Bernardo Silva tweet controversy

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This is not me going full dipper and wearing a t shirt supporting a racist as bernie is NOT racist but can we rally around him now,i imagine he is quite distraught being labelled a racist,we might not see the smiley cheeky kid again,i'm disappointed in the kicking some blues have given him as well as the whole of the media,time to move on

we all know he isn't racist,but we can agree he's been foolish/naive in comparing mendy to that particular cartoon character publically
I'd list all of your posts where you refuse to answer a straightforward question but to be honest you're boring the tits of me and I couldn't be arsed.

So, you can't offer anything?

Just be honest and be done with it.

Less embarrassing for you to not finish what you started.
I think we’ve arrived at the point where any further debate between you gents should be taken to PM.

we all know he isn't racist,but we can agree he's been foolish/naive in comparing mendy to that particular cartoon character publically
I can agree in hindsight it was not great to put it out in public but at the time he saw no problem as to him it's not racist in portugal and it was to his mate so he couldn't have foreseen the backlash,he has learnt a lesson,he doesn't deserve to be crushed by it
Personally, any further debate should be taken to a new thread that excludes Bernies name and the comments have been done to death - Start a Racism thread if you want to keep going on about it

He made a public joke to his mate and all of a sudden it is the crime of the century. All those claiming he should apologise, to who exactly?
I recorded a prog on bbc 4 last night
Black nurses,the women who saved the NHS.How caribbean and African women came to the country to save the ailing health service

This is not me going full dipper and wearing a t shirt supporting a racist as bernie is NOT racist but can we rally around him now,i imagine he is quite distraught being labelled a racist,we might not see the smiley cheeky kid again,i'm disappointed in the kicking some blues have given him as well as the whole of the media,time to move on

Sterling alluded to how down... Bernardo has been. It’s easy to be dismissive but I do think there’s been significant ‘I’m deeply offended’ from the usual suspects in the anti-city camp. I haven’t heard the likes of Andy Hinchcliffe slamming Boris Johnson for his islamapheobic comments - letterboxes etc... seems his move into political correctness is reserved entirely for us. Equally, the BBC is being high and mighty on this whilst hanging one of its own employees out to dry - for condemning racist comments.... This is as much a case of who did it... i don’t want to dusmiss this issue completely- lessons must be learned but it’s being used as another stick to beat us with.
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