Blood pressure

Thanks, I’ve also upped my exercise to include walking as well as the golf 2/3 times a week, we can a feel invincible in our younger years but this came down on me like a ton of bricks.
Well I guess if we act we can put things right
Discussing olives on a blood pressure thread!
One olive gives you your entire daily salt requirements.
That’s not true

Olives are typically high in salt due to the fact that they are cured or packaged in brine or salt water, containing about 0.6g salt per five olives. The NHS recommends no more than 6g salt for adults, and between 2g-5g a day for children depending on their age.

Do those of you diagnosed with hypertension receive lifestyle/dietary advice and instruction? Or does your GP just offer medication and send on your way?
In truth what should happen is you have blood tests, urinalysis and an ECG..some do a CXR too and renal USS dependent on age.That should be the prerequisite before you start any treatment.Again, depending on age and the level of the reading you may be given lifestyle advice, perhaps a 24 hr monitor if white coat hypertension is thought to be an issue.If exceptionally high ace inhibitor or calcium channel blocker, age dependent may be started immediately.
Lifestyle, well exercise, reduce alcohol, stop smoking, lose weight,reduce stress if you can. Diet is very contentious and will not pretend there is some correct mantra.But the obvious is less processed food, less sugar, more vegetables and fruits, reduce calorie intake,oily fish, meat once a week.
And you can buy a good BP machine on amazon for 20 quid. Take a reading wait 15 minutes and do it again.record your readings and show them to the GP.
If you are not getting that level of support or advice move to a GP who will provide it.
Off to buy some garlic..check up in 3 months I'll be 6 months sober, be interested to see any benefits
Fair fucks to you. It really is the cause of all my health issues.

You seem very invested into this topic. Are you a health buff? Genuine question.
Fair fucks to you. It really is the cause of all my health issues.

You seem very invested into this topic. Are you a health buff? Genuine question.
About 6 months ago I'd say I was half n half, liked a good drink but did a bit of exercise and tried to eat well. But now I've quit the drink I've upped the exercise and healthy eating. I'll be 50 next year and want to see the blues win plenty more titles;)
I am type 2 diabetes - 65yo.
In my youth I could eat what I liked and drink too. I really gave my internal organs some work to do.
A few years ago I was diagnosed type 2.
The way I looked at it was this.
My diet was turning my blood into something akin to syrup. Turning my blood into this liquid meant that my heart was having to work harder to pump the gloop round my circulatory system, not good.
Trying to suss out which foods (and drink) were right for me took quite a while but I think I have got to grips with it, although I do eat unhealthy
food sometimes.
Sugar is bad for BP and salt is too, also making your blood gloopy.
Smoking makes things worse by narrowing your arteries, making your heart work even harder.
Consider this for a moment. When you go out for a pint (or whatever) what snacks are available?
Mostly they will be salty, crisps, pork scratchings etc. These snacks will cause you to be thirstier, meaning that you will drink more.
I am not trying to be sanctimonious or trying to tell anyone what they should or shouldn't consume, we're all adults after all, but having altered my diet I do feel that I am in significantly better shape in my 60s than I was a few years ago.
It's in your hands....
I am type 2 diabetes - 65yo.
In my youth I could eat what I liked and drink too. I really gave my internal organs some work to do.
A few years ago I was diagnosed type 2.
The way I looked at it was this.
My diet was turning my blood into something akin to syrup. Turning my blood into this liquid meant that my heart was having to work harder to pump the gloop round my circulatory system, not good.
Trying to suss out which foods (and drink) were right for me took quite a while but I think I have got to grips with it, although I do eat unhealthy
food sometimes.
Sugar is bad for BP and salt is too, also making your blood gloopy.
Smoking makes things worse by narrowing your arteries, making your heart work even harder.
Consider this for a moment. When you go out for a pint (or whatever) what snacks are available?
Mostly they will be salty, crisps, pork scratchings etc. These snacks will cause you to be thirstier, meaning that you will drink more.
I am not trying to be sanctimonious or trying to tell anyone what they should or shouldn't consume, we're all adults after all, but having altered my diet I do feel that I am in significantly better shape in my 60s than I was a few years ago.
It's in your hands....

Sugars - I think it's refined sugars particularly, and this must have been what showed up in the blood test. Got told to cut down on biscuits, cake, bread...

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