Big news I heard last night....

DSonBlue said:
We will finish top four this season.

We will beat Utd next month and win the FA Cup.

We will sign Pastore and Ashley Young in the summer.

We will run the PL title race right down to the wire next season (and win?)

..and hopefully do well in the Champions League (Semis?).

And you will all bum Mancini.


Sounds good, even sounds plausible but myself I just don't think we have the game plan to win the games to do that.
You get nothing but extra time by playing for a draw in cup finals.
The odds are you'll then go out.
Bob simply has to change or he and us will fail.
de niro said:
Bob simply has to change or he and us will fail.

That option may have been easier if he'd had a little more foresight and hadn't placed all his eggs in the same basket.
citysky said:
this sounds good and all, but mourinho is not the long term type of coach, he will come here stay one or 2 years and leave. while mancini is the real deal, he could well be here for the next 20 years. i dont like mancinis negative football, but he is just nervous and doesnt want to lose. i believe that with a little more time, he will learn the english game, and he will have more confidence.

Why be nervous with the squad he has at his disposal? Teams should fear us not the other way round. Do you think Mourinho would play for draws with this squad? Not a chance!<br /><br />-- Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:34 am --<br /><br />
Harry Godwin said:
Not a fan of Mourinho for the simple reason that once he goes to a club it all
becomes about him and not the team. Plus, do we really want another year of

No rebuilding needed, Mourinho would win the league with 2 or 3 additions to what we already have!
Harry Godwin said:
Not a fan of Mourinho for the simple reason that once he goes to a club it all
becomes about him and not the team
. Plus, do we really want another year of

This is itself makes Mourinho a fantastic manager.

While he is entertaining the press with ramblings, the press is diverted from his team - thus taking the attention and pressure away from the players.

The next day, crap is not published in the press because Jose has made them all quote him.
not my fault! said:
Chippy_boy said:
yeah, he really fucked up Chelsea didnt he. I mean, they were a mess after he left. After he'd gone they only won the league, the FA cup twice and champions league finalists. What a mess. Not counting his own back to back league titles. I mean, no-one would want that would they.

1) Where in my post does it suggest he left them in a mess?
2) Where does it say they didn't win anything?
3) Or that the team was poor?

1) I never said you did. I merely point out that IF we got Mourinho and IF he left after a couple of seasons as you suggest, we'd probably be in a good place by then.

2) Ditto 1.

3) Ditto 1.
My two penn'arth....

From being a confirmed Mancini-inner as I thought he was by far the best man for the job, I am now a Mancini-inner for the simple reason that I do not wish to see the carnage that would ensue if we were to sack ANOTHER manager.

Another £1-200 million to be spent. More highly paid players to be farmed out on loan, strengthening our rivals. More difficulty making the FFPR.


If we manage to stumble over the line this year into 4th I would need to see a major step-change in Mancini's tactics and general outlook next season.

Like most on here I am frustrated and disillusioned with the turgid, frightened, tippy-tappy sideways and backwards football we have been served up this year.

Teams have sussed us and as many have said we have no plan B.

Playing this way in the CL would see us go out in the group stage and be back in the Europa. You need speed of play and thought to succeed in european football and we seem to have had all of ours coached out of us.

For me we HAVE to give him until the end of the season.

If we don't make top four I'd find it difficult to defend keeping him. If we do (and I think we still will) then I'd certainly advocate giving him until at least Xmas next season.

The other thing is we are in danger of allowing the media to manage our club for us. How many England managers have Custis, Woolnough et al got the sack simply in order to increase their circulation?

They've been trying to do Bobby in since he was appointed. NOT because they care about City. Or the fans. Or the "good of football". But because they want another chance to slag City off (and their brown-skinned, muslim owners of course - that's these cnut's REAL agenda I'm convinced of it).

As for Mourinho? I'd love him in one way - He wouldn't let the FA and Media shaft us without a fight. However, I sense a Howard Kendal moment when the Rags job comes up.
I think the city job would be right up jose's street. All the clubs he has been at to date have massive pedigree behind them and are seen as euorpes big hitters, even Porto have great European history from before jose's time there. We all know he has an ego, so let's stroke it at all these clubs he will just go down as another manager that has done what is expected of him Madrid inter rags all expect to be winning leagues and European success on a consistent basis even Porto expect to continually dominate domestically and all have done so long before Jose arrived. That's why the Chelsea job stands out to him in my opinion, it is something he created but was tarnished for him by abromovic(spl) and his meddling. If city give him the challenge to take our club and put in up there with Madrid barca inter rags et al and create his own dynasty not following on from anybody so he can bask in all the glory I suspect it is a challenge he will accept
Ragnarok said:
IF Jose fails at City , i would imagine that there would be mass suicides.

I wouldn't have thought so......the wheel will just keep on turning like it always has done ;-)
Dont get me wrong when I say I dont mind the passing to feet but it does get a little boring after some time when the ball comes up and then back to defence, up to the strikers and back to defence.

We do need that injection of pace through the middle and maybe now Johnson is back he can offer a different outlet into our football.

I dont hate Mancini but we need to add a little bit of the Italian way of football (Keep ball) with another way of football and just get that cutting edge up front. Carlos cannot do it all on his own and I think he will be off next season. Maybe a Mourinho could persuade him to stay. I personally doubt it as its all to do with his agent. We also need to let Balo go and bring in another striker to replace him.

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