Bizarre City Transfers Of The 1980's

The Pink Panther said:
Bill Williams from Stockport County for I think £250k.
We sold him back to County a month or so later for £100k

The reason? It was reported at the time that he had a decorating business and by becoming a full time pro for City meant he was earning less than he could get with his business.

Personally, I think we just wanted to give County some money.
LongsightM13 said:
Asa's left peg said:
What about some of the jocks that Billy McNeil brought in! Gordon Deizel (not spelt right I know) there were a few others who were that crap I cant remember them, Melrose and Tolmie was ok (his posts arent bad either). Derek Parlane looked quailty shame best years were behind him.
Duncan Davidson was another. Beer gut like a pub team player. Remember he scored a late winner at Maine Road, possibly against Swansea, where his shot hit the post, bounced out, hit the back of the keeper's head and in. And he was never seen or heard of again.

And Dominic Sullivan!<br /><br />-- Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:40 pm --<br /><br />
waterloo blue said:
Ian Davies, a full back from Norwich.
Absolute gash,no pace,couldn't trap a ball to save his life.
Paul Sugrue,bought from Walsall(I think).Ran around like a headless chicken( a la Nicky Ried).
Tony Cunningham,had it all pace,strength er. thats about it.
Wayne Biggins,Trevor Christie had a strange skill for strikers,they couldn't score goals.
Dave Johnson and John Gidman,obviously past it,but we gave them a go.
All the kids we let go like Dave Bennet and his brother Gary,Earl Barrett,Paul Warhurst,Ashley Ward,who all went onto have great careers and could have done a job for us and were no worse than the garbage we had turning out at the time.

Sugrue came from Nuneaton Borough..
A little unfair on Biggins, he scored 9 in 32....not too bad!
Anybody remember Barney Daniels think we got him from Ashton United/curzon? remember rodney marsh wouldn't pass him the ball he had a cracking shot tho.
Gary James said:
The Pink Panther said:
Bill Williams from Stockport County for I think £250k.
We sold him back to County a month or so later for £100k

The reason? It was reported at the time that he had a decorating business and by becoming a full time pro for City meant he was earning less than he could get with his business.

Personally, I think we just wanted to give County some money.

Much the same as the MON deal. Perhaps it was all rigged up front with both chairmen agreeing to split the difference in backhanders and brown paper envelopes.......? Pertsonal wealth above club coffers perhaps. Allegedly!
I have to choose Alex Williams,even though he had huge hands he was useless,never enjoyed a game he played in,my young great nephew could distribute the ball better.
Bill Williams - worked with him recently and he explained his transfer and his time at City.

Jimmy Frizzell set up the transfer on the understanding he would keep to part-time training as at Stockport. The training times themselves didnt differ much to being full-time but gave him flexibililty for his painting business. He was bought to cover for Brian Gayles sale that had been agreed to somewhere but it fell through at the last minute, after Bill signed.

Gayle kept his place at the club so Bill was able to re-join County as Machin wanted only full-time training and with Gayle staying meant there was no place for him. His re-sale suited all parties.

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