Biggest Israeli Land Grab For 30 years

No6 said:
dawlish dave said:
Blue Til Death said:
Maybe he is fed up with the merry go round of the same people wading in with the same points, thread after thread after thread. Don't get me wrong this is an important issue but reading the previous on here it just ends up with a slanging match between the two protagonists and any constructive dialogue is lost in the cheap point scoring and childish spats that inevitably ensue.
I am sure we all have a view on this but most stay away for obvious reasons.

When I see the same names having their "10 a day" fix, shouting down anyone who puts forward a opposite view using terms such as racist its then I feel its best to stay on the football threads of bluemoon.

Fuck me! The football threads are ten times worse than ANY palestine/israel debate down here! Did you not see the post match thread on Saturday?!?!

These threads are haven of peace, harmony and mutual love compared to the madness upstairs! ;)

Not been called a racist up there, Well not yet anyway.
dawlish dave said:
No6 said:
dawlish dave said:
When I see the same names having their "10 a day" fix, shouting down anyone who puts forward a opposite view using terms such as racist its then I feel its best to stay on the football threads of bluemoon.

Fuck me! The football threads are ten times worse than ANY palestine/israel debate down here! Did you not see the post match thread on Saturday?!?!

These threads are haven of peace, harmony and mutual love compared to the madness upstairs! ;)

Not been called a racist up there, Well not yet anyway.

So who on here has directly called you a racist? Civil request.
jimbopm said:
Skashion said:
jimbopm said:
I will always stick up for a country that has to defend itself from terrorists, but these aren't actions of self defense, these are actions of theft plain and simple.
Do the Palestinians have any right to self-defence or do they just accept being shit on like a slave meekly accepting a beating from its master? Or do you accept that any Israeli military targets are fair game?

Let's be fair here, If we're talking about the Palestinian people, the civilians who reject terrorism, the ones that just want the chance of a bit of peace and prosperity then they are being 'shit on' as you put it by both sides. I don't believe they get a good deal out of the organisations that are meant to represent their interests either.
Stop dodging the question.
Skashion said:
jimbopm said:
Skashion said:
Do the Palestinians have any right to self-defence or do they just accept being shit on like a slave meekly accepting a beating from its master? Or do you accept that any Israeli military targets are fair game?

Let's be fair here, If we're talking about the Palestinian people, the civilians who reject terrorism, the ones that just want the chance of a bit of peace and prosperity then they are being 'shit on' as you put it by both sides. I don't believe they get a good deal out of the organisations that are meant to represent their interests either.
Stop dodging the question.

Sorry to interject Skashion, and I know you're already aware of it (but others on here might not), but an occupied people has the RIGHT under international LAW to defend itself.

i often wonder what would have happened if Germany had successfully invaded and occupied Britain in WWII. I'm pretty fucking sure that successive generations of brave brits would have been fighting a guerrilla war against the occupiers and fighting back with any means necessary. Would that make them "terrorists" ?

As I stated earlier, the term "terrorist" is lazy at best, and people automatically think "baddie" because someone tells us too. Wake up folks, stop letting this little word subjugate your independent thought.
BWTAC said:
dawlish dave said:
No6 said:
Fuck me! The football threads are ten times worse than ANY palestine/israel debate down here! Did you not see the post match thread on Saturday?!?!

These threads are haven of peace, harmony and mutual love compared to the madness upstairs! ;)

Not been called a racist up there, Well not yet anyway.

So who on here has directly called you a racist? Civil request.

I'm guessing nobody mate - dave is one of those posters who likes to do faux outrage and being-offended-by-proxy - he used to follow me aroung the forum like a stale fart until I told him to go away, or words to that effect.
Unfortunately we seem to have an abundance of these perpetually outraged folks on the forum at present - they contribute slightly less than nothing to a debate, and then come on whinging at folk who do have an opinion, and have the nerve to express it.
Maybe Ric could start a Curtain Twitchers forum to keep them all corralled in one place, and they can all pretend to be upset to each other.
Anyone who thinks that 'upstairs' is a paragon of virtue and niceness really is living in Narnia.
No6 said:
Skashion said:
jimbopm said:
Let's be fair here, If we're talking about the Palestinian people, the civilians who reject terrorism, the ones that just want the chance of a bit of peace and prosperity then they are being 'shit on' as you put it by both sides. I don't believe they get a good deal out of the organisations that are meant to represent their interests either.
Stop dodging the question.

Sorry to interject Skashion, and I know you're already aware of it (but others on here might not), but an occupied people has the RIGHT under international LAW to defend itself.
Yes, of course, but then the Israeli apologists are so blinkered that their logic is that the Palestinians not only have to be occupied, but somehow it's not the Palestinians defending themselves but Israel, the aggressive occupier, which has the right to claim self-defence. It's unbelievably twisted, and as I keep stating, I believe it's rooted in racism. No-one, but no-one, in this thread, would claim the Germans were defending themselves when they took reprisal measures against the populations they occupied, for the actions of their resistances. THE only difference is that Palestinians have engaged in terrorism by targeting civilians (and let's not forget that the resistances killed collaborators in their thousands). So, I ask any supporter of Israel, if the Palestinians attacked ONLY military targets, they would not be terrorists would they? They would be fully entitled to fight against occupation and they would be resistance groups who you would support wouldn't they?
BWTAC said:
dawlish dave said:
No6 said:
Fuck me! The football threads are ten times worse than ANY palestine/israel debate down here! Did you not see the post match thread on Saturday?!?!

These threads are haven of peace, harmony and mutual love compared to the madness upstairs! ;)

Not been called a racist up there, Well not yet anyway.

So who on here has directly called you a racist? Civil request.

It is a collective view from Mr10 a day,
Skashion said:
No6 said:
Skashion said:
Stop dodging the question.

Sorry to interject Skashion, and I know you're already aware of it (but others on here might not), but an occupied people has the RIGHT under international LAW to defend itself.
Yes, of course, but then the Israeli apologists are so blinkered that their logic is that the Palestinians not only have to be occupied, but somehow it's not the Palestinians defending themselves but Israel, the aggressive occupier, which has the right to claim self-defence. It's unbelievably twisted, and as I keep stating, I believe it's rooted in racism. No-one, but no-one, in this thread, would claim the Germans were defending themselves when they took reprisal measures against the populations they occupied, for the actions of their resistances. THE only difference is that Palestinians have engaged in terrorism by targeting civilians (and let's not forget that the resistances killed collaborators in their thousands). So, I ask any supporter of Israel, if the Palestinians attacked ONLY military targets, they would not be terrorists would they? They would be fully entitled to fight against occupation and they would be resistance groups who you would support wouldn't they?

Twisted logic as you say Skash. Almost Orwellian in its construction. Double-speak at its finest.

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