Bert on Bert

All very nice in Watford after , blues and red chatting few Leeds about, reds now all gone city still out!!! And still singing Just proves we are still just grateful to be where we are and not complacent
All the reds had to sing was about our cheating…. Love it
Alleged cheating, m’lord
that do in 531 or 530 looked serious,the lad in the black tshirt didnt want to back down even after about 8 coppers walked up,he was swinging his fists and tfying to nut someone, couldnt see properly we were in 532

saw a bloke who i thought was a blue but turned out to be a rag hit a copper in the service station we stopped in coming back,he was going beserk,about 8 coppers ushered him away but luckily for him didnt arrest him
Some can’t seem to cope with it.
Yeah, it's full on Rag and Dipper mentality. The idea that yer gonna win everything, everywhere can't be tempered with a smattering of reality. Of all the derbies I've watched I've never anticipated a win in any of them. I've seen the Rags scab countless games when they've been the inferior team. The last couple of league games, the 1-6, the 6-3? It's only at FT that you realise we've played a game in which the Rags could not compete. But no matter what the previous might be there's always in the 90 mins a spot where the unplanned can happen, and an incident that wouldn't happen on the training ground appears before our eyes implemented by a player(s) you'd have put yer shirt on.
that do in 531 or 530 looked serious,the lad in the black tshirt didnt want to back down even after about 8 coppers walked up,he was swinging his fists and tfying to nut someone, couldnt see properly we were in 532

saw a bloke who i thought was a blue but turned out to be a rag hit a copper in the service station we stopped in coming back,he was going beserk,about 8 coppers ushered him away but luckily for him didnt arrest him
Hit a copper and didn’t get arrested? Fucking hell. I know someone who was jailed for that!
I’d like to think most of us wouldn’t start swearing at a little kid and mentioning a horrific plane crash from nearly 70 years ago.
Most of us wouldn't, but the 'few' need their moment and haven't got the instant wherewithal to deliver the 'bon mot'! I think any snotty 12yr old Rag would not be too happy to be smiled at and four fingers (clearly on one hand) raised in his direction!

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