Bernardo Silva

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Personally don't think that was the way to behave, we might dislike them, (or even hate them?), but we still should try and respect the enemy. I love Bernardo he's probably my favourite player but he was wrong there IMO.
I'm sure our owner was partly instrumental in coining the phrase "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer".
A player could want team A the most in the World and team B the next. If the player is already at team B and team A is interested that does not equate to the player being unhappy at team B. It’s a preference.

Pol Ballus reported recently that Bernardo is no longer struggling with life here after lockdown and is very happy to continue here and certainly not enough to push for a move. He will only go if City think it’s a great deal for us which it isn’t likely to be!

The whole unhappy thing is sooo last year :-)
The funniest thing about Barca media is they don’t even know which way to lie. Their president says Frankie ain’t leaving which means they won’t buy Bernie then the next day they’re like city only want €100 but they’ll try to get him less than what they want to sell De Jong. Like Barca can be the only winners in every transfer, yet look at the state of their club
I suppose we have the strange situation with two of our history clubs seemingly at opposite ends of player attraction.
United forced to buy high new player wages to get signings whereas Barca still have that attraction for many players despite reducing wages all round.

Both are shall we say not at their best from a football point of view but Barca still are a magnet whereas United are no longer attractive to most players.
Where will they find the money? Apparently they also want Raphinho from Leeds, but from what I have read, the Spanish governing body say they have to make more money on outgoings than they can spend on incoming players.

They got another sale of some sort which could get them around €400m
They got another sale of some sort which could get them around €400m
Most of it ,is to pay off, outstanding debts for transfers and wages.
Their will be little left for new transfers and certainly not 100 million for Berni the Bolt
for anybody who can speak Spanish, this comic strip on Spain's football media is live streaming section on Bernardo with the quota "BERNARDO SILVA DREAMS IN AZULGRANA"; I believe AZULGRANA translate to Barca.

ElChiringuitoTV - Twitch
Most of it ,is to pay off, outstanding debts for transfers and wages.
Their will be little left for new transfers and certainly not 100 million for Berni the Bolt

We will sell for 80m last season think when he wanted to go there was not takers for the 60m he was available for
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