the outcome. From a Remain viewpoint you could easily reflect on the fact that by ensuring that May was boxed in and couldn’t get her deal through he opened the door for Johnson to sweep to victory with a commitment to have a very hands off relationship with the EU. May wanted a very close alignment with the EU after Brexit and Bercow was instrumental in ensuring that it won’t end up like that.

Unintended consequences and all that :)
Bercow is already in the dustbin of history as nothing he did has had any effect on the outcome. From a Remain viewpoint you could easily reflect on the fact that by ensuring that May was boxed in and couldn’t get her deal through he opened the door for Johnson to sweep to victory with a commitment to have a very hands off relationship with the EU. May wanted a very close alignment with the EU after Brexit and Bercow was instrumental in ensuring that it won’t end up like that.

Unintended consequences and all that :)

Just a few short months ago remain had won the fight effectively in parliament and leaving was literally never going to happen.

They then got greedy as personal ambition and the lust for power eclipsed the common goal of stopping brexit and the door was thrown back wide open for not just the Tories but far more importantly, the electorate to have their final say on the matter.

Silly billy's.

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