Best foreign films ever...

That french one in black and white where a couple talk for two hours while looking broody and drinking coffee, she then shows us her hairy klopper which looks as big as a welcome mat for no apparent reason, the screen goes black and FIN appears

Can't remember the name probably directed by Luc Besson pre LEON
hilts said:
That french one in black and white where a couple talk for two hours while looking broody and drinking coffee, she then shows us her hairy klopper which looks as big as a welcome mat for no apparent reason, the screen goes black and FIN appears

Can't remember the name probably directed by Luc Besson pre LEON
Isn't that every French film? Film Noir, isn't it?
Mike N said:
SuperKevinHorlock said:
Cyrano de Begerac
Life is beautiful
The Lives of others
La Haine

Could go on and on...

I'm a massive fan of French films.

Me too! Surprised you havent got Jean De Florette and Manon Des Sources? But if you havent already seen Les Intouchables, great film.

Good shouts mate both are outstanding.

A prophet is another great film IMO<br /><br />-- Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:18 pm --<br /><br />I forgot 22 Bullets that's another classic in my opinion.
jimharri said:
hilts said:
That french one in black and white where a couple talk for two hours while looking broody and drinking coffee, she then shows us her hairy klopper which looks as big as a welcome mat for no apparent reason, the screen goes black and FIN appears

Can't remember the name probably directed by Luc Besson pre LEON
Isn't that every French film? Film Noir, isn't it?

Used to sneak downstairs as a kid to watch the red triangle films on channel four hoping for a bit of nudity, ending up tugging off to linda bellingham in the tv times
There's a few shouts for City of God a really good film but for me Elite Squad is better, it's made by the same people and based on a true story about the brutal special police force in Brazil trying to clean up the drug gangs in the flavias before the visit of the pope. If you liked City of God you'll love this one.

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