Biggest Israeli Land Grab For 30 years

Deplorable and inflammatory action by Israel. Hopefully people can see now that Israel has no (and never has had) interest in a just and lasting peace based on a 2 state solution. Their only interest seems to be further expansionist ambitions, spurred on again by their ultra right wing nationalists/zionists. The same cycle has been perpetuating for decades, yet people still lap up the poisonous and duplicitous Israeli rhetoric: "We're working for Peace but those baddie Palestinians won't let us"

Wake up and smell the fucking coffee people. THIS is the reality of Israeli occupation. THIS is why successive generations of Palestinians feel so aggrieved, to the point of armed resistance (because every other avenue is exhausted); because their very homes and lands are being continually, bit by bit, annexed by an occupying power. And all the while Israel plays the victim. And deluded people bereft of objective, rational thought lap up the lies.

Depressingly, I actually believe that this is intended to provoke further armed resistance from Palestinians, to provide Israel with a pretext for further devastating military action.

So, is anyone here going to try and justify this latest land grab?
No6 said:
Deplorable and inflammatory action by Israel. Hopefully people can see now that Israel has no (and never has had) interest in a just and lasting peace based on a 2 state solution. Their only interest seems to be further expansionist ambitions, spurred on again by their ultra right wing nationalists/zionists. The same cycle has been perpetuating for decades, yet people still lap up the poisonous and duplicitous Israeli rhetoric: "We're working for Peace but those baddie Palestinians won't let us"

Wake up and smell the fucking coffee people. THIS is the reality of Israeli occupation. THIS is why successive generations of Palestinians feel so aggrieved, to the point of armed resistance (because every other avenue is exhausted); because their very homes and lands are being continually, bit by bit, annexed by an occupying power. And all the while Israel plays the victim. And deluded people bereft of objective, rational thought lap up the lies.

Depressingly, I actually believe that this is intended to provoke further armed resistance from Palestinians, to provide Israel with a pretext for further devastating military action.

So, is anyone here going to try and justify this latest land grab?

The truth is there is no justification, and people who have seen my posts in the past will know this is something coming from me.

Israel say they are taking the land in response to the kidnapping of the three Israeli lads, well didn't they say that when they arrested hundreds of suspected Hamas militants in the immediate aftermath of that incident? How much more do Israel want to do before they feel the murders of these three men have been compensated for?

I desperately want Israel to try and work towards a two state solution, and I hoped that following their offensive in Gaza they might feel a little more secure about their position to be able to try and work to that end. Unfortunately this has proven not to be the case.

I will always stick up for a country that has to defend itself from terrorists, but these aren't actions of self defense, these are actions of theft plain and simple.
jimbopm said:
I will always stick up for a country that has to defend itself from terrorists, but these aren't actions of self defense, these are actions of theft plain and simple.
Do the Palestinians have any right to self-defence or do they just accept being shit on like a slave meekly accepting a beating from its master? Or do you accept that any Israeli military targets are fair game?
dawlish dave said:
Skashion said:
Ric said:
I suspect it's a futile request, but let's try and keep it civil this time.
You know full well it's futile. Bluemoon is joke on this issue.

Please name the racists, civil request.

He can speak for himself but I don't think it's a very fair request.

Anyone named would quite rightly ask for proof. Which has all been removed.
tidyman said:
dawlish dave said:
Skashion said:
You know full well it's futile. Bluemoon is joke on this issue.

Please name the racists, civil request.

He can speak for himself but I don't think it's a very fair request.

Anyone named would quite rightly ask for proof. Which has all been removed.
I did name, the thread was pulled and the post deleted.
jimbopm said:
No6 said:
Deplorable and inflammatory action by Israel. Hopefully people can see now that Israel has no (and never has had) interest in a just and lasting peace based on a 2 state solution. Their only interest seems to be further expansionist ambitions, spurred on again by their ultra right wing nationalists/zionists. The same cycle has been perpetuating for decades, yet people still lap up the poisonous and duplicitous Israeli rhetoric: "We're working for Peace but those baddie Palestinians won't let us"

Wake up and smell the fucking coffee people. THIS is the reality of Israeli occupation. THIS is why successive generations of Palestinians feel so aggrieved, to the point of armed resistance (because every other avenue is exhausted); because their very homes and lands are being continually, bit by bit, annexed by an occupying power. And all the while Israel plays the victim. And deluded people bereft of objective, rational thought lap up the lies.

