Bert on Bert

Some sad fuckers about that can't handle their booze, let alone adding getting beat into the equation.

I can just about understand young lads getting aggrevated, which I'm sure they'll grow out of; but watching grown men looking to start fights is probably the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen at a football match.

I saw that clip on here yesterday of a fight on the street in Harrow/Harlow in London, and these were 40/50 year old blokes at it. Probably got young kids at home, and half decent jobs to go to on Tuesday! I'd be embarrassed waking up this morning..
Some sad fuckers about that can't handle their booze, let alone adding getting beat into the equation.

I can just about understand young lads getting aggrevated, which I'm sure they'll grow out of; but watching grown men looking to start fights is probably the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen at a football match.
They are life’s losers. Getting to that age and still fighting is just tragic. In front of women and kids too.
There were alot of rag scum bags goading City fans on Wembley way straight after final whistle. One young rag got laid out for being a gobby twat
the thing in 530 was a kid who decided to reveal his Rag top on the concourse after the game. Saw another lad outside the Holiday Inn waving a flag in the faces of departing blues and got a smack for it in front of at least 20 cops.

Common denominator is that all involved must be incredibly stupid.
At the station after the match some fucking young Rag (16) attempted to ride through the City crowds on one of these stupid hire bike things, utd shirt on.

The bridge was full of Blues waiting to be let on the platforms and the Police stopped this idiot.

Absolutely boggling how someone would attempt to do that through a set of fans who have just lost a Cup Final.

I couldn't help but think he must have had ET sat in the front basket on the bike and he was hoping to fly over the crowds:-)

London and the South is full of fucking Rags.

I went to Waterloo which is a huge station serving the the South coast of England!
Rags galore arriving on trains en route to the match.

Fucking glory hunting arseholes.
I’d like to think most of us wouldn’t start swearing at a little kid and mentioning a horrific plane crash from nearly 70 years ago.
I don’t usually stoop that low until they start with the Tommy Caton/ Vivian Foe songs
Some sad fuckers about that can't handle their booze, let alone adding getting beat into the equation.

I can just about understand young lads getting aggrevated, which I'm sure they'll grow out of; but watching grown men looking to start fights is probably the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen at a football match.

I saw that clip on here yesterday of a fight on the street in Harrow/Harlow in London, and these were 40/50 year old blokes at it. Probably got young kids at home, and half decent jobs to go to on Tuesday! I'd be embarrassed waking up this morning..
Vast majority were older teens early 20's. A couple of older ones that's all

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