I'm old enough to remember 'The Black and White Minstrels Show' which was regular weekend viewing on the BBC. It was all pretty harmless stuff but the PC brigade got it banned because it might offend Afro-Caribbean people. Then the same thing happened to Robertson's Jams where they had to stop giving out their golliwog paper cut-outs that came with each jar. I don't know what these cut-outs were for, presumably they were saved up for freebie jams when enough were saved, but no matter what, the PC brigade got stuck in again and their minority objections were enough to get the golliwogs banned. Now we have a situation whereby the PC brigade can look at a chocolate product produced in another country and instead of being trying to ban it, they instead try to make a racism case out of someone tweeting it to a colleague. It's all too silly but I can see where they are coming from and instead of posting his joke on social media, Bernardo should have just kept it to a private text message between the two of them. At least now, Bernardo will realise what a sensitive lot we have in this country, plus a great many people who take great delight in calling out others for their failings rather than take delight in their achievements.