Depressingly, I actually believe that this is intended to provoke further armed resistance from Palestinians, to provide Israel with a pretext for further devastating military action.

So, is anyone here going to try and justify this latest land grab?

The truth is there is no justification, and people who have seen my posts in the past will know this is something coming from me.

Israel say they are taking the land in response to the kidnapping of the three Israeli lads, well didn't they say that when they arrested hundreds of suspected Hamas militants in the immediate aftermath of that incident? How much more do Israel want to do before they feel the murders of these three men have been compensated for?

I desperately want Israel to try and work towards a two state solution, and I hoped that following their offensive in Gaza they might feel a little more secure about their position to be able to try and work to that end. Unfortunately this has proven not to be the case.

I will always stick up for a country that has to defend itself from terrorists, but these aren't actions of self defense, these are actions of theft plain and simple.

The thing is Jim, this has been happening for decades. Successive GENERATIONS of palestinians have seen their land being stolen. They have no recourse against the state under Israeli law. So they approached the international community to help. It didn't, and instead tacitly supported the Israeli regime and even armed them. Under such circumstances, when all avenues for justice have been explored, and the international community ignores you, would you not be left with armed resistance as your only remaining option? Would that make you a "terrorist" or would you be someone fighting for the survival and freedom of your country, community and family?

the word "terrorist" is bandied about far too easily nowadays, especially since 9/11, and when a western government shouts "terrorist", we're conditioned to jump. Now, if someone's asking me to jump, I want to be damned sure that I'm jumping for the right reason. The world isn't black and white. it isn't about goodies and baddies, or "democracy and terrorism". it just isn't that simple, and you're (not you in particular Jim) being played for a fool if you believe it is.
Blue Til Death said:
Maybe he is fed up with the merry go round of the same people wading in with the same points, thread after thread after thread. Don't get me wrong this is an important issue but reading the previous on here it just ends up with a slanging match between the two protagonists and any constructive dialogue is lost in the cheap point scoring and childish spats that inevitably ensue.
I am sure we all have a view on this but most stay away for obvious reasons.

When I see the same names having their "10 a day" fix, shouting down anyone who puts forward a opposite view using terms such as racist its then I feel its best to stay on the football threads of bluemoon.
dawlish dave said:
Blue Til Death said:
Maybe he is fed up with the merry go round of the same people wading in with the same points, thread after thread after thread. Don't get me wrong this is an important issue but reading the previous on here it just ends up with a slanging match between the two protagonists and any constructive dialogue is lost in the cheap point scoring and childish spats that inevitably ensue.
I am sure we all have a view on this but most stay away for obvious reasons.

When I see the same names having their "10 a day" fix, shouting down anyone who puts forward a opposite view using terms such as racist its then I feel its best to stay on the football threads of bluemoon.

Fuck me! The football threads are ten times worse than ANY palestine/israel debate down here! Did you not see the post match thread on Saturday?!?!

These threads are haven of peace, harmony and mutual love compared to the madness upstairs! ;)
Skashion said:
jimbopm said:
I will always stick up for a country that has to defend itself from terrorists, but these aren't actions of self defense, these are actions of theft plain and simple.
Do the Palestinians have any right to self-defence or do they just accept being shit on like a slave meekly accepting a beating from its master? Or do you accept that any Israeli military targets are fair game?

Let's be fair here, If we're talking about the Palestinian people, the civilians who reject terrorism, the ones that just want the chance of a bit of peace and prosperity then they are being 'shit on' as you put it by both sides. I don't believe they get a good deal out of the organisations that are meant to represent their interests either.

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