Blue Alliance Fans Survey - Improving The Atmosphere

bluebannana said:
simple swap the away fans with the singing section

This isn't simple, as the away fans have the car park outside and it's all sectioned, they walk straight from the main road to this area.

We need to relocate away from the away fans. keep them there

Support the team - not constantly screaming at away fans and taking the piss about the fat guy
bluebannana said:
simple swap the away fans with the singing section

why not have all members of the BA in the same section. Is this the survey I just recieved asking me why I didnt attend the dortmund game.

wearethesouthstand said:
Danny has said today even though the club might like to get all the singers together in one area it isn't possible because of the police and the council. We are where we are -with 2 blocks of singers, so we have to make the best of it.
wearethesouthstand said:
Danny has said today even though the club might like to get all the singers together in one area it isn't possible because of the police and the council. We are where we are -with 2 blocks of singers, so we have to make the best of it.

I'm sorry but this is pathetic reasoning and there must be a way around it. We're turning the area from a industrial graveyard into a mecca and must have enough sway to shift the away fans a few blocks across if we really push for it. What health and safety issues would prevent it? A new barrier or two having to be erected? I don't have much faith that the club will change this but I don't buy into the stance that it's impossible to move the away fans a few blocks across when we have control of our stadium and access outside of it.
Joehannes said:
bluebannana said:
simple swap the away fans with the singing section

why not have all members of the BA in the same section. Is this the survey I just recieved asking me why I didnt attend the dortmund game.

wearethesouthstand said:
Danny has said today even though the club might like to get all the singers together in one area it isn't possible because of the police and the council. We are where we are -with 2 blocks of singers, so we have to make the best of it.

were spending millions in stadium upgrades and more in training facilities, why cant we spend some on facilitating the home fans in all of the south stand and making it safe for away fans in the east stand.
For me the only thing which would work is to campaign hard for Safe Standing, Scotland have done it why can't we? South Stand lower would become the Standing end with the away fans moved round a bit more in the corner. This way mates who don't necessarily have season tickets can stand with mates who do and if you're in the mood for a sing song you can stand in the bit you know will be more vocal, if for whatever reason you're not you can just stand I'm another bit. Its got to be safer than 2 per seat how it is at the minute.
here some ideas from an Italian and true Blue fan

1. good relationship and communication with the club
2. the club needs to understand the importance of an organized group of supporters, it might sound stupid but fans can be the 12th man very often
3. the club needs to understand that is also about £££ money, a group of fans like Blue Alliance can generate money (merchandise, scarfs, hats, flags, tickets, etc. etc.) and that is something that you guys might need to understand as well

Said that, the club - stadium - police or whoever is responsable need to allow the following things in South Stand
One or two drums and one megaphone to get people start to sing (I am not sure if this stuff is allowed)

Regular meetings (every week) for Blue Alliance members or people that wants to get involved with them
Meetings are done to organize particular choreographies for each match (doesn't need to be anything huge to start, no huge banners or anything)

Often in Italy, to make things easier, supporters clubs or ultras group prints some flyers explaining to people in a certain block or sector what to do
As I said doesn't need to anything HUGE or particular difficult to organize... we can start with SIMPLE THINGS ...

EXAMPLES, when the team gets on the pitch we decide a certain song to sing, print flyers if we are not sure all the people in the sector knows the song (or anyway it is a way to advise all the people in the blocks about the song to sing). These flyers get placed before the match on each seat of the sector/block. Another example, when team gets on pitch South Stand start singing that certain song and everybody with the scarf out, it is easy and simple everybody has bloody scarf. This simple thing, alone and at the start of match, would improve the atmosphere of the stadium... Same thing to be done at the start of the second half ...

Then we choose a second song, and on that songs scarfs out again but this time rolling or moving in circular way (sorry, dont know how to say it)

And this is just an example of how to start things.... then we can get more and more organized, do some small coreographies with flags (need to be allowed in n that certain block) etc etc

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