Bert on Bert

There were alot of rag scum bags goading City fans on Wembley way straight after final whistle. One young rag got laid out for being a gobby twat
I feel like social media has left a lot of people thinking that there are no consequences for your actions.

Glad to see people are still getting knocked out for talking shit.
Anyone knocking anyone out because of a football match or in particular a loss needs to re-evaluate their life.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but after a game, if you feel confident enough to talk shit to people close up after a win, you should at least be prepared for the possibility of what can happen next.

As a rule, don't talk shit or confront anyone you don't think you can take a punch from. Not because it's wrong or right on either side, but you don't know what the other person's thought process is. And this isn't exclusive to football either. Its anything.

The moral victory of thinking the other person needs to re-evaluate their life isn't worth much when you're getting medical attention for getting dropped in the street.
The problem is the Rags/Mibs are gobby cunts in groups. I was walking to the ‘City end‘ and groups of Rags in the black clothing were mouthing off calling City fan nonces, etc. City we’re giving it back. If it wasn’t for the amount of Police standing around and sat in their riot vans it would have kicked off.
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