Block 544

Don't condone it but they deserve it the way they acted.

Had 5 or 6 in a row next to me, but they kept quiet during the game.

I assume the club have a record of who the seats were allocated to, could they not potentially review this to see who these tickets were allocated to in the first place!?
We got off the tube top of wembley way and one Sunderland fan was having a bit of friendly banter with my son and he said to him,"anyway you could n't sell your allocation of tickets and these were sent to us and we snapped them up". Makes you wonder.
We were in 542 and there were two Sunderland fans sat four / five rows in from of us. One was an elderly guy the other was a young lad probably his grandson. At half time a steward spoke to them and then escorted both of them out.
Nellies left foot said:
We got off the tube top of wembley way and one Sunderland fan was having a bit of friendly banter with my son and he said to him,"anyway you could n't sell your allocation of tickets and these were sent to us and we snapped them up". Makes you wonder.
We were in 542 and there were two Sunderland fans sat four / five rows in from of us. One was an elderly guy the other was a young lad probably his grandson. At half time a steward spoke to them and then escorted both of them out.
Sad when an old fella and his Grandson can't sit in a football ground and support their team,on the other hand if a bunch of pissed up halfwits are coming the big I am then sorry what do they expect.
It was how they celebrated there goal. Jumped up turned round to face us fist clenched shouting at us . Deserved to get thrown out but no need for the violence tho . One of the clownswas even wearing a jesters hat !!!<br /><br />-- Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:08 am --<br /><br />It was how they celebrated there goal. Jumped up turned round to face us fist clenched shouting at us . Deserved to get thrown out but no need for the violence tho . One of the clownswas even wearing a jesters hat !!!
Any city fan who bought a ticket just to make money is a wanker end of.

Anyone in the club who has done this which is more likely given the seats were altogether should be sacked.
cant possibly be city fans cashing in because that would result in one or two being here and there block rows of 4/5 must have come from the ticket office or another official close link or the likes of ticketmaster who have not checked they are city fans
I'm sure there was lots of our fans in their end and their forums will be full of these stories....
You know how it is, some fans are that hellbent on being at a final they would sell their soul to be there and if that means sat amongst the other teams fans so be it, throw in beer and an unexpected goal and I defy anybody to just sit on their hands when it goes in.
I'd hazard a guess these will have been FA allocated tickets by the way they were in blocks. There was a group of Sunderland in 551 too. I heard a couple joining in with their singing, and said to my brother 'it's going to kick off here'. When they scored 5 or 6 jumped up and everyone turned on them, so the three right next to me got straight up and left. The others kept their mouths shut after that, but it was notable that after they got started on, many blues were telling the aggressors to leave them alone.

What I did notice is that when we scored the third more left and there were around 20 empty seats. They must have have been Sunderland who kept quiet.

It's no scandal, it's just the way it goes at wembley.

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