Bloody Sunday: Soldier F faces murder charges

We were just following orders.

Further, that very court had this to say in the matter of superior orders: "... that all civilized nations recognize the principle that a subordinate is covered by the orders of his superiors."[13]

Many accused of war crimes were acquitted on a similar defense, creating immense dissatisfaction among the Allies. That has been thought to be one of the main causes for the specific removal of this defense in the August 8, 1945 London Charter of the International Military Tribunal. The removal has been attributed to the actions of Robert H. Jackson, a Justice of the United States Supreme Court, who was appointed Chief Prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials.

On the other hand, when the defendants could not reasonably claim that they did not know their orders were clearly illegal, the defense was ineffective. For instance, Lieutenants Dithmar and Boldt were ordered to fire on lifeboats, obeyed the order, and were found guilty in the same German Military Trials[14]
Not "Bloody Sunday", but a similar trial of 2 former soldiers involved in a shooting in April 1972 has collapsed and the pair of them have been formally acquitted by a Judge.
The 2 ex soldiers are now in their 70s and both had pleaded not guilty to murder.
It's crazy that they keep having these trials about incidents that happened almost 50 years ago.
It's time that Republicans accepted that alot of people from all 3 sides died ,and that they should move themselves into the 21st century.
Time is a great healer,so I am told.
Back of the net
Which net though.
Could turn out to be an own goal with the latest reports that the Queen’s speech will include a general amnesty for all legacy crimes in NI prior to the GFA.

There is merit in the idea I feel, but not how Boris has gone about it, pissing everyone in The North off, Unionist and Republican, because he has done this without consultation with any signed up parties to the Stormont House Agreement.

Regarding the case you commented on , this should not have anything to do with the ruling of the judge in this case, but may wrongly be viewed as part of the amnesty in time.

In general an amnesty is good news for ex-servicemen who were stationed in The North but it will also affect families of servicemen that were killed in the North by paramilitary groups that would also see it as good news.

I don’t object to a truth and reconciliation type of solution similar to South Africa but although it doesn’t end in any prosecution it does involve full inquiries and would have to involve all bodies that have signed up already to the Stormont Agreement.
Not "Bloody Sunday", but a similar trial of 2 former soldiers involved in a shooting in April 1972 has collapsed and the pair of them have been formally acquitted by a Judge.
The 2 ex soldiers are now in their 70s and both had pleaded not guilty to murder.
It's crazy that they keep having these trials about incidents that happened almost 50 years ago.
It's time that Republicans accepted that alot of people from all 3 sides died ,and that they should move themselves into the 21st century.
Time is a great healer,so I am told.
Easier said than done if one of your loved ones was murdered, I’d imagine

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