Agree with all of that. The show is clearly at its best with the cartel, Fring, Mike, Saul and Kim. All the stuff with Chuck, a lot of Jimmy, Mesa Verde etc all went on far too long.
If they’d cut the first 4 seasons into two and left this series as a third series we’d all be saying it’s one of the greatest. Instead it’s not fit to be discussed in the same breath as BB.
I agree, or keeping the 4 seasons but giving us a bit more to hang on to.
I love Gilligan’s work and he does his shows brilliantly, I enjoy that he builds depth to the characters, but I just feel that ‘slipping jimmy’ had more tricks up his sleeve, more sleezy schemes etc, a bit more depth to that fat bloke - can’t think of his name off the top of my head.
The pace of it now, is spot on but my god I was bored getting there. Flitted in and out of the show for ages